Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 298: Ankahet's past

   The members of the Underground Commando had already seen the map provided by the Vengeance Net before leaving, and Kalecgos immediately realized what the Narsu Abyss meant. ?

The kingdom of Azjol-Nerub is very large. Although it seems that the entrance and exit are in the Narsu Abyss of Dragonblight, in fact, most of this underground kingdom is under Wintergrasp Lake and Icecrown Glacier.

The group of people went up the tunnel and finally reached the ground. The exit was unexpectedly hidden-in the gap between the huge rocks.

Back on the ground, a large group of people began to rush to the abyss of Narsu. It was snowing in Dragon Bone Wilderness at this time, and the heavy snow of goose feathers soon covered the footprints of the group.

There were not many Aijol-Nerubians involved in the counterattack of their homeland this time, but according to Atud, they were all strong fighters. And the main force of this battle was originally not the net of revenge, but the dragon men of the underground assault team.

According to the news of Drunk Wind, a large number of crypt demons appeared in Tarren Mill, so at this time, Aijjol-Nerub should be at a time when his defense is relatively weak.

Soon, the Underground Commando and the Net of Vengeance came to Narsu Abyss.

Stepping on the soft but tough spider silk, everyone went underground.

"I also said that I am not a spiderman, I don't need spider silk if I have the ability!" This is Kalecgos's inner complaint, of course, he will not say such words.

"The Narsu Abyss has access to all the cities of opportunity, Azjol-Nerub, Ankahet, Berconila, Abakoch..." Atud paused, "Unfortunately, now I am afraid they are all in the hands of the Lich King-maybe there are still some places that have become Yogg-Saron."

Atud is a very knowledgeable crypt lord. He has a considerable degree of understanding of the ancient gods. Therefore, his first suggestion after the appearance of the Faceless is to evacuate immediately. Atud believes that the faceless appeared at that time. There are still few people, so you can evacuate after burying.

But Anub'arak, who was victorious in the battle of the Lich King, obviously didn't think so. The proud Anub'arak believed that he could completely solve these faceless people by relying on the strength of the current Azjol-Nerub Empire.

And the timely begging of the Lich King made Anub'arak more proud. He agreed to Ner'zhul’s idea of ​​fighting the Faceless One together, and ordered the Ajj-Nerub fighters to join the Lich King’s army underground. , And fight with the minions of Yogg-Saron.

Unable to persuade Anub'arak, Atud led a small number of Azjol-Nerubians who thought the same as him and believed that the Lich King was untrustworthy, and left their capital. They went all the way south, along The abandoned tunnel hopes to find a place to establish its own stronghold.

In fact, the Azjol-Nerubians once had the upper hand in the face of the faceless people who lacked organization.

Later, the Lich King stabbed the Azjol-Nerubians in the back during the crucial Battle of Ankahet.

Ankahet is a big city second only to Azjol-Nerub. Because of its tall buildings and vast space, Ner'zhul's soldiers at the time were mostly big men like mammoths and snowmen, so it was chosen as The place to fight the faceless.

Originally, Anub'arak hoped to consume the Lich King's strength through this method, who would have thought that Ner'zhul could do even better!

In the battle, with Ner'zhul's order, the mammoths under his control began their talents for trampling the earth.

This talent is deadly underground.

Although Ankahet has been built and reinforced for many years, it is even strong enough to withstand the test of an earthquake, but hundreds of mammoths trampled on the ground rhythmically, and the buildings here began to collapse.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Azjol-Nerubians did not react for a while, the mammoth rushed out from the exit, and then quickly sealed the entrance and exit.

The isolated and helpless Azjol-Nerub fighters fought desperately with the Faceless, and eventually both suffered. The long-awaited undead natural disaster finally appeared, solving the faceless, and directly took the dead and intact Aijjrubians resurrection.

As a result, when Anub'arak personally greeted the warriors who had returned from victory, General Sbrak made a sudden move and pierced the sharp horn into Anub'arak's chest.

In the chaos, the defenseless Azjol-Nerub was defeated in a battle. Although many people fled from the disaster, they lost their homes and relatives.

In this case, Atud initially organized a lot of Aizhu-Nerub’s defense forces, fought against the Lich King, and even designed an ambush and assassinated General Sbrak, but in the Lich After the king resurrected one after another of Aijjol-Nerub fighters, Atud realized that he would have no chance of winning in this situation.

So, with all of the Azjol-Nerubians, Atud found the dragon in the Dragonblight Wilderness.

According to the previous plan, before attacking Azjol-Nerub, the underground assault team would first occupy Ankahet, which was basically abandoned after that tragic battle. Later, according to the scouts sent by Atud, here There is no subordinate of the Lich King at all, and then some remaining forces of the Faceless.

In other words, as long as they win Ankahet, the underground assault team will have an offensive outpost.

What's interesting is that the grievances between the dragons and the faceless have been entangled for a long time. After the fall of Deathwing, the dragon saw these guys who looked like indescribable objects for the first time. They were the subordinates of Deathwing.

And for thousands of years, the dragon has finally gradually learned about these faceless men and their masters, so everyone is full of confidence for this battle of Ankahet.

You don’t have to think about it too much. Now Yogg-Saron has not released the seal, so the command and dispatch of the Faceless at this time is still in various chaos. The Battle of Ankahet was a strange chaos from the beginning. Rhythm.

And under the chaos, the Dragon Legion has not been afraid of anyone!

The strong dragon men opened the way, and the underground assault team pushed straight all the way!

Ankahet's raid was just an appetizer. The vast underground hall gave the dragon a chance to recover its body. All the dragons flapped their wings and got up, and began to breathe the dragon's breath.

In the turbulent dragon language magic and the billowing dragon breath, the underground assault team advanced smoothly. Although there were a lot of faceless people, they were not the opponents of the dragon and the dragon at all. They were either frozen into ice or melted. As ashes.

The entire battle was extremely smooth for the underground assault team-of course, except for Kalecgos who fought with the leader of the faceless warlord Volaz.

Kalecgos, who had restored the form of the dragon, was embarrassingly made by Volaz at this time, and Kalecgos's own illusion was hanging up and beating! (To be continued.) 8

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