Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 275: Thrall and Orgrim

In the murmur of the two-headed ogre, Drek'Thar's wolves returned soon, and there were two orcs and a Pandaren who returned with the wolves. ; Music; literature; novel www.lw+

Orgrim, Rexxar and Old Chen!

"Sure enough, it was you." Drek'Thar nodded. "Dear Warchief, Orgrim."

With that, Drektal was ready to salute.

Orgrim stepped forward quickly and put his strong hands on the old shaman's arms, preventing him from falling down on one knee.

"No, Drek'tal, you shouldn't salute me." Orgrim rarely showed a sad expression. "As a warchief, what I did is not qualified."

Thrall was carefully looking at the orc warchief behind Drek'tal.

Orgrim's age is no longer young-in the eyes of the orcs, the warchief is already middle-aged. But the muscles of his body are still strong and well-proportioned. Although the black armor looks mottled, it is well maintained.

Behind Orgrim was carrying a huge hammer. Except for the ogre gladiator he once faced, Thrall had never seen such a big weapon.

"How is the Frostwolf now? I have been to Alterac Valley, but you are no longer there."

"The Frostwolf was actually pretty good. We left that valley and reached another continent-now we have rediscovered our traditions."

"This is great." Orgrim breathed a sigh of relief, "If the Frostwolf...I really don't know how to face Durotan."

Speaking of Durotan, Drektal pulled Thrall over.

"Warchief, I finally met the son of Durotan. This is Guir, Durotan's son. He did not die at the beginning, but was raised by humans as a gladiator."

Orgrim looked at Thrall carefully.

"Well, it's the little green-skinned furry boy-looks pretty good."

"..." Suddenly seeing the warchief, Thrall was a little at a loss and could only nod in a panic, "Fortunately, I am the champion of the Dunhold Arena..."

"What?" Orgrim's expression changed drastically when he heard Thrall's words, "Are you called Thrall?"

"Yeah." Thrall couldn't figure it out, "Well, what's wrong?"

"Take your weapon, let's fight it!" Orgrim didn't hesitate, "Let me see how much the so-called champion gladiator has!"

Although Thrall was at a loss, this was a challenge from the warchief—for any orc, this was a rare honor.

Everyone stepped away, and a narrow clearing appeared in this jungle. This environment may be a little crude for gladiatorial fights, but this time it was okay because there were not many spectators.

Thrall ended up with Rexxar's axe. He murmured thanks to the strangely dressed compatriot, and then carefully weighed the two axes.

The weight is not bad-as a gladiatorial champion, Thrall can adapt to a variety of different weapons, and the two sharp axes are actually better.

Holding the axe in both hands, Thrall began to call for the power of the elements.

The axe in the left hand suddenly became gray. The blessing of the power of the earth made the axe far heavier than it looked when it hit the enemy, and the hidden frost under the gray showed that the axe also received the blessing of the power of flowing water. .

The axe in his right hand was extremely swift under the blessing of the spirit of the wind. Thrall swung it lightly to bring up the sound of the wind, and even a burnt smell came directly from the air.

Logosh looked at Thrall with satisfaction. He carefully taught his skill to enhance Sa. Thrall’s talent was unparalleled and he mastered this skill in less than a month.

Orgrim also released the Doomhammer behind him. With this prestigious sledgehammer in his hand, Orgrim believed that he was the most powerful warrior.

The battle began.

As a shaman, Thrall's every step of the charge will attract the cooperation of the earth, which makes him not as good as Orgrim in warrior skills, but makes the warchief difficult to deal with.

The champion of the arena is not given for nothing. Thrall’s mastery of dual weapons is far superior to ordinary people, with his left hand axe to block, right hand axe attack-of course, sometimes the reverse, although the strength and skill are not as good as Orgrid Ah, but with the help of the elements, the situation was maintained.

Orgrim seemed to be fighting against his youth when he was young-before every battle, as a famous warrior of Blackrock, he would accept the shaman's blessing, and Doomhammer would shatter all enemies with a howling wind.

Whether it is an ogre, Gron or even Magron, it will eventually fall under this weapon.

Now, Doomhammer has been silent for a long time.

Without the shaman's blessing, this artifact is still invincible, but it is far less magical than before.

With a slight stunned effort, Thrall's right hand axe almost smashed Orgrim's front door. At the moment, Orgrim turned the hammer handle to catch the axe.

"Not bad!"

Orgrim said in a low voice, and then raised the Doomhammer in his hand.

Although the blessing of the elements is lost, Orgrim still has power!

Now that the spirit of the wind is watching Thrall, Orgrim no longer competes for skills, but for power!

Even though Orgrim was already middle-aged, his strength did not decay in the slightest. Thrall was struggling to cope with the hammer after hammer, and even his wrist was sore.

"Sure enough, it is the Great Chief." Thrall also secretly sighed, "A lot of strength!"

Seeing that the battle is difficult to distinguish between the winner and the loser, Salsol turned on the bloodthirsty technique.

Encouraged by the wild spirit, Thrall's eyes turned red, his body suddenly enlarged a circle, and his already tight muscles exaggeratedly bulged.

The two axes in Thrall's hand were getting faster and faster, and even the people watching the battle around them gradually couldn't see clearly.

Faced with this Orgrim didn’t rush, he exhausted all his strength and slammed the heavy Doomhammer into Thrall’s chest-taking advantage of Thrall’s bloodthirsty state The next opportunity that is fleeting and overstretched.

Thrall, who was leaning forward with a sharp axe, decisively gave up the axe at a critical moment.

Orgrim smashed into the air with a hammer, and when he retreated, he found that the handle of the hammer had been caught by Thrall. Thrall took advantage of the skills he learned after thousands of training sessions in the arena. Handle hammer.

Both of them worked hard, and neither of them let go.

Orgrim's strength is greater, and Thrall has the help of the spirit of the earth, and it is difficult for the two to tell the winner for a while.

With a slip under Orgrim's feet, the two orcs finally fell in the field, and a duel turned into a melee fighting on the ground.


Today’s state is very poor, and I feel like I want to say something that I don’t understand... I am optimistic about my state tomorrow, and I’ll be in a good state. (To be continued.)

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