Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 276: Orgrim's Teachings

The battle ended in a strange way. ︾乐︾文︾小︾说|

When Thrall was truly aroused by Orgrim's wildness in his heart, Orgrim kicked Thrall away-after all, this was not Mark Gora.

"Okay, little guy." Orgrim grinned and got up from the ground. "Remember this state, the real battlefield is not something you can handle with the tricks and tricks in the arena."

Thrall was very surprised at this time. He couldn't understand why he had such a power in his heart, which had never appeared in countless battles.

"The honor that we orcs value is not just talking about it! This power itself is deep in our hearts-those without honor, just for survival, can't inspire this power."

Hearing Orgrim say this, Thrall nodded, and he clearly felt the changes that had taken place after this wonderful battle, as if he had broken free.


After the battle, Orgrim apparently recognized Thrall and behaved a lot closer, and Thrall also proposed a unity of troops.

"Fight with humans?" Sure enough, Orgrim was very dissatisfied, "We orcs are pursuing our own liberation, why should we be with humans?"

"The key is not humans, but vows." Thrall shook his head, "This is the promise left by the Frostwolf in exchange for freedom."

Drek'Thar also talked about the related exchanges that Drunk Wind hosted at the time. After hearing the old shaman say this, Orgrim began to think.

"The Pandaren named Drunken Wind is not easy." This is the conclusion Orgrim came to.

When Thrall was worried that he would refuse this cooperation, Orgrim unexpectedly chose to accept it.

"Don't look at me like that, Thrall-you need to understand that being a leader is not just about honor." When Old Chen and Rexxar went to summon the ogres, Orgrim looked at Thrall , "Sometimes, as a leader, you need to make a choice between the survival of the tribe and personal honor. Although I hate drunkenness, in order for the orcs to truly stand in this world, I don't mind temporarily obeying the oath."

Seeing Thrall still very surprised, Orgrim smiled bitterly.

"Even I have done a lot of less honorable things, such as indulging Gul'dan and his men-that time to win the war."

Now that this matter was mentioned, Drek'Thar expressed his dissatisfaction with difficulty, the old shaman snorted coldly, and Orgrim could only shook his head with a wry smile.

When the orcs were under the influence of the devil's blood, it was difficult to suppress the killing in their own body. They would kill each other if they didn't fight with humans. In that case, Orgrim could only follow the trend.

And now, the once bloodthirsty and violent orcs have become sluggish, and Orgrim naturally doesn’t mind taking some gentle attitudes. In the final analysis, Orgrim is neither a hawk nor a dove, although the great chieftain It looks tough, but it also has political wisdom that is rare for orcs.

Subconsciously, he is constantly passing this wisdom to Thrall by precept and deeds.

Thrall was experiencing the wisdom taught by Orgrim in detail, and he didn't understand the meaning after that for a while.


When Orgrim came to the coalition camp, the night elves didn't say anything, but the orcs began to cheer, and the humans began to talk.

After seeing Drunk Wind, Orgrim wisely chose to caress his chest.

"Orgrim is willing to obey the oath to dispatch!"

"It's interesting." Drunk Feng nodded secretly. "There are many orcs who can go to death generously, but there are not many people who can bend and stretch like Orgrim."

Of course Drunk Wind would not refuse Orgrim's kindness.

Most of the forces engaged in the oath are in Kalimdor. Now the strength of the entire Eastern Kingdom is almost stretched. Although the coalition forces are invincible all the way south, the coalition forces in the cities that have been captured by the undead natural disasters have no manpower to occupy.

Now that the orcs have joined, the coalition can allocate a part of its manpower to occupy those cities during the next journey.

It was also in this consideration that Dalin reluctantly agreed to Orgrim's joining. After all, in this case, the direct beneficiary was Kul Tiras. Among the coalition forces, only the Kul Tiras Marines could serve as the occupying force.

After Orgrim and the ogres joined, the entire Dunhold Castle was surrounded by groups-but for a while, everyone didn't know how to attack this fortress.

Dunhold Castle can be used as an orc shelter, on the one hand because of the convenient transportation, and on the other hand because the terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The fortress was built against the hills. Not only was the wall high and deep, but there was also a natural river as a moat. In order to prevent the orc warlocks from making trouble, Dalaran also sent many mages to build a large number of fel defense arrays on the walls. , This makes the demon hunters in the coalition useless.

And if you choose to attack, the coalition forces are bound to pay a very painful price, don't forget that the opponent is a natural disaster! At that time, the sacrificed comrades may become enemies, so a way with lower casualties must be found.

When everyone was almost helpless, and even wanted to call the dragon for support, Thrall put forward his own opinions.

Thrall took off the moon pendant from his neck: "Taresha once gave me this pendant, saying that I can find her by this-but now the army has defended Dunhold Castle, I cannot confirm whether she is Will come out again."

"On the one hand, we call for the support of the on the other hand, I plan to give it a try."

"But aren't you afraid of Taresa being discovered by Blackmoore?" Drunk Wind frowned, "If that happens, she is in danger."

"Even if she is not discovered, if we capture the fortress with the help of the dragon, Blackmoore will definitely drag her to bury her." Thrall looked very low, "Almost no one knows Blackmore better than I, he is a Crazy-so I have to try!"

Listening to Thrall said this, Drunk Wind could only nod his head and agreed.

That night, Thrall secretly placed the necklace on the agreed tree, and then waited nervously for news.

The next day, Thrall found that the necklace was missing. He couldn't wait to come under the tree and began to wait.


Sorry, I was a little uncomfortable today, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up...

Thanks to Ziyao Xingyu for the rewards, the addition will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. (To be continued.)

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