Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 528: The desire from the alliance

The ogres in Orgril did not know these guys in front of them, but this did not prevent them from being wary of those who suddenly entered the enchantment.

After all, these Apexis crystals are too precious.

As we mentioned before, the history of Apexis crystals can be traced back a long time ago. The native demigods Anzu, Sethe and Rukhmar of Draenor, in addition to their wisdom, also preserve Anzu. The power of arcane magic, the power of shadow of Sethe, and the power of light of Rukhmar.

Orgrila means "Shangri-La" in the ogre language. For those ogres who have no brains, Orgrila means that they can always be full; for those who have brains , Orgrila means endless knowledge.

It can be said that for the ogres, the Apexis crystal of Orgrila was the key to their rise, so they became nervous for the first time after seeing the stranger.

Before a few people could answer, a large number of ogre magicians had already assembled. They held their staffs and looked at these people with ugly faces.

"Don't be nervous..." The first one who reacted was Kael'thas. He first spread his hands and signaled that he was not hostile, and then briefly explained his intentions, "We are here this time to unite you to deal with Son of Gruul."

Hearing Kael'thas mentioned the Son of Gruul, these ogres seemed to calm down many enemies. The enemy may not be a friend, but at least it will not be an enemy until the battle is over.

Soon, an ogre who appeared to be a small leader motioned to them not to move for a while and waited for a while.

Soon, a gorgeously dressed ogre magician appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm Kuror, you can understand me as the person in charge here, please tell me your purpose carefully!"

This time, Cinestra directly revealed his identity, indicating that we are neighbors, and now I want to find you to clean up the cubs of Gruul.

Hearing what Sinestra said, the ogre seemed very interested, and the Void Dragon and Gronn were at odds, and this thing cannot be done falsely.

So, Kuror turned the blue staff in his hand quite intentionally, both heads seemed to be thinking.

At this time, Kael'thas and Jaina looked at each other, and they found that these two-headed ogres were completely different from the two-headed guys in Azeroth.

The two-headed ogres in Azeroth were spawned by the runestones of the high elves, and there were often disagreements between the two heads, but the ogres of Orgril did not seem to be like this. Although they also have two heads, their consciousness seems to be unified, and there will be no strange situations (such as bickering with themselves).

Soon, the ogre named Kuror finished his thoughts, then nodded, and initially agreed to Cinestra's proposal.

However, just when everyone was going to follow the ogre and enter Orgrid to study the battle plan carefully, the death of someone broke the harmonious atmosphere.

Ahem, who is the one who died? This question is the obvious Brian Bronzebeard. After discovering the magic of the Apexis crystal, this low-handed dwarf excitedly pulled out various testing instruments and pulled Loya towards it. A pile of crystals ran over.

"God knows, what big secret we will discover!"

Seeing Brian like this, the ogre was anxious.


The large array of magic circles began to activate, and the strange-looking prismatic crystals on the surrounding walls began to charge. The ogre magicians suddenly lined up and began to cast spells, and a huge enchantment enveloped the entire Orgrila.

Bryan slammed into the barrier, and then fell a big somersault...

"You actually deceived us, Void Dragon!"

There was boundless anger on Kuror’s face. His three eyes (one on one head and two on the other head) turned into pure blue, black and white, and the magic in his hand was also stored. Ready to go.

Kael'thas couldn't help covering his face.

Damn dwarf, he's in trouble without paying attention!

At this time, Brian apparently realized his mistake. While he said that this was a misunderstanding, he began to search in the pocket of his pants. He wanted to take out the certificate of the president of his Archaeological Association. Explain that this is an "occupational disease" and does not mean to snatch.

But this kind of behavior appears to the ogre to be looking for weapons!

Then, a mixed impact of black, white, and blue was launched from the top of Kuror's staff and went straight to Brian.

Under Roya's pull, Brian avoided the attack dangerously and dangerously and then looked at the big hole that suddenly appeared on the ground, and the dwarf swallowed with difficulty.

"It's really fun..."

"Of course it's real Roja. Why don't you take good care of him? You actually ran out with him!" Jaina said as she started the mass teleportation, but she was forced to stop as soon as she started casting the spell. The ogre directly distorted the space here with huge energy, I may not be able to take you away!"

"Huge energy? It's true!" Brian didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, but started to get excited. "These crystals are really an aggregation of energy and knowledge! These ogres, you really are Wasting treasures, actually use these things as energy sources!"

"Shut up, you idiot!"

Cinestra directly hit Brian’s head with a punch, and directly knocked out this incomparable handy guy. At this time, Cinestra was still the appearance of a high elf, with a thin arm and a thin leg. In fact, it contains extremely powerful power, and the whole process seems to explode in violation of harmony.

Had it not been for Bryan's own (zuo) strength (si) (duo) hard (ci), Kael'thas would have no doubt that this idiot would be beaten to death...

What's interesting is that after Kuror sent out a shock ray, he just started to watch it quietly, and did not continue to attack or command other ogres to attack.

After Brian was holding the big bag on his head and finally got up, he was surprised to find that he was suspended in the air, and then slowly flew in front of Kuror.

"Dwarf, tell me." Across the barrier, Kuror's tone was very serious, "What do you know about these crystals? I want you to know everything!"

"Trust me, any deception will cause unpredictable destruction!"

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