Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 555: Grievances spanning thousands of years

Hussim called Ossirian his brother.

This incident exceeded everyone's expectations-even the expressionless Ossirian was taken aback.

Hussim is the guardian of the Toll's when the Titans stayed in Uldum, a conscientious Tollian!

In the original world line, after the cataclysm, Hussim pretended to cooperate with Deathwing, and after removing the curse of flesh and blood through the hands of Prince Siamat of the Southwind, he imprisoned the Prince of Elements in the Lost One of Tol'vir. In the city, I played a fairly good level of Infernal Affairs.

But is such a "Titan Loyalist" who has been obsessed with restoring a stone body, is actually a brother to the "Old God Running Dog" who once killed the dragon?

Time seems to pause for a moment...

After reacting, Ossirian finally spoke.

"I am the creation of the Lord God, the messenger of the yellow sand, Ossirian the Unscarred."

"No, you are my brother, the guardian of Uldum, Ossirian, the hero of Amon!"

This is interesting!

Drunk Feng looked at these two guys with different styles thoughtfully.

Hussim is a Tolvir with a sheep head and horse beak, a sphinx with a human face, hands and four legs, and wings on the back.

On the other hand, Ossirian is a typical Anubisath, with a dog-headed figure, walking upright-and due to the transformation of the Twin Emperors, he has a certain connection with the ancient resonance crystal, and his body looks crystal clear.

If there is really a connection between the two, it is also the relationship between the Sphinx and Amon-the style of painting is similar, but the image is different.

But Hussim did recognize Ossirian at first sight.

I'm afraid there is something interesting in this!

Seeing Ossirian still not believing, Hussim's eyes widened.

"Then do you remember Amon? Do you remember Thor? Do you remember Life Reshaping?"

Ossirian showed a confused look.

At this moment, the unscarred felt that he had forgotten something very important.

"No, I am God's creation. God created me with a part of his body!" Ossirian shook his head, barely dispelling his doubts, "Don't want to use this deceptive method to weaken my fighting spirit! I am! It is Ossirian who is fearless in the face of giant dragons!"

"No, you were not created by the flesh and blood of the ancient gods!" In this case, Drunk Wind didn't mind to add a fire, "Your creator is Raiden-Storm Guardian Raiden."

While speaking, Zuifeng put on his pair of wind swords on his back, and then took out Raiden's fist.

Originally, Drunk Wind didn't want to care about these things, but if Ossirian had really been General Tol'vir against Thor, then Drunk Wind would really have to.

After all, if it hadn't been for Toll'vir to kill Thor with his own sacrifice, the Pandaren would still be slaves of the Mogu tribe.

"Is there a familiar feeling? The Tolvir was made by Raiden using the Nalaksha engine and using this Raiden fist."

"That's the Tol'vir, not me." Ossirian muffled, "I have nothing to do with those Titans who claim to be righteous!"

"You used to be my brother!" Hussim was a little too excited, "You are Amon's general! You brought Amon and Thor in a **** battle! It was you who rushed into the Mogu army to lure Thor and disappeared!"

"!" Ossirian seemed to be in chaos, "I am the subordinate of the great ancient god! I am Ossirian the Unscarred!"

Although Ossirian still insisted that he was a citizen of C'Thun, Rajax felt something was wrong at this moment.

As the long-established general of Ahn'Qiraj, how could Rajax not know the origin of Anubisath?

Look at the bug man, look at the faceless, look at Anubisath-this is not a style creature at all!

Anubisath was indeed transformed by the Tollians obtained by C'Thun by various means!

Why is Ossirian the genius of Anubisath?

Why can Ossirian think?

Could it be just because of talent?

of course not!

Because Ossirian is not the ordinary Anubisath, not the defective products that have lost the ability to think after being captured and brainwashed by C'Thun!

When Ossirian was discovered by the Twin Emperors, he was in a state of suspended animation and was buried in the yellow sand.

Due to Ossirian’s outstanding size (tall stature), the Twin Emperors brought this distinctive Tollian to C'Thun, and then C'Thun found that Ossiyan had almost lost his memory, and then removed his remaining The memory was completely sealed and then reformed.

This is why Ossirian has the ability to think.

All he lost was his memory, instead of thinking of his Anubisath and simply lost his IQ.

Ossirian was seriously injured and dying in the last battle of the quicksand, and the memory seal was loosened.

But in the same way, C'Thun consumed a lot of energy in order to repel the dragon coalition forces and almost fell into a deep sleep.

On the one hand, the twin emperors were reluctant to bear Ossirian's combat effectiveness, and on the other hand, he could not fully believe this Anubisath so he reworked Ossirian.

This time Ossirian was bound to the resonance crystal. As long as the crystal's function was cut off, even if Ossirian recovered his memory, he couldn't do anything.

After the transformation was completed, Ossirian was sent by the twin emperors to monitor General Rajax-on the surface it was because the twin emperors were afraid of Raja’s power, but in fact, it was the opposite. It was the twin emperors who feared Ossirian. , I hope Rajax will watch him.

But this time, Ossirian was shaken by Hussim's language and Leiden's fist in Drunk Wind's hands.

There is a problem with the memory seal!

Then, while Drunken Wind and Hussim were still trying their best to squeeze Ossirian, Rajax made a decisive decision.

Ossirian, who was still majestic in the last lesson, suddenly collapsed to the ground as if his body was hollowed out.

The energy of the ancient resonance crystal is turned off!

"People of C'Thun, charge! Crush all the enemies in front of you!"

Without giving any reaction time, Rajax waved his huge claws and directed the bug man to attack.

Just when Drunk Wind was about to perform its old tricks and clean up the worms with flames, the stone bricks on the ground suddenly cracked, and a huge eye suddenly appeared, staring at Drunk Wind.

At this moment, Zuifeng's heartbeat almost stopped.

The body of the ancient god!

C'Thun's eyes!

Thus, at the moment when everyone was stunned by the big eyes, the sea of ​​bug people drowned everyone.


The first update in April!

Ask for various monthly tickets!

By the way, I will add more tomorrow-thank you Mi Fan for the reward today!

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