Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 247: Vaskey's little luck

The mighty battle of Jin Azshara's siege has begun. Due to the existence of the arcane barrier, the casualties on both sides are actually not large, but the turbulent barrier still makes the upper-class nobles in the city panic. Lewen Mobile

They all know that once Jin Azshara is really breached, then they must face the relentless liquidation of the rebels.

But all the turmoil at this time has nothing to do with Vaskey.

The maid of Queen Azshara is quietly enjoying the luckiest moment of his life.

For two months, she had been pestering Illidan, silently following Illidan's side and carefully taking care of him.

And Illidan became more and more guilty of Vasiqi, he really didn't know how to face this innocent girl now-even if he was slow, he now understood Vasiqi's affection!

But what can I do if I understand? Not to mention that Illidan was still thinking about Tyrande, it was just because of the different camps, the two of them were ultimately fruitless-Vasiqi was Azshara's diehard!

Although the final battle was about to begin, Illidan had a lot of time to quietly think about his future path.

There is no doubt that this time he will become the great hero of the night elves, but then?

Looking at the peaceful well of eternity, Illidan sighed long.

Behind him, Vaschi obviously misunderstood him.

The little maid stopped humming the unknown tune, and asked Illidan cautiously: "What's the matter, Lord Illidan? Did you remember..."

"Tyrande?" Looking at the nervous Vasiqi, Illidan shook his head slightly, "No, I'm just thinking about some other things."

Hearing what Illidan said, Vasiqi was obviously in a good mood, and she hummed a cheerful little tune again.

"By the way, Vaschi, do you have any wishes?"

Illidan's sudden question shocked the little maid, and then her face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I...I hope no one will die again!"

Illidan glanced at Vaschi in surprise, he had no idea that this girl actually proposed such a wish of the Virgin!

Looking at Illidan who was surprised, Vasiqi showed a timid expression.

"My mother died when I was a child... I haven't seen her very much. I have been growing up by the Queen's side. Later, some of the mothers I knew died one after another. I was sad when I left them. I really I don't want anyone to die..."

Illidan nodded.

Sitting on the ground, the two people fell into a long silence looking at the peaceful well of eternity.


That night, while communicating with Zuifeng, Illidan asked an unprecedented question.

"Drunk Wind, do you know how to make the night elves immortal?"

"Oh?" Zuifeng was stunned, "Why did you ask about this?"

"The reason is not important, I just want to know if there is a way."

"There is a way-immortality, just put the soul's ownership on the affairs of immortality." Zuifeng replied after thinking a little bit, "if you really want to do it, I recommend you plant an eternal tree. It is to use the branches or seeds of the mother tree Garnier."

"Then what if I want all night elves to be immortal?" Illidan continued to ask, "Put all the souls on the world tree?"

"Theoretically this is the case, but you may need to find someone to help." Zuifeng nodded, "Look for the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza, she can bless you."

Looking at Illidan thoughtfully, Drunk Wind hurriedly reminded: "The World Tree is not so easy to plant! The growth of the World Tree takes a huge amount of energy-I want to entrust the ownership of all night elf souls, this tree The World Tree must be planted on the Well of Eternity!"

"I understand." Illidan let out a sigh, "Thank you."

Although Zuifeng is really curious why Illidan would ask this question, he is very aware of Illidan's stubborn temper. If he doesn't want to say it, no matter what he asks, there will be no results, so Zuifeng simply ignores this question. , Directly discussed the issue of the final battle with Illidan.

"How are the preparations for the summoning ceremony now?"

"Basically, it's almost complete-the transformation of the magic circle is over, and the rest of the drawing is about to be completed with the help of the dragon soul. The final summon will begin in about three days."

"So did Azshara do anything? Summon new demons or something?"

"According to Vaschi, Azshara is so obsessed with Sargeras that he is unwilling to waste the power of the circle to summon demons, because this will make Sargeras' arrival late; she is also unwilling to inject into the circle by herself. Energy, I guess, is to maintain the best condition."

Drunk Wind nodded.

"So I guess Azshara will be waiting by the Well of Eternity before Sargeras arrives. She might want to see the moment Sargeras walks out of the portal with her own eyes..."

"Then do you have a way to deal with Azshara?"

Illidan was silent.

Now he can be sure that he is definitely not Azshara's opponent, and once Azshara interferes with him, maybe the whole plan will be lost.

"It looks like we need to push Azshara away." Drunk Wind raised his brows, "Let me think about..."

"There is a way!" Thinking of the fact that Illidan said that Azshara is obsessed with Sargeras, Drunk Wind smiled, "I'm afraid we have to take advantage of Azshara's infatuation."

"Oh?" Illidan was obviously interested, "how to use it?"

"It's very simple, I think Azshara must want to face Sargeras in the most perfect look, right? What if her robe gets dirty by accident when the summoning is about to be completed?"

Imagining Azshara panicking, Zuifeng and Illidan both showed malicious smiles.


While Drunken Wind and Illidan were preparing for the final on the walls of Jin Azshara, the battle between the Resistance and the Queen's guard was almost intensified.

The soldiers of the Resistance Army didn't know Illidan's plan. In their opinion, these high-level elves, who were stubborn with the devil, were their enemies and the source of pain.

And the upper elves were not reconciled to these untouchables riding on their heads, so this offensive and defensive battle became more and more intense.

On the three walls of the west, south, and north, the upper elves have been on defense due to the disadvantage of their numbers.

Except in the east, Ravencrest has almost no army, just bluffing under the wall.

And it was Varoson who was responsible for guarding the eastern city wall, and at this time he was almost unable to suppress the anger in his heart!

"Mage! Tell me, is there an ambush for those untouchable camps?!"


The remaining three shifts are in the evening~ (to be continued.)

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