Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 544: Evolution of Deathwing

Just when everyone thought that the battle was just like this, and the stalemate was just fine when the rescue arrived, the black dragon changed again.

Unconsciously, the tentacles on Farad disappeared.

Instead, there is a radiant Farad-bright scales, sharp eyes, strong muscles, he looks like he is very good and has not been injured at all!

But Old Chen clearly felt that the aura belonging to the ancient gods in Farad had not disappeared.

Farad seemed to regain his consciousness, his face was full of ecstasy.

"Successful, Lord Deathwing's plan succeeded!"

Everyone was at a loss and couldn't figure out what plan was successful, but from the excitement of Farad, everyone felt that this was not a good thing.

"I always feel that there is something bad..." Old Chen frowned as he looked at the excited Farad, "Deathwing's plan?"

"Uncle Chen, do you want to know what Deathwing's plans are?" Just when Old Chen was strange, Nomi pulled Lili to his side, "I have a way to figure it out!"

"How to figure it out?" Old Chen was puzzled, "Do you have any information?"

"There is no information, but I have this." Nomi triumphantly took out a scroll from the package around her waist, "As long as you control one, we can figure out everything!"

"This is a lorewalker's artifact!" Old Chen jumped up almost in surprise, "You brought this when you ran away from home?!"

Originally, Old Chen thought that Nomi's mischief was about as good as Lili's, but now it seems that Lili is much worse than the real bear kid...

"Uh, I didn't take it when I ran away from home." Nomi tried to put on a nonchalant look. "I took it when I was in Quel'Thalas... I did a big deal with this scroll. What..."

"..." Old Chen suddenly didn't know what he should say, so he could only glared at Nomi, ignored his show off, then took the scroll and turned to find Luo Ya.

It's a pity that from the look of Nomi's hippie smile, he doesn't seem to take Lao Chen's dissatisfaction seriously...

Among all the people on the scene, Roja’s ability to control the field is the strongest. Just when everyone is fighting desperately, this dwarf engineering master has arranged a large number of devices around to prevent the black dragon from escaping-although she has dealt with it Goron can't, but he can deal with the black dragon.

"Luoya, can you control a black dragon?" When he came to Luoya's side, Old Chen was straightforward. "We need to figure out the abacus of Deathwing. Now we need to catch alive!"

"No problem!" Luo Ya showed a confident smile, "It's not easy to kill those big lizards, but it's a lot easier to catch one-they are strong enough anyway!"

Just do it.

Under Luo Ya's control, a huge net cover turned towards the black dragon in the sky.

For this net, Farad was quite disdainful at first-funny, using the net to catch dragons? !

Then the next moment, Farad's disdain froze on his face.

This net was unexpectedly strong, and Farad's dragon's breath did not cause even a little damage to it!

For a moment, Farad was directly wrapped in this big net.

Then, this black dragon, who was just excited about the success of the Deathwing Project, was now dumbfounded.

Is there really a net that can catch dragons? !

When Farad was arrested, the other black dragons had not fully recovered from the state of being covered with tentacles. In this case, they turned around and ran.

Luo Ya's device came in handy, and several large nets ejected again, covering the other black dragons.

"Luoya, you are not authentic!" Brian exhaled and stabbed Loya with an elbow. "At the beginning, it was in Blade's Edge Mountain. Why didn't you have this fun?"

"Idiot!" Luo Ya directly gave Brian a pair of white-eyed benefactors, "Goron has more strength than these big lizards. Do you know how expensive these nets are? You can't catch them if they are torn. You can pay if you take them out? "

"Uh..." Brian scratched his head awkwardly.

"Hurry up, the power of these black dragons seems a bit too strong, these nets can't hold them for long, they will fly in a few minutes!"

"A few minutes? That's enough!"

Old Chen unfolded the scroll confidently.

Lorewalkers' scrolls are all of a unified standard, and the method of use is also the same. Old Chen doesn't worry that he can't control this artifact.

The effect was obvious, and poor Farad had questions once again.


"Don't ask that it's useless, just talk about business!" Illidan stopped Old Chen from playing treasures.

"Ahem, okay, the plan of Deathwing you said was successful, what plan of Deathwing?"

"The Fleshly Plan."

"What is Deathwing's flesh-and-blood plan?"

"Use the power of flesh and blood seeds to increase the vitality of the black dragon, devour flesh and blood, and get rid of N'Zoth's control."

Regarding Farad’s words, Old Chen said that he could not understand a word...

"What are flesh and blood seeds?"

"I don't know—Master Deathwing never said it."

"What are the specific effects of increasing the vitality of the black dragon?"

"N'Zoth's infection on us will become a force that truly belongs to us."

"That is to say, what kind of flesh and blood seed did you use to absorb N'Zoth's tentacles?"

"Yes, that's right."

"When did the plan start?"

"Just over two months ago, I was summoned by Lord Deathwing. He gave us a seed of flesh and blood. Then, on the way back, I met Nomi..."

Old Chen and Farad's question and answer went smoothly. With the help of the blank scroll, Farad's resistance was not even strong.

When everyone was staring at Farad, Nomi was already sweating on the side.

Flesh seeds...

Assimilate the tentacles of N'Zoth...

Before meeting myself and Valera...

At this moment, Nomi finally realized that everything about Sinsaro was not a big credit, but a catastrophe!

I did use Deathwing to get rid of the evil branch troll who still believes in the blood **** But Deathwing seems to have swallowed Hakkar’s flesh and blood seeds in Sinsallo and possessed a part of the ancients. The power of the gods-or the body of the ancient gods!

Nomi suddenly felt as if the sky was falling down-originally he was thinking about showing off with Uncle Chen.

Unexpectedly, what I thought would be a big mistake suddenly!

"Nomi, what's the matter with you?" At this time, Lili finally realized that Nomi was wrong, "Why are you sweating so much?"

"No, nothing..." Nomi shook his head lightly, "Stranglethorn's a bit hot..."

"You just said that you left Quel'Thalas for a major event?"

"I found a new recipe!"

Seeing Lili's face showing disdain, Nomi was about to cry.

This time, it really caused a disaster!

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