Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 545: And respond to changes

Regardless of spies, secret agents or secret agents (as if these are the same), they often have two states-latent and working.

In the latent state, their first priority is to prevent their exposure. Therefore, in this state, they rarely communicate with their superiors and do not know much information.

When he met Nomi, Farad was actually out of latent state. Deathwing arranged him in Ravenholdt, hoping that after the death of Duke Jorace Ravenhold, Farad could make this human important The power of is in your hands.

It's just that Farad met Nomi by chance and went to play the next game-on the one hand, to further expand his influence in Ravenholdt Manor, on the other hand, he also wanted to see this hybrid black dragon. What is it like-and then because of various coincidences such as the Dragon's Summon, I finally came to this step.

It was precisely because Farad had no mission at this time, and the flesh and blood seeds of Deathwing were still in the experimental stage, so in the end, everyone in Old Chen did not get much useful information.

Although there is not much news, this is enough trouble.

If Deathwing and N'Zoth wanted to take the opportunity to get in, this new battle of quicksand might be very difficult to handle.

The Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath have their eyes fixed on Silithus at this time. This battle has affected the nerves of many people. If there is a problem, I am afraid that the next time the Oath is thinking of starting such a big battle, just Difficult.

So Zuifeng believes that this new quicksand battle must not only win, but also be beautiful.

No matter when, only common victory can conceal contradictions.

In the plan of Drunk Wind, only the vow to bring the Alliance and the Horde to fight against the ancient gods and the Burning Legion, and continue to win, can the contradiction between the two sides be temporarily suppressed.

Although very relieved, Drunk Wind does not want to besiege Orgrimmar.

Under this circumstance, the battle of the new quicksand has been given a new meaning. Drunken Wind needs to use the victory of this battle to create a model for subsequent cooperation.

As for the idea of ​​Drunk Wind, Illidan knew about it-although he didn't agree very much, in Illidan's opinion, the Alliance and the Horde were scumbags, and they couldn't deal with it after doing things.

But the boss of the oath is drunk after all.

Therefore, after learning that Deathwing had acted, Illidan made a decisive decision, first notifying Drunken Wind.

As for how you told Drunk Wind?

In Booty Bay, goblins invented the goblin teleportation device, and in Silithus, this device has a teleportation point.

Of course, the goblin products are shocking, and the success rate of teleportation is horrible-but for the goblin, life is not as important as gold coins.

A group of people escorted several black dragons that turned into human forms and went directly to Booty Bay.


Rivijaz has been in the position of Mayor of Booty Bay for almost twenty years.

The last time the draenei settled on the island of Jaguero, Rivigaz made a lot of money. He took advantage of the unequal information and almost emptied the draenei’s family. The gems were collected from the draenei at the price of cabbage, a small part was used to replace the materials needed by the draenei, and most of them became the private collection of Rivigaz.

But the good times didn't last long. Soon, Rivigaz sent away the draenei unwillingly.

After the draenei moved to Feralas, Booty Bay was still lively, but it was far worse than before.

Moreover, Rivijaz also found sadly that the status of Booty Bay’s neutral exchange was being severely challenged, and the source of the challenge was nothing else but the Misty Harbor built by Drunk Wind.

Now the Port of Misty has become the port with the highest daily throughput in Azeroth-in Kalimdor, the import and export trade is almost monopolized by Port of Misty!

On the one hand, the location of Mist Port is very good. The central part of Kalimdor is a huge natural deep-water port; on the other hand, it has become the only designated exit port for the oath. After the referees shamelessly went to the game , Who can fight it?

Of course, Zuifeng did not kill all other commercial organizations in Kalimdor. Mist Harbor itself does not provide goods, but only serves as a platform—just like a certain treasure.

The rise of Misty Port has indeed played a role in strengthening the trade exchange between the Eastern Kingdom and Kalimdor, and even the passenger flow and cargo flow of Booty Bay have also increased, but Rivigaz has discovered the following crisis.

Booty Bay is no longer a gold-selling cave, no longer a source of goods, but a simple transportation hub!

So, does a pure transportation hub make money?

Make money, but not enough money!

Especially for Rivijaz, who is used to making huge profits from the draenei, the Booty Bay at this time is not enough to make money!

For this reason, Rivijaz established a new trade, a less humane trade-the slave trade.

Of course, it's not the pure slave trade. The slave trade with Rivijaz's characteristics is not the kind of low-end slaves who are exhausted in the fields. That stuff is worth a few dollars. This is Azeroth!

What Rivigaz sells is a skilled bankrupt, and the trafficked person is not a slave, but an employee—a particularly miserable kind of employee.

For example, after the invention of the goblin transfer device, although it has been improved for more than ten years, unfortunately, the transfer success rate still does not exceed 50%-this is still the case of the operator not making a mistake.

So for those who need to deliver urgent messages, it is extremely expensive to use goblins to deliver messages-one message is the lives of several goblins!

Illidan was never a good man. Although Jaina strongly opposed, he still hired a few desperate goblins. After signing a contract and paying two hapless lives, a magic letter was delivered that night. Drunk hands.

After reading this magic letter paper several times carefully, Zuifeng thought a lot.

Deathwing seems to have mastered some new black Deathwing may have some action.

The Eastern Kingdom at this time was very empty.

Zangar Marsh can place the ancient gods, but there is not enough space.

The white ghosts of Draenor are inexplicably related to the Twisting Void.

One thing made Zuifeng frowned tightly.

What should we do now?

Everything is ready for the Battle of New Quicksand, do you want to stop?

It is rare that Drunk Wind did not eat dinner.

Then, early the next morning, Bloodshot Drunk Feng made his own decision.

No matter what death wing he is, he will force him to be strong, and the breeze will blow the hills!

Drunk Wind decided that this battle will continue, and I will remain unchanged and respond to all changes!

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