Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 256: Kel'Thuzad Plan

Daelin took Medivh, Old Fording, Eitrigg, and Thrall on the palace teleportation formation in a very secretive manner. After they reached Dalaran, they found Krasus as soon as possible. [Update fast&nbp;&nbp;Please search //ia/u///]

After falling into a drunken coma, Krasus finally ended his life with Alexstrasza, and returned to Dalaran. He was very surprised that Dai Lin would come to find himself at this time-however, when he When he saw the four people behind Dai Lin, Krasus suddenly realized.

"Medivine, what happened to make you come here in such a hurry?"

"Krasus, thank goodness you are here. Thrall is sober. He heard that Blackmore of Dunhold Castle and a mysterious mage joined hands to create a death knight! Combined with the news of the military observers in Dalaran, I think There may have been an inner ghost in Laran-the military observers are absolutely false information!"

Hearing Medivh's words, Krasus frowned.

"You are talking about the piece of information that'due to Gilneas' strange magical winds that caused the wounded in Lordaeron to become zombies?'"

"Yes, that's it! That's definitely a problem."

"I also know there is a problem." Krasus touched his chin. "I asked the tauren before returning. The circle was made by their shaman. It was a pure defensive circle. It took the enemy from the wall. Blow it down, it is impossible to turn people into zombies!"

"That's great!" Medivh let out a sigh, "Now you are back, with this evidence, I think Dalaran will directly participate in the mediation war, right?"

"If you don't come, maybe you can-but you are here today, I think that mysterious mage already knows about you, they will definitely be prepared."

"It's impossible!" Krasus's words made Dai Lin shook his head again and again, "Only the six-member council has the right to know the use record of the palace circle!"

"It's the inner ghost of the Council of Six." Krasus sighed. "Unfortunately, Kel'Thuzad was too cautious. I haven't been able to catch his foot for a long time. I didn't expect to let him succeed when I went out..."

"Kel'Thuzad?!" Dalin and Medivh were both unbelievable. "Why did he do this."

"I don't know." Krasus shook his head. "Maybe only Drunk Wind knows the reason."


At this time, Kel'Thuzad had hurriedly left Dalaran in a teleportation circle.

Krasus was right, all this was Kel'Thuzad's handwriting.

In the process of studying spiritism, Kel'Thuzad inevitably accepted the signal of the Lich King.

Attracted by the Lich King, Kel'Thuzad took a long journey-along the way in Northrend, he met many unheard of things, and when he finally met the Lich King, he was deeply touched by that kind of Attracted by the cold and eternal feeling.

Kel'Thuzad decided to join the Lich King.

In fact, the cooperation with Terenas was nothing more than acting. Terenas thought Kel'Thuzad was standing with him, but didn't know that Kel'Thuzad had colluded with Blackmore without telling him. He hopes to test how to make death knights on orcs.

During the orc war, Kel'Thuzad had seen the power of death knights. He was extremely convinced that as long as there were a large number of death knights, the Scourge would sweep everything.

But there was a flaw in the originally perfect plan-a group of orcs fled Dunhold Castle. In order to prevent accidents, Kel'Thuzad personally killed most of them, but in the end he was accidentally thrown by an orc with a spear. Hit the shoulder socket,

This was not light, although Kel'Thuzad was seriously injured despite the ice armor. Of course, the orc was not well, he was cursed by Kel'Thuzad.

If it weren't for this sort of mess, Kel'Thuzad could guarantee that Lordaeron had been flattened at this time!

Later, he took the second shot, trying to assassinate the orc in the prison, but failed again. The legendary guardian Medivh who had died appeared to rescue the orc.

After that, although Kel'Thuzad had been inquiring about the news, the orc had no news.

But this time, after learning that Dai Lin had used the palace teleportation formation to rush to Dalaran and met with Krasus, Kel'Thuzad decisively left to destroy the evidence.

An old castle on Fenlis Island ignited a raging fire, Dalaran military observers died in the Silverpine Forest, and the death knight production plan of Dunhold Castle also stopped.

When Krasus started to explore, all clues were cut off!

Then, at a new Kirin Tor meeting of six, it was once again tied with regard to whether to send troops...

That's right, although Krasus voted to mediate this time, Kael'thas voted to refuse!

This really exceeded Krasus's expectations.

In this regard, Kael'thas could only show a helpless wry smile.

"Terrenas has just issued a new decree. During the war, in order to ensure the supply of goods, all goods from Quel'Thalas are exempt from duty."

Krasus couldn't help but rubbed his painful temple.

The high elves are obviously rich in mages, why are they always so idiots in politics? For the sake of tax exemption, they stand so rashly. Haven't they discovered the problem?

If the war is not fought early or late, the fight will start as soon as the drunk wind is unconscious. There must be something wrong with this!

Kael'thas noticed Krasus' expression, and after the meeting he went to Krasus specially.

"Sorry My father and I actually tend to mediate, but Quel'Thalas has to consider the opinions of the Silvermoon Council for many things. They insist on reaching this political deal, and I can't do anything."

"Kael'thas, you..." Krasus sighed, "Have you never restricted your idiot-like council? Last time Lordaeron raised taxes because your funny council suddenly decided to withdraw from the alliance— —I remember that they didn’t listen to His Majesty Anastrian’s opinion, did they?"

Kael'thas, who had been exposed to the old bottom, looked very embarrassed, and the arcane magic ball above his head began to spin quickly.

Looking at the awkward blood elf prince, Krasus could only sigh. This is not the fault of the prince in front of him. The discord between the high elf royal family and the Silvermoon Council has long been no secret, although this compromise made him angry. , But what can be done?

Now that Kel'Thuzad can't hold Kel'Thuzad's feet temporarily, Krasus can only do something else temporarily.

For example, out of humanitarian considerations, appease those walking dead.

After all, he studied the anti-natural disaster medicine at the request of Drunk Wind! (To be continued.)

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