Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 246: Siege of Jin Azshara

Archimonde is going to blew himself up!

After the rebels discovered his intentions, they began to flee.

But how can the night elves, furbolgs, and tauren get past Archimonde? Archimonde, who was more than ten meters tall, took four steps for every step he took!

At the same time, Archimonde's pollution area suddenly increased. The Moon Guard, who wanted to take his teammates for short-distance teleportation, suddenly discovered that the surrounding space was distorted-in this case, it would only be violent to teleport. Space torn apart!

Seeing Archimonde rushing into the rebel formation, once he really blew himself up, among the western rebels, the night elves, furbolgs and tauren would probably be out of the ordinary!

Just at the very moment, Archimonde found his legs were tightly hugged.

The two giant bears, Ursol and Ursoc, stretched out their fore palms, tacitly stopping Archimonde's movements!

"Let go!" Archimonde was anxious, "Do you want to die?"

The already scarred giant bear brothers were unmoved.

Do they want to die? Of course not!

But they chose to die-Archimonde will never understand that this is the power of protection.

In order to protect their lives, Ursor and Ursoc are willing to face death.

In the end, Archimonde's struggle failed to free him from the entanglement of the two giant bears, and his blew up failed to hit the resistance as he wanted.

At the last moment, the giant bear brothers joined forces to knock down Archimonde-after Archimonde blew himself up, the eruption of fel energy directly blasted the two giant bears into the sky.

With the death of Archimonde, the battle was finally over.

When the demon army finally receded like a tide, Tortola poked his head out of the turtle shell.

"Is it all over? Did we win?"

Malfurion nodded silently.

There is no doubt that in this Darnassus battle, the Rebels won the final victory, and the leader of the Burning Legion was almost wiped out. The demon who lost their command would inevitably lose their strength.

But this was just a tragic victory that killed a thousand enemies and lost eight hundred. Among the wild gods, Malorne, Ursol, and Ursoc were killed on the spot. Goldrinn and Aviana were seriously injured, and Agama Gan disappeared (he is still fighting Mannoroth), and the night elves, furbolgs and tauren suffered more than one-third of the casualties.

The fel flame left by Archimonde was finally slowly extinguished because of the loss of energy under Cenarius's tranquil rain, exposing the cracked ground below.

Malfurion leaned over and grabbed a handful of barren wasteland, put it under his nose and sniffed it carefully.

Although Cenarius's simple purification, there is still a strong smell of fel in the wasteland.

"Pollution..." Malfurion clenched his fists, "Never let the devil go on like this!"

"Everyone is divided into two parts. The priestess leaves half to take care of the wounded and clean the battlefield. After the others rest in place, they will continue to set off tomorrow, aiming for Jin Azshara!"


That night, with the help of Zuifeng, the news reached Jin Azshara directly.

Ravencrest finally couldn't help laughing out loud after learning of the victory of Darnassus.

This victory directly injected a shot into the tired Eastern Front Rebels. Most of the soldiers began to prepare to meet with their comrades on the Western Front, and then attack Jin Azshara together-in order to prevent leakage of the news, a few For several commanders, ordinary soldiers did not know that the real killer was Illidan, who had disappeared for a long time.

A few days later, the news of Archimonde's failure finally returned to Jin Azshara.

Many high-level elves were already eagerly about to start turning around, but Queen Azshara still looked calm.

"Archimonde is gone, and me!"

In a public meeting, Queen Azshara mobilized the power of the Well of Eternity.

A large amount of well water directly turned into a radiant arcane enchantment, like half an eggshell, covering the entire Golden Azshara.

"Ilidan, you must guarantee the arrival of Lord Sargeras, all the chaos outside has nothing to do with you!"

"Harves, the establishment of the law and order is left to you, I don't want to see anyone interacting with the untouchables outside the city."

"Varoson, guard the wall and don't be stupid and run into someone else's trap anymore. I won't allow you to fail again."

Azshara rarely recovered her previous shrewdness. After an explanation, the entire Jin Azshara stabilized. After all, the elves who are still alive and have not been sacrificed are the absolute faithful of Queen Azshara. .


Finally, after a month of forced marching, the rebels on the Western Front also came to the city of Jin Azshara.

After all the hardships, Malfurion finally met Ravencrest.

The two men who didn't talk much didn't talk too much, but took a few insiders to a secret meeting.

"Master Ravencrest, are you ready?" Malfurion cut directly to the topic, "According to Illidan's news, the summoning circle is almost ready. When he reverses the circle, we To attract the attention of the defenders for him."

"Hahaha, no problem at all!" Ravencrest was full of confidence, "We have been resting for more than a month, Varoson has not dared to fight with us, and we are happy to have fun-now you are finally here, It is also time for us to let the head of the guard recall some of the original fear!"

Ravencrest’s words are full of After all, no matter how graceful people are being assassinated by others staring at them twice, they will eventually get angry, not to mention Ravencrest’s own temper is not too much. it is good.

"So, Lord Ravencrest, do you have any plans to attack Jin Azshara?"

"Of course." Ravencrest nodded. "If you want to put pressure on, you have to look aggressive. What could be more aggressive than attacking from all sides?"

"My plan is like this. I will bring a few troops to the east, you will bring your troops to the west, the gods and dragons of the wilderness to the north, and Garrod will bring my large troops to the south. We are in four Attack Jin Azshara together in the direction, I promise all the upper elves will panic to death!"

Malfurion didn't have any opinion on Ravencrest's plan, but Ravencrest was very puzzled that Ravencrest was responsible for the behavior of the east with only a few troops.

"Didn't Varoson always want to assassinate you? Why do you only carry a small number of troops..."

"What I want is his assassination!" Ravencrest laughed, "I promise to let him come back and forth!" (To be continued.)

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