Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 240: The Battle of the White Deer and the Devil (2/5)

"Fool, do you think you can save those two stupid bears this way? It's naive!"

Just after Cenarius and Goldrinn merged with the Bear Brothers, Archimonde made a move!

Although the Rebels created an excellent rescue opportunity with Aviana's help, Archimonde reacted immediately. . lωχ520.

Feeling that he was being teased, Archimonde was furious, he strode directly into the battlefield and intercepted Cenarius and Goldrinn himself.

Because of Goldrinn's fascination, Archimonde directed his firepower at Cenarius, which made Cenarius extremely embarrassed.

Among the gods of the wilderness, Cenarius' combat effectiveness is the inverse-if it weren't for the existence of Eisena, the mother of the elves, who had almost no offensive power, perhaps Cenarius would really be the bottom.

One can imagine how embarrassing Cenarius was facing the aggressive Archimonde at this time: it wasn't that he didn't want to fight, he couldn't fight at all.

Cenarius tried to summon vines to entangle Archimonde. However, the sturdy vines were easily torn apart like withered grass in front of Archimonde. Cenarius found tragically that he could hardly delay Archimonde's movements. .

I saw Archimonde summoning a large rain of fire while waving his hand, pushing back the furbolg and night elves who were trying to rescue, and then directly raised his fist at Cenarius.

Cenarius dodged from left to right, avoiding most of Archimonde's attacks-as a result, the angry Archimonde summoned the Shadow Cage and imprisoned Cenarius.

Although Cenarius broke free from the prison for the first time, the brief stagnation made him inevitable for Archimonde's attack.

At this critical moment, a huge white deer appeared on the battlefield.


Seeing that his son was in danger, Malorne finally appeared on the battlefield. He pierced Archimonde's chest with his sharp antlers. If Archimonde continued to swing his fists, he would be stabbed deeply. cool.

In desperation, Archimonde could only temporarily abandon Cenarius and turn to deal with Malorne.

After avoiding the attack and carefully looking at Malorne, Archimonde grinned and began to laugh.

"Very good, very good-I didn't expect this world to have natural life like you, remember, it was Archimonde who sent you to hell!"

As Archimonde reported his name, the demons of the Burning Legion began to cheer.

Malorne turned a deaf ear to this. He was using his body as a cover to let Cenarius and Goldrinn return to the defense with the giant bear brothers, and then launched a charge towards Archimonde.

At this time, the birds in the sky have dispersed (if they don't leave, they will be wiped out by the Doomsday Guards), and the demons on the ground have also tacitly made room for the duel of the two extraordinary men.

When the strength reached a certain level, the role of skill gradually became smaller-Archimonde and Malorne battled like this.

There are no dazzling skills, no spells flying all over the sky, and some are just the most primitive but effective wrestling.

The fel in Archimonde's hand caused singulations on Malorne's white fur, and the long horns of the white deer also left scars on the demon's body. The powerful demons of the Burning Legion and the powerful creatures of Azeroth fought in such a wild and primitive way.

In all fairness, Malorne was not Archimonde's opponent.

But beside Nordrassil, this land is full of natural forces.

As the battle progressed, Archimonde was surprised to find that although this white deer was clearly not his opponent, he was inexplicably more and more energetic.

What's even more exaggerated is that the fel burn on Malorne is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"damn it!"

Archimonde soon discovered the magical function of the nasty tree not far away. Therefore, he repeatedly wanted to lead Malorne away, so that he could deal with Ursol and Ursoc. Consume Malorne.

But Malorne is not stupid. After seeing Archimonde's power, how could he leave Nordrassil!

The battle fell into a weird stalemate.

Malorne is naturally happy to see this. It seems that as long as Archimonde takes a shot, the demons will not swarm them, and it will be much easier to delay time.

Archimonde didn’t know the news that the Eastern Front Rebels had already marched, so he was not in a hurry. In his opinion, even if he really couldn’t take down the White Deer, it might not be long before Lord Sargeras would When it comes, a hundred white deer will not be enough for Lord Sargeras.

As a result, the battle did not end until the moon rose.

The exhausted Archimonde and Malorne finally stopped, the demons and the rebels were no longer entangled, and the two sides began to recharge and prepare to continue fighting the next day.

Under Nordrassil, the wild gods, Malfurion, Alexstrasza, and Ysera, together began to summarize the first day of battle.

"Thanks to Nordrassil." Malorne had a lingering fear, "Without the help of this world tree, I am afraid I am not the opponent of that big devil."

And under Cenarius’ treatment, Ursol, who was barely energetic, was exhausted: “The devil obviously doesn’t know what’s going on in the east. It seems that they are not in a hurry, but once the devil finds us It is estimated that they will rush to attack regardless of casualties, and that will be the real test."

Ursol’s words resonated with the gods of the They only saw this time that their personal strength seemed a little weak in front of endless demons, as strong as the giant bear brothers, although they could kill on their own. Thousands of demons died, but if it were not the last rescue, they would also die among the demons.

"In fact, I am more worried about the moon guards." Malfurion's words shocked everyone present. "In the defensive battle this morning, many moon guards were exhausted. Although these spellcasters are powerful, they They are also very fragile. Once they misfire, I believe the demons will be willing to rush to fight us, especially after they know that the Eastern Front has entered."

"Although time is on our side, the number advantage is on the devil's side." Aviana also sighed. "Just in today's battle, my children told me that the number of demons is still hard to count. It seems that once we discover the battle on the Eastern Front, our life will be quite difficult."

"There is one more question." Alexstrasza also shook his head, "Nordrassil is just a new born tree. If the battle has always been like this, I am afraid she will not last long..."


I got up late, two in the morning, and three more in the evening. (To be continued.)

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