Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 299: Return to Aizu Nirub

   Kalecgos in the form of a dragon, facing a phantom that was much worse than his own strength, a phantom that was twisted by the energy of the ancient gods from the faceless, he lost because of his incomparable fighting consciousness.

To be honest, even Volaz himself didn't expect that there would be someone whose fighting consciousness was so bad that he would be knocked down by his phantom...

It's almost like when two people are fighting, one person rushes up and backs up, and then the one being pushed suddenly falls to the ground-it's literally touching porcelain!

Phantom's step-by-step dragon's breath can always interrupt Kalecgos's own dragon's breath-although the former is far less powerful than the latter. But Kalecgos was anxious, facing his phantom and forcibly vomiting, only to open his mouth, the dragon's breath choked his head and fell from the sky.

Fortunately, the battles of the others went smoothly, and Eranikus rushed over to protect Kalecgos.

Facing the green dragon, Volaz repeats his old trick.

A phantom based on Eranikus appeared out of thin air and began to attack the dragon.

But Eranikus did not hesitate to solve the phantom easily, and then, after the large dragon breath, Volaz had to retreat-no way, there are not many faceless people in Ankahet, and now he does not Leading the retreat can't run away.

In general, with the exception of the unconscious Blue Dragon, the entire Battle of Ankahet went smoothly. The number of faceless men was scarce and their combat effectiveness was insufficient. The resistance here was quickly wiped out.

Afterwards, Vengeance Net began to rebuild in Ankahet, and first prepared a meeting room for the underground assault team as required.

Although the absence of the commander made the scene very embarrassing, fortunately, Eranikus was also experienced. He stood up to give orders to Kalecgos who was unconscious and dealt with all issues in an orderly manner.

"The information of the Vengeance Net is correct." Eranikus held out a finger expressionlessly, "Even for the dragon, this place is indeed spacious. We must first participate in the attack on Aizhuo- The members of Nerub are transferred here, this is the first thing."

"Then there is the specific plan for the next battle. We don't know the situation of Azjol-Nerub, nor where the guy named Ner'zhul is hiding. We can only fight and look for it."

Speaking of this, all the dragons present frowned.

Everyone has seen the map of Vengeance. From the map, you can see how crazy the architects of the Azjol-Nerubians are. They use the underground space to a great extent, and the various tunnels are curved, It is densely packed, in this case, it is undoubtedly difficult to find a guy who hides.

According to the news from the Vengeance Net, it is basically certain that Ner'zhul is hiding underground, but finding Ner'zhul in a busy tunnel is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"So our main purpose is to find the traces of Ner'zhul? Isn't it?" Kromi, who turned into a dwarf loli, gave a confident smile, "This is not as difficult as you imagined, as long as it is exposed in the world. Traces, few people can get rid of the bronze dragon's tracking, because time and space are originally one."

"Do you have a way?"

"Of course! As long as Ner'zhul has appeared, I can start to find him in time!"

"Yeah!" Eranikus slapped his head, "I forgot that you are a bronze dragon! In this case, as long as Ner'zhul has appeared, we can find him in time?"

"Yes." Chromie nodded. "Although this method is troublesome and wastes the sand of time-it is easy to be discovered, but it is also the best method."

"In this case, let's ask when Ner'zhul appeared!"


Unfortunately, after many inquiries, Ner'zhul never really appeared.

This is very embarrassing!

In fact, the soul of Ner'zhul is still in that piece of ice! In this case, how could he appear in person!

In desperation, with regard to the search for Ner'zhul, the underground assault team can only be put aside first-the main force of the dragon legion has reached Ankahet, and the next goal is Aijol-Nerub!

The distance from Ankahet to Azjol-Nerub is very close. Although this tunnel was once collapsed by the mammoths, the Lich King later repaired these passages in order to attack Azjol-Nerub. And in order to facilitate the passage of their main force, it was specially built to be very spacious.

Originally, there were some undead and natural disaster guards in this passage, but now, these guards have been cleared by Atud's net of revenge.

Since I don’t know if the news of the destruction of these undead will be known immediately by the Lich King, the Vengeance Net and the Underground Commando decided to dispatch immediately and go straight to Azjol-Nerub!

As for the Lich King, maybe he is not in Azjol-Nerub, but now that there is a net of revenge, it will be sooner or later to find him!

Atud was still leading the way, and the dragon and the dragon followed behind.

As we walked along, there was nothing but some corpses in the passage. It seemed that the Lich King was really unprepared for this raid!

Finally, the excited Atud took everyone around a corner, and not far in front was a huge underground space.


Looking up a tightly closed gate appeared in front of everyone. On both sides of the gate, there are two stone pillars with a strong Aizhu-Nerub style. The stone pillars are decorated with various Kind of spider.

The location of the gate is very clever. It just limits a row of entrances into this space. Although there is a relatively open area in front of the gate, it cannot accommodate too many people. This kind of attack can be launched but it is difficult to send an army to attack. The building method fully embodies the wisdom of the Aizhuo-Nerubians.

It's a pity that this wisdom seems to be used in the wrong place...

Interestingly, this gate did not completely block off the entire passage. There was still enough space above the passage for the dragon to fly over.

Seeing this, Kalecgos, who lost face in Ankahet last time, took the lead, turned into a dragon and flew over.

"Beware of cobwebs!"

Atud's reminder was obviously a step slower.

As soon as he opened his wings, Kalecgos was spotted by the crypt demon on the wall. Facing the huge dragon, the crypt demon calmly spit out a large cobweb.

These sticky, tenacious webs bound Kalecgos firmly.

The poor blue dragon plunged from the sky again...

Seeing Kalecgos, who was foaming at the mouth again and unconscious, Eranikus, helpless, could only take over the command again. (To be continued.) 8

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