Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 523: Moknassa's first encounter

   "Is that an orc?"

   Just when a few people were at a loss, the sharp-eyed Brian spotted a figure that appeared behind the mound.

   Tall figure, fur coat, rough weapons, it looks like an orc.

   When the figure gradually walked in, the four people could finally confirm that this was indeed an orc—or a strange-looking orc.

  His body is more burly and stronger than ordinary orcs, and his skin is "uncontaminated brown" as the tribe orcs say, but the brown is a bit darker and almost black.

  Of course, this is not a problem. Many powerful orcs, such as Grommash, are more burly than ordinary orcs and have other changes in their skin.

   But this orc is not strong...

   This is very strange, because the orcs never hide their clumsiness-they are used to showing their most powerful things.

   "Would you like to meet him?" Kael'thas raised his eyebrows, "It looks like he is a native here, maybe he knows something."

   "He has found us." Jaina narrowed her eyes. "Let's go, let's ask."


  Sannu is a hunter of the Mokenassa clan.

   But the entire Moknassa clan is already prey.

When the tribe assembled and invaded Azeroth, the Moknassa clan strongly opposed participating. Therefore, Rexxar almost broke with his father. Rexxar, who was eager for adventure, did not want to stay in a small Mokenasa Village.

   Soon after Rexxar left, the battle for the Dark Temple broke out.

   Kil'jaeden's arrival brought a terrible shock to the space, and then the ensuing void overflow.

  Draenor began to collapse, Gorgrond and Frostfire Ridge were flooded by the energy of the Twisting Void and became Blade's Edge Mountains; Zangahai rose up and became Zanga Swamp.

  The Moknassa clan who stood firm encountered the most severe challenge.

Since the Moknazar orcs are a magical mixed race-a hybrid of ogres and orcs-don't ask me who has such a strong taste (in fact, it is nothing, put on humans is a hybrid of Vrykul and humans, and It's not too much), its own blood is unique, and the Moknassa clan is "very able to speak" when facing ogres, even one-eyed monsters, and Goronn, and is considered half of its own.

   But when Draenor collapsed, the Cyclops and Goron began to lose their strength. The energy of the Twisting Void made these creatures feel very painful, and pain would bring irritability and battle.

  If the big tribe of orcs is still there, these one-eyed monsters and Gorons are nothing to fear, the torrent of orcs will easily tear them apart and crush them.

   But now Blade's Edge Mountain, there is only one Moknazar orc.

Moknazar is not a big clan such as Frostwolf and Blackstone. They are not many. The settlement is a small Moknazar village, which means that they have no ability to face the one-eyed monster and Gorongang. .

   In desperation, the Moknassah orcs had no choice but to compromise. They used part of their hunting as a protection fee and gave it to the son of Gruul, Gok.

Although Gruul died in Frostfire Ridge (yes, because of his big chin) due to the drunken wind, his seven sons are still alive and kicking. These big guys are the current Blade's Edge Mountain. Ba, the other Gorons are their little brothers, and the one-eyed monsters are their servants. As for the ogres and the orcs? That is food.

   Moknassa orcs don't want to make food, but they don't use magic to hide themselves like their neighbor ogres, so they can only ask to be Gronn servants.

These poor mixed-blood orcs had to rely on hunting supplies for Gok, and in exchange for him not to come to Moknazar village to get angry-now many orcs in Moknazar are feeling that it would be nice if Rexxar has not left yet .

   And this time, Sannu's task is to negotiate with the one-eyed monster.

Recently, the backflow of void energy seems to have been more serious. Blade's Edge Mountain, which was already barren, is now even more unfeeling. The prey obtained by the Moknazar orcs this month cannot satisfy Gook’s terrible appetite and the one-eyed monster Exploit.

   Sannu hopes that he can negotiate with the one-eyed monster and reduce some supply requirements.

Before setting off, Sannu was ready to die and came to the territory of the one-eyed monster. It would be difficult for him to go back, but if no one comes, once the fire-producing Gok enters Moknassa Village, everything will be fine. destroyed.

   And just as Sannu was thinking about his words in silence, he saw some strange races.

   Four guys who are tall, short, fat and thin.

  As a "messenger," Sannu is a very smart guy in Moknassa Village. After meeting these four people, he felt that this was an opportunity.

   Anyway, things with Moknazar can't get worse, can they?

   As a result, the four of them looked at Sannu who took the initiative to say hello, all with a dazed expression.

   Seeing pitifulness in the sky, have these four people ever seen a friendly orc? In their impression, the orcs are the guys who yell loktar when they meet and slash people with their axes.

   So after a long time, Jaina realized ~ used arcane wisdom to solve the communication problem.

   "Magic power, are you a spellcaster?" After a word suddenly appeared in his mind, Sannu was obviously respectful to Jaina, "Your ability to cast spells is as magical as those ogres."

   Like an ogre?

Although the appearance of this orc is obviously complimenting her superb spellcasting skills, Jaina is obviously impossible to be happy. The people of Azeroth now know what an ogre is, and Jaina does not want to be like that. Like a group of fat people...

   But unlike Jaina who was dissatisfied, Kael'thas discovered a different meaning.

   "Ogre spellcaster? Are they two heads?"

"That's right, that's right!" For Kael'thas, who has three arcane orbs spinning on his head all the year round, this orc is also full of respect, "They hid themselves behind the barrier, we want to show them I ask for help, but I can't find them..."

  When he was halfway through the words, Kael'thas's expression was quite bad-relying on the enchantment to hide, he did not respond to the request for help, how to hear it, it feels like they are taunting Quel'Thalas during the orc war.

   Damn, what is the origin of this orc? Play stupid or really stupid? !


  The story of Delano is about to end. After a small episode, the battle of the new quicksand is about to enter-hello, C'Thun!

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