Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 338: Kane vs. Vaskey (3/5)

It was nothing else that flew towards Vashj, it was a huge halberd. . :.

In order to avoid this halberd, Vasqi inevitably moved aside. At this moment, a tauren warrior came to Magatha's support.

And this warrior is not someone else, it is the Tauren Chieftain Kane Bloodhoof!

Originally, Kane didn’t need to participate in this battle. He was one of the main members in charge of the second line of defense, but after Magatha and Goodall left, Kane Bloodhoof always thought something was wrong-Ma He couldn't understand Gaza any more. Once he had a temper, he could hardly persuade him. Although Goodal was also a respected shaman, he couldn't help Magatha!

And Magatha's temper is so hot, if something happens, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, after Kane and Hamuul spoke, he hurriedly left overnight and rushed to Darkspear Bay.

It was not as good as it was a coincidence. He happened to see the scene where Magatha was hit by the Frost Bolt, and threw the rune spear in his hand in a hurry!

After Kane's help, Magatha also eased out of the ice. Thinking of what she had done, she couldn't help but blush - fortunately, she was black and couldn't see it.

"Warchief... I'm sorry..."

"Don't talk about this yet, Sister Magatha, you go back to rest first, this naga'hand over' to me. Zero↑9△"

Magatha no longer fought hard, but nodded. After giving Kane an elemental blessing, he limped out of the battle and left the battlefield.

Vashj watched Magatha leave quietly, but did not stop him.

"Warchief?" Vashj's voice was still low and hoarse, "It seems that you are the leader of the tauren?"

"Exactly!" Kane took off the totem pole behind him, stood on the ground, and looked at Vasily in front of him solemnly. "I am the warchief of the Kalimdor tauren, Kane Bloodhoof-you who is it?"

"I... I'm Vasiqi..." Vasiqi reported his name hesitantly, "Let me see what you can do."

With that, Vasiqi pulled out the rune spear beside him and threw it to Kane.

Reaching out his hand to catch the spear, Kane was secretly surprised by Vaschi's power. It was obviously a Naga who looked weak and could not help but his strength was surprisingly great? !

The resistance in the sea is not comparable to that of the land. In the sea, the power required for quick shots is much greater than that on the ground, so Vasiqi is clearly a naga who is good at agility and spells, but his power is not weak!

At this time, Kane is at the peak of his combat power. His physical fitness is exploding, his skills are proficient, and his combat experience is rich. If Kane faces Princess Theradras again at this time, even if it is still difficult to win, he will never be beaten so Crap!

But even so, Kane still didn't dare to be big, he directly called for the protection of the ancestor's spirit and entered a state of violent violence. Zero ↑ ​​nine △

And Vasiqi did not wait for the opponent to take the lead. When Kane was roaring up to the sky, Vasiqi had already ‘shot’ a frosty arrow.

However, Vaschi frowned.

Although the Frostbolt hit Kane's'chest' without hindrance, it only left a touch of frost on his'hair', and nothing more.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kane launched a charge against Vaschi.

The soft coast inevitably slowed the speed of Kane's charge. When he was halfway through the charge, Vashj's fork lightning had already struck!

At the same time, Vaschi took a longbow with two hands and three arrows, and went straight to Kane's "door". Don't forget, Vaschi has four arms!

Facing the forked lightning, Kane still did not evade, letting the lightning hit his'chest', he just shook his head and dodged three sharp arrows dangerously and dangerously.

This time the injury was a bit more serious. Kane’s hair was scorched, and the skin under the hair seemed to be bruised, but this injury was nothing more than a battle-tested fighter. 'drizzle.

But now, Vashj had no chance to cast spells-Kane had already rushed in front of him.

The violent Kane raised his rune spear and slammed it directly at Vashj. The sharp sound of breaking wind heralded the power of this blow.

In this case, Vasiqi didn't dare to face the front, and had no choice but to raise the longbow in his hand to defend, while evading to the side.

Although it escaped the blow, with a loud noise, the longbow in Vasiqi's hand was smashed into two pieces!

And Kane took advantage of the situation to backhand it again!

An ice shield appeared out of thin air, blocking between the two.

Although this seemingly sturdy ice shield was broken by Kane with a single blow, Vaschi's hands with bows and arrows had already held a pair of short knives at this time, and the cross ‘cross’ blocked Kane’s attack.

Of course, because there was still a gap in strength, Vashj was repulsed, leaving a long mark on the beach.

When Vashj retreated, Kane tried to attack with the spikes of the rune spear while Vashj was out of balance, but was blocked by a translucent shield around Vashj—this is Naga’s talent , Spell shield!

In just a few seconds, the ‘crossing’ front was evenly divided, but both Kane and Vaschi realized the difficulty of each other.

Then, as Kane charged Vashj again, the two fought together again.

This is a close battle. Kane is extremely resistant to Vaschi's spells under the blessing of the ancestors, so he can almost ignore the defense and let go of the attack.

Although Vaschi is at a disadvantage, she can always avoid or block with her agility and magic shield.

Although Kane is a tauren who is good at protracted warfare, his ancestor's protection lasts for a limited time. Once he recovers from this violent state, he is bound to fall into a disadvantage.

But Vaschi had no chance—on the battlefield, Naga lost.

Under the attack of the tauren and the darkspear troll was defeated.

After all, this is not the deep sea, and there are not a few naga sea witches around Vaschi, only relying on the naga guards (although there are a few royal guards), the mogle murlocs, and a small number of sea turtles, who want to defeat those who are prepared Tauren and Darkspear trolls, this is obviously unrealistic.

Once again barely blocking Kane's attack, Vashj took the opportunity to summon a large swath of ice covering the beach.


As the sound of the conch sounded, the naga, murlocs and turtles quickly moved back into the sea on the ice, while the tauren who tried to chase them fell awkwardly on the ice.

"Let's retreat too!"

Kane's low voice resounded throughout the battlefield.

With cheers, the tauren and the darkspear troll returned to the inside of the defense line and began to celebrate the victory of the first battle.

However, Kane and Senjin, who were at the end, did not seem to be very happy, but rather worried.

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