Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 522: Delano's History Line

In fact, the ten people of this "Draenor Expedition" (the two vinegar jars that were meant to be stalking are not counted) were all drunk and carefully considered for a long time before they decided. In fact, there are deeper considerations.

   The migration of the ancient gods is not a simple task. It is related to the future of Azeroth. The death of Y'Shaarj had caused such serious damage, and Drunk Wind would certainly not allow this kind of thing to happen again.

   That's why he proposed to transfer the ancient gods.

  How to transfer? The ancient gods cannot be taken away directly!

So on the one hand, Drunk Wind must organize all the power to defeat the ancient gods. After all, winner takes all is the rule of all worlds; on the other hand, Drunk Wind also gives these tentacle monsters a chance. As long as the ancient gods, migration The result is better than the fish die, Zuifeng believes that they will have the right choice.

   After all, from the performance of Saratas, the drunken wind has already appeared. Although these ancient gods advocate chaos, they are not mentally retarded.

And since he wants to get them to Draenor, Drunk Wind has to figure out what Draenor is now—he wouldn’t think that after playing a big one, Draenor will become that Outland.

   So when the Draenor expedition team was separated, the Alliance and Horde seemed to act for themselves, but in fact they were also helping Drunk Wind.

In terms of the tribe, Old Chen secretly paid attention to the situation of the white ghosts and figured out what Nagrand looked like; in terms of the alliance, archaeology was just a cover (actually, Kaizi wanted to make a girl, cough, joking), drunk wind I want to clarify the relevant history of Draenor in order to better place the ancient gods and make full use of this "forward position."

   You know, according to Drunken Wind’s follow-up plan, the ancient gods also shoulder the heavy responsibility of fighting the devil.


   When Brian offered to return to observe the one-eyed monsters, the other three people objected.

"Calm down, dwarf, those big guys are not something we can handle like this. It's okay if you want to study them, but you can't ignore your own safety because of this!" Kael'thas directly smashed Brian's arcane impact. On the face, this injury is not a problem for the thick-skinned dwarf at all, but the cold arcane energy made the low-handed dwarf shiver, "Death is a bit limited!"

"That's right!" Luo Ya took out her big wrench from her waist and stared at Brian. "To figure out the situation, these big guys are more difficult to deal with than ogres. I have all the engineering gadgets left along the way. It was destroyed, they didn't even scratch the skin!"

   Jaina did not speak, but looking at her posture, she also opposed Brian's behavior.

   In desperation, Brian could only raise his hands above his head in embarrassment.

   "Okay, I won't go back now-then let's discuss how to deal with these big guys!"

   Seeing that Brian still didn't give up this research, the other three people had nothing to do. After all, this mission was archeology, and Brian was the only expert.

   The situation is deadlocked.

   "Let's do this." After a while of silence, Jaina said, "We make a detailed plan. As long as the plan is perfect enough, we will act-but if we can't come up with a reliable plan, then we can only give up."

   Several people thought about it, this kind of compromise may be the only way now.

   Then, the four people started to use their brains.

   "Dwarf, you look the most carefully, have you counted how many monocular monsters there are?"

   "There are probably eleven or twelve heads in the field of vision, but those monocular monsters are basically divided into three groups. They may not be a whole."

"This is a guess." Kael'thas frowned. "In the worst case, our plan must face twelve one-eyed monsters—at least for the time being— To make it."

   "That's right, that's right!" Luo Ya looked very excited, "Big man, you are right. After all, there is another uncertain factor in our team. We have to prepare for the worst!"

   After finishing speaking, Loya gave Brian a disgusting look, but Brian didn't pay attention at all.

"I can't put the decisive part on my teleportation." Jaina added, "Now I think about it. The terrain there is weird and the arcane energy is very active, but when I mobilize it, it is not so smooth. ..."

"The natural arcane field-well, it is the strong arcane field, which is different from the flowing arcane field of the magic node. The arcane field there is strong, but low in activity, and has natural resistance to many spells. "Kael'thas showed his erudite side, "This kind of place is usually the colony of blue dragons in Azeroth, so we should think that the strength of those one-eyed monsters is similar to that of giant dragons."

I have to admit that when there are reliable knowledgeable wizards in the team, as long as the time is sufficient, the battle will be a lot easier. Jaina and Kael'thas, you say me, you will quickly infer the details through the details just now. Out of the various characteristics of those one-eyed monsters.

   is Strong strength, half-element incarnation, strong arcane resistance, small colonies, strength similar to dragons, slow mobility, but can use the power of the earth.

   After the inference is over, Jaina and Kael'thas's faces are not very good...

Obviously, these one-eyed monsters are very restrained from the mage. Although they seem to be easy to fly a kite by the Lord, it is a pity that neither Jaina nor Kael'thas dare to guarantee that their spells can affect these people. Partner to achieve control.

   Without control, how can I fly a kite...

"Can we try to communicate with them?" Luo Ya put forward her own opinion, "They are social, and they have rooted out their yelling voices, and they seem to have language. Can we conduct investigations through communication? After all, fighting is not The only way."

"Let's forget about communication." Brian shook his head. "After a series of investigations, I have discovered a rule of Draenor creatures. The more primitive the existence, the wilder - and according to my inference, Mono-eyed monsters should have a longer history than ogres. Do you think we can communicate with ogres?"

   The other three people looked at each other and unanimously chose to shake their heads.

   Just kidding, to communicate with ogres, but you have to lower your IQ to the level of ogres, whoever loves to go!

   However, in the awkward silence, things ushered in a turning point.

   Four people saw an orc.

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