Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 524: Forced to act bravely

After    repeatedly confirmed, the four people finally realized that the orc did not mean to mock.

   After being questioned for a long time, Sangnu, who was confused, didn't understand what he was wrong in the end-but it didn't matter. Now Sangnu's main task is how to convince these four people to help him.

   That is the caster!

   There are not a few double-headed ogres among them, so they can hide their lair so tightly. If these people are willing to help Moknazar, then everything is saved!

   In this case, Sannu directly made his request.

   "I come from the Moknassa clan, we need help!"

   After seeing the interested expressions of the four people, Sannu recounted the dilemma that Moknassa faces now.

   After listening to the orc in front of him, the four people looked different.

Jaina’s face was full of compassion, and she sympathized with these strong orcs from the bottom of her heart—think about it, rejected the evil demands of Ner'zhul and Gul'dan, and stayed alone in her homeland, trying to protect her family , And Sannu even had a mortal belief, communicating with beings that were too much stronger than him... This simply caused Jaina's Madonna's heart to burst out!

In contrast, Loya, who is also a female, was quite calm. She listened to Sannu's narration with a smile on her face, and then showed an expression of "I care about the birds". For the light of this dwarf, Mokner Sa's affairs have nothing to do with him. To get rid of it, the orcs don't know how to engineering, and there is no gain in helping them.

Brian was thinking about whether he could take advantage of this earth snake, especially after the Sannomoknassa orcs had the blood of ogres. He felt that he had grasped the most important one in the history of Draenor. One thread!

   Among the four, only Kael'thas performed the most normal. He kept recalling the name Moknazar, and finally realized that the "son of the chief" in Sannu's mouth was Rexxar.

   "It seems that if Chen were here, things would be much easier." Kael'thas made a confusing sentence for others, "He will definitely take a sip of wine and go to Goron to single out."

   Looking at the other people who didn't seem to realize their point, Kael'thas could only shook his head, and then went on to explain a few words.

   "The wanderer of the Moknassa clan is no one else, but the guy named Rexxar-the orc with the stone fist ogre on the Arathi Highlands, the one who participated in the natural disaster war."

   After hearing Kael'thas, a few people also reacted. This clan seems to be an old acquaintance.

   Rexxar and Stonefist ogres played a very important role in the war of natural disasters. If it weren’t for that battle, the ogres in Azeroth probably still carry the label of “untouchable”.

   "This is a favor, we helped!" After looking at each other a few times, Brian finally made a decision, "We can ignore the other orcs, but Rexxar, that is a real warrior."

   Sannu has been confused.

   These guys seem to be friends of the Young Chief, and they seem to be complimenting the Young Chief, but Rexxar is a hunter, he is not a fighter!


   After this episode, the four people could only temporarily suspend the archaeological activities, and followed Sannu to the village of Mokenasa.

   Looking at the dilapidated village, Jaina looked sad.

   The life of the Moknazar orcs was very sad-although they had been mentally prepared, Jaina still felt uncomfortable looking at the tall and thin orcs.

   "War, **** war! Why do people always fight for their ambitions?!"

  This trip to Draenor, Jaina, as the executor of the task rather than the decision maker of the event, had a lot of time to think about everything she saw.

  Brian’s archaeology revealed a large number of cultural relics of different races, but these races have disappeared, and the murderer who caused all this is undoubtedly the violent orcs.

   But with further digging, combined with the story of the tribe, Jaina is really not good at blaming the orcs for everything.

The belligerence of the orcs is indeed hidden deep in their hearts, but the orcs are not irrational, and even in many cases, these guys are somewhat "unsophisticated." Before the devil intervened, they had always adhered to their own traditions and were unwilling. Overstep.

   Different from the original wiring, Jaina did not suddenly bear the burden of the whole world, so after being frustrated in love, the princess had more time to think about a profound proposition-war and peace.


The chief of the Moknassa clan is Rexxar’s father, Leorox, an old but still tough orc (hybrid?). He wonders why Sannu came back so quickly and brought a few The guy who had never seen it came back.

   And after learning that they were the caster, Leorox seemed very contradictory.

   On the one hand, the current Moknassa Village has reached a critical moment. Without foreign aid, Goron and the Cyclops are likely to destroy this place.

   On the other hand, requesting foreign aid is not in line with the tradition of the Moknassa clan...

   Yes, traditional.

  Leorox, who sticks to the tradition, believes that no matter how hard it is, Moknazar must fight it himself.

  Of course What if you can't hold it, this is not in his consideration...

   Several people were quite speechless for his stubbornness.

   Please, you are almost finished, still sticking to this **** tradition?

   But after another thought, it is because of this tradition that the Moknazar is one of the few orcs in Draenor who is not violent and corrupt.

  Privately, Jaina even thought that the high elves were so arrogant at the time. Once there was a real danger, wouldn't she also let go of her airs?

   At this time, Brian was still smart.

   "We are not helping Moknazar, we want to hunt Goron!"

   It is obvious that this low-handed dwarf’s ability to open his eyes and talk nonsense has reached the full level. It is clearly to help the Moknassa orcs get out of trouble, and he has become a hope for hunting Goron for glory.

   Moknazar has no tradition of refusing to help the warriors.

   So, the four of Brian received a lot of supplies, even including maps, Gok’s usual range of activities, the "Galon Trap" passed a long time ago, and all kinds of novel things.

  In the expectation of the Moknazar orcs, the four of them took a rest for the night and determined their tactics before leaving the village.


   The update is getting late, the author’s lazy cancer...what to do...

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