Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 529: True archaeologist

Although Bryan did not meet the arakkoa, in fact, his understanding of the ancient history of Draenor is no less than that of the tribe!

Although this dwarf has very cheap hands and owes his mouth, no one can deny that in archeology, no one can match it.

Brian Bronzebeard is a true archaeological expert!

Although in addition to Brian, Azeroth has quite a few archaeologists, such as Harrison Jones, Elis Star Chase, Zhou Zhuo, etc., but in terms of archaeological level and achievements, they add up to Not better than Brian.

After all, in the original timeline, this great **** who led the team to deal with the relics of the Titans (Uldaman, Ulduar, Uldum)!

Although Brian did a lot of nonsensical things along the way, with the help of two masters and an engineering master, Brian made a lot of discoveries.

According to Roja's "Relics Time Detector", with the help of Jaina's group teleportation, Brian was almost continuously excavating during this period. Unknowingly, he obtained a large number of Draenor artifacts.

Of course, because they are heading toward the northwest, Bryan has obtained very few arakkoa artifacts. Most of the artifacts belonged to Goronn, Cyclops, Ogres, and Orcs. It is precisely with these artifacts that Bryan Only then came the conjecture that "the orcs evolved from Goron".

The key reason for this is that Brian cannot explain how the one-eyed monster became an ogre.

During a lot of excavation, Brian found evidence that the one-eyed monster was degenerated from Goron, and also discovered the relationship between the orcs and the ogres, but he could not find out how to find the one-eyed monsters. Demon!

The one-eyed monster is an elemental body, while the ogre is a flesh and blood body. The most important part of species evolution is missing!

But now, when he saw the Apexis crystal and the ogre that absorbed the energy of the Apexis crystal, all doubts disappeared-Brian finally found the key to all the problems.

No wonder there are traces of ancient demigods in many excavation sites. No wonder Draenor was once full of life energy but there were no wild gods. No wonder the ruins of the Ogre Empire have a mixture of arcane, shadow and holy light. There is a fault in the history line!

All these questions were explained after Brian saw the Apexis crystal and felt the knowledge, vitality and three energies in it!

Although Brian didn’t know exactly what the arakkoa looked like, at this time, he had already determined that there was a race from a demigod, and they had the legacy of a demigod. However, due to unknown reasons, these demigods were Ze was acquired by the one-eyed monster, and the one-eyed monster produced a new evolutionary branch-the ogre.

After Kuror's inquiry, Brian did not hide it, but told all his deductions as they were.

As he told the story, everyone present was shocked.

The ogres were surprised by his inferences, and almost everything was consistent with their known history; while Kael'thas, Jaina, and Roja were surprised by Blaine’s archaeological level, just relying on it for a month. He can get so much information!


Long after Brian finished speaking, everyone gradually recovered.

"You surprised me, little man." Kurall had obviously taken a look at Brian with admiration. "Although I still can't tell the truth of all your words, it doesn't prevent me from respecting you—— Orgrila has always respected wisdom."

Do you feel funny when an ogre tells you that he respects wisdom the most?

But now, neither Kael'thas nor Jaina felt that way at all.

Of course, Kulor respects respect, and understanding belongs to understanding, but now that Brian has shown interest in Apexis crystals, I'm sorry, the ogre said that he is still on guard.

For this situation, apart from complaining about Bryan, several people have no good solutions for a while.

"Pay attention to your words, ogres!" Just when everyone was at a loss, Sinestra finally became tough. "Now I am here to tell you to fight Goron together. I can't see these **** crystals. on!"

Unexpectedly, the attitude of these ogres towards Cinestra was "soft" beyond everyone's imagination. After Cinestra expressed that they were not interested in crystals, they did not hesitate and put it down for the time being. All the guards brought everyone into Orgrila.

"What's going on?" Jaina asked in a low voice on the road, "These ogres seem to value the crystals so much, why are they willing to let us in?"

"These ogres didn’t live here in the era—understand?" Cinestra explained I took the whelps and the ogres almost at the same time. Here, these crystals are magical, but I still don't look up to them—otherwise, would it be the turn of these ogres? "

"Then why didn't they give up in the first place-even Brian said so much and was not willing to give up his guard?"

When Jaina asked this question, Cinestra looked at her like an idiot...

"Aren't you a human princess? You don't understand such a simple question?"

Seeing that Jaina was still confused, Cinestra could only shook her head.

"I am me, and you are you. Those ogres just want to figure out the relationship between us. You don't really think they care about crystals, do you? You know everything about crystals, and you just want to leave. They can't keep you. In this case, they are still in a state of confrontation. Isn't it just forcing me to speak up?"

Although Jaina is the princess of the Kingdom of Kul Tiras and the first heir to the throne, she grew up in Dalaran. Sometimes she is indeed "naive". She often fails to take her stand. Can't read many silent "language".

When Cinestra spoke, Kael'thas, Brian, and Loya had already understood everything, and only Jaina was stupidly trying to explain.

Then, just when Jaina was still worried about the fact that the ogre was smarter than herself, several people had entered Orgrila and came to a crystal palace.

"Welcome to Orgrila—all wisdom is welcome here."

"Of course, there are people with wisdom."


Three shifts today, and a bit later next.

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