Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 257: Krasus's Elixir

Prince Arthas is extremely upset now.

After a strong wind a few days ago, all the wounded in Lordaeron's army except for the Paladin turned into walking dead.

This is a great blow to the morale of the entire army. On the one hand, the soldiers had to be cruel to "kill" their former comrades-in-arms, and on the other hand they began to shrink back. After all, no one wanted to become a zombie.

Although the military observers in Dalaran said that the cause was the strong wind, Arthas was very strange. The clear wind blew the soldiers who attacked the Greymane Wall to the ground. Why did the wounded in the wounded camp have problems?

He wanted to ask the mage under him, but although Lordaeron also had a royal mage, the level was questionable after all.

As early as the end of the orc war, Terenas, in order to rationally annex Alterac and pull Dalaran's vote, organized and passed the "Regulations on the Free Education of Court Masters."

The regulations stipulate that any official lawyer from the alliance countries is eligible to study in Dalaran-once the certificate of training provided by Dalaran is obtained, the mage during the training period is deemed to be fulfilling the contract with each kingdom, and the training time shall not exceed the contract For one-half of the total duration, the kingdom cannot forcibly terminate its training unless there is a foreign invasion.

In other words, all court mages can study in Dalaran instead of working.

As a result, after the war, mages from various countries quickly flooded into Dalaran—Fortunately, because of Karazhan, the resources of mages in other countries were quickly stretched!

Although Lordaeron and Gilneas are currently fighting fiercely, the recall conditions cannot be triggered. Gilneas does not have such restrictions, which makes it very difficult for Lordaeron to fight-although Terenas relied on the power of gold coins to get it. Hexop Group.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly appeared in Alsace's heart: If it can be proved that the zombies were indeed made by Gilneas, maybe all the mages of Lordaeron will be back...

Arthas shook his head quickly.

This kind of thinking shouldn't be the appearance of a paladin. Those zombies are obviously evil things. How can a paladin indulge evil for victory?

Just as Alsace was thinking about it, someone informed that Lord Krasus, one of the six-member council in Dalaran, had arrived. Hearing this news, Arthas hurriedly got up to greet him.

"Welcome, Master Krasus, I didn't expect you to come back—I mean, why did you come?"

The news of Krassus’ disappearance is not a secret at all. After all, a member of the six-member council has skipped all of his public classes, and obviously does not know what he is doing...

Thinking of the mess with the Red Dragon Queen, Krasus blushed secretly.

"Ahem, there are some studies that can't go away-I found some traces of psychic users, but their hands and feet are relatively clean, and the clues are cut off. I can only study some medicines to make up for it."


As a paladin, Arthas didn't know much about spiritism.

"A kind of evil magic, a wizard who studies spiritism will deal with the undead and shadows."

Hearing what Krasus said, Arthas frowned instinctively-as a Paladin, he couldn't hate these negative energies any more.

Wait, necromancer?

Arthas looked at Krasus in surprise.

"You mean, this time our wounded become zombies and it is related to spiritism?"

"Yes." Krasus nodded. "I can even say that the military observers in Dalaran have problems. A strong wind cannot be a manifestation of spiritism-and then that guy died in Silver Pine somehow. forest."

Arthas shook his head irritably.

"Damn it, don't let me catch him-otherwise I must make that **** who studies spiritism look good."

Looking at the angry prince, Krasus sighed impenetrably.

"Really a Paladin who is obsessed with revenge."


Although the wounded who turned into zombies have been resolved, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, Krasus used the red dragon potion to thoroughly "disinfect" the entire barracks, and this action also boosted Lordaeron's morale. A lot.

After all, even if it is a show, it is not easy to invite a leader of a country like Krasus to show.

Just when Gene was surprised to find Lordaeron's morale was high, Krasus, who had left the barracks of Lordaeron, went directly to Gilneas.

Although King Jean was also very dissatisfied with Dalaran at this time, it was more about Antonidas's inaction, for Krasus's ten thousand years of neutrality, and even the wizard who helped himself in the last vote. Gene still has respect.

"Master Krasus, why are you here."

"His Majesty, because of the Dalaran policy, I cannot participate in the war, but there is a problem I must solve-the problem of spiritism."

Gene nodded, he had heard of spiritism a bit, and he found a lot of information after being splashed with dirty water.

"Of course, I personally believe this is a conspiracy, because I asked the Ratchet City Construction Group to know the source of the hurricane on the wall-but since this secret black hand can attack Lordaeron, I think they can also attack Gilneas. "

"Yes." Gene nodded, "This is what I worry about."

"So I brought some potions, potions that can solve this problem."

"Oh?" Gene raised his eyebrows. "Thank you so much!"

After this, Krasus visited Terenas and Varian, and provided the red dragon potion for Lordaeron and Stormwind.

After spending a lot of energy and finally returning to Dalaran, Krasus shook his head facing the five Dalin.

"There is no clue, no evidence, Kel'Thuzad destroyed I can only prevent as much as possible."

"Does this let Kel'Thuzad escape?" Medivh also frowned. "We can't keep passively defending, it would be too costly."

"Yeah..." Dai Lin also sighed, "I really don't know what he thinks, one of the six-member council, actually ran to study spiritism!"

Just when everyone was helpless, a new message came.

Orgrim Doomhammer was found in Arathi Highlands!

The appearance of this orc war chief directly united the alliance for the first time-even Gilneas and Lordaeron had a temporary truce.

And after Admiral Dalin got the news, he said goodbye to Krasus as soon as possible, and went back to assemble his fleet-the destruction of Dalin's son and the Seventh Fleet was given by Orgrim!

Krasus was embarrassed.

"This is definitely Kel'Thuzad's conspiracy!" (To be continued.)

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