Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 339: Burning fire of 8 hexagrams (four/five)

Although the vow of victory in the first encounter in Darkspear Bay was won, in Kane's view, the form was not optimistic. ? WWW.suimeng.lā

You know, within the entire oath, there are definitely only ten Kanes who can securely win at the peak now-this still includes the four Dragon Kings!

Although Onyxia's strength has greatly increased, a considerable part of the black dragon's earth power is still in the hands of Deathwing. Now single-handed Onyxia may not be Kane's opponent-if it does not fly If you get up.

And now, a naga that Kane hadn't heard of can actually go back and forth with him, which looks very wrong!

Therefore, Kanexun wrote a letter to the troll two-footed dragon knight, asking him to take him back to the headquarters of the second line of defense.


The second line of defense of the Oath is located on the Rage River, at the junction of Azshara, Ashenvale, and Barrens, by a small waterfall.

What needs to be explained is that although Leviski occupies the original position of Orgrim in history, as a village of Darkspear trolls, Leviski is actually not big.

Therefore, this small waterfall, which was originally located outside the west gate of Orgrimmar’s Spirit Valley, became one of the main sources of water for Leviski, and was named Guda Waterfall.

The reason why the Guda Waterfall is the key point of the second line of defense was decided after the oath study.

First, according to Drunk Wind’s judgment, Archimonde’s target is Teldrassil—or the Well of Eternity under Teldrassil, because only Sargeras can truly destroy Azeroth and summon Sargeras' full arrival requires a huge amount of energy. The experience of the War of the Ancients has proved that it is extremely difficult to summon Sargeras only by killing and soul, so Archimonde must find an energy source. After thinking about it, only Teldrassil is the most suitable.

And if you go to Teldrassil from the Darkspear Coast, it is obviously the shortest straight line-of course, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden can walk in a straight line, but the demon army and Naga can't. And if Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are willing to abandon the devil, come alone, swear to date very happy, although they are very strong, but after no minions, don’t pack them up too easily!

From a comprehensive perspective, the devil’s route is to climb 6 on the Darkspear Coast, travel north along the Nushui River, and go directly to Mount Hyjal after reaching Ashenvale. This path is not only relatively close, but also has sufficient water sources along the way, which is very suitable for Naga's supply.

And because of this, this Guda Waterfall becomes very important.

If they were in the lower reaches of the Gudat Waterfall, even if the Burning Legion crossed the river, they would need to make a long detour to enter Ash Canyon.

And if the Burning Legion goes upstream and crosses the Guda Waterfall, on the east side of Ash Valley, there are countless river banks that can help the Burning Legion cross the river and go straight into Ash Valley!

So this little-known waterfall is actually the key to the Burning Legion entering Ashenvale!

And at the command post next to Kudat Falls, when Ravencrest read Kane's letter, his face was strange.

Seeing Ravencrest's expression, everyone present also wanted to know exactly what was written - and Ravencrest did not hide it, and generously circulated the letter.

People of other races are mostly confused, and the night elves present are all smiling at this time because most of the night elves have experienced the ancient war.

Afterwards, the fire of gossip began to burn.

Although Illidan’s most ardent admirer among the night elves has either become a demon hunter or a watchman, there are more people interested in Illidan—and most of those who really know Illidan know that Maiev has one "Rival in love", it seems to be called Vaschi, Azshara's maid.

And this naga is called Vaschi, and it is so imaginative!

However, Illidan is here now...

To make matters worse, Maiev is also...

After reading Kane's letter, Illidan looked strange and Maiev seemed to be angry!

Seeing Ravencrest's cheerful smile, Illidan was secretly bitter-I knew today, why bother!

After the War of the Ancients, Talisa left the Black Rook Citadel, returned to Suramar with the Arcanist, and left Ravencrest.

Although Talisa also has a good impression of Ravencrest, this dim affection is not enough to make her leave Suramar, and as the lord of Black Raven's fortress, Ravencrest cannot leave her territory for too long.

Facing the frustrated Ravencrest, Illidan, who was in a bad mood at the time, ridiculed a few words.

Single dogs are not easy to mess with, especially the older single dogs like Ravencrest who have to break up because of a different place.

Ravencrest recorded the account.

For a long time afterwards, the scandal that Illidan had done when he was pursuing Tyrande was spread to a lot of noise. Even if Malfurion imprisoned Fandral Staghelm in the Emerald Dream, it would have no effect-because it was not this time. Because of the big mouth of the deer helmet, but because of its case.

Illidan was unwilling to bow his head to apologize, but Malfurion couldn't stand it anymore. Under the strong intervention of the Archdruid, the storm gradually subsided.

But Ravencrest did not intend to let Illidan go-why do you have two girlfriends when I live apart from the person I like? ! It's not too late for a single dog to take revenge for ten thousand years, you wait for me!

This time, Ravencrest seized the opportunity and gave Illidan a big eyedrop.

Perceiving Ravencrest’s intentions, Illidan glared at Ravencrest angrily, as if saying that there was a kind of singles, don’t play yin; Ravencrest chose to stare back at Illidan, seeming to say single Pick it one-on-one, there is a big fireball that eats my 10,000-year magister!

Although the wind didn't let down in the mutual stare, but couldn't bear the eyes full of gossip from everyone present, Illidan chose the best plan: "Forget it, I'll go to Darkspear Coast..."

At this time, Maiev beside him gave a cold snort.

"What are you going to do? The demon hunter hasn't rushed back yet." Ravencrest was innocent, "Kane can deal with Vaskey!"

Maiev snorted the second Oh, yes, you are old friends. "It seems that Maiev's mood is not right, Ravencrest quickly "remedied", "Whether old friends meet, maybe we don't have to fight..."

Maiev snorted for the third time, Maiev's anger was max!

Now Illidan couldn't care about anything else, and fled straight away. Shortly after he got up, Maiev also found an excuse to leave.

Seeing them leaving behind, Ravencrest laughed loudly, without the demeanor of the commander-in-chief.

Afterwards, while whispering, Illidan's glorious history was known by the tauren, trolls, blood elves, and draenei, and finally someone couldn't help but start laughing, and this laughter seemed to be contagious. For a while, the camp There is a joyous atmosphere inside and outside.

Seeing the people relax a lot because of the gossip, and no longer fear the vows, Ravencrest sighed secretly.

"Come on, Illidan..." 8

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