Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 556: Ossirian's farewell

Throughout Azeroth, traitors have been emerging in endlessly.

From Alterac in the orc period to Archbishop Benedictus of the New Alliance; from Malfurion's disciple Fandral Staghelm to the desperate Kael'thas.

Sometimes these people choose for their own ambitions and desires, while others are helpless.

But in the same way, among the "villains", they are actually not monolithic.

For example now.

When Drunken Wind and all the commandos collectively fell into a state of loss due to the sudden appearance of one of C'Thun's eyes, Ossirian the Unscarred lost all his energy and became a useless person!

Rajax's cutting off the energy is tantamount to telling Ossirian that what Drunk Wind and Hussim had just said were true.

But so what?

"Scarless person, sorry-since you have recovered part of your memory, then I can only say goodbye to you. For the sake of working together for many years, you will not have any pain."

Seeing that the bug man had surrounded all the commandos, Rajax waved his claws and walked towards him step by step, and a stiff wry smile appeared on Ossirian's face.

"I don't know what happened, and I don't know what is in my lost memory that makes you afraid, but I know what I should do now."

Hearing what Ossirian said, Rajax felt bad.

"Desert, raise your gravel and shade the sun!"

Rajax’s plan was actually quite perfect. He paid a little price to lure the quicksand coalition forces to send elites, and then in front of the temple, C'Thun used the gap of the seal to launch a raid, and then swept away all the elites of the quicksand coalition forces.

It seems that this tactic is very successful.

Zuifeng thought that C'Thun would still be sealed in the temple like a copy, and he would not be too alert.

The result is now dangerous.

In front of the vast number of insects, once they lose their first move, even if the commandos are all elites, they will also be beaten to death!

Because of the sudden appearance of C'Thun, the unprepared people directly lost consciousness!

The plan was going very well, but Ossirian raised the dust of Ahn'Qiraj at a critical moment.

Having served C'Thun for thousands of years, Ossirian will not be shocked by the appearance of C'Thun.

As the dust rose, the Allied Commando of Drunken Wind and Quicksand also regained consciousness.

C'Thun's eyes did not know when they disappeared.

All the energy that Ossirian, who had tried his best, also lost, was clamped into two pieces by Rajax's claws.

"I have done my best-my mission is completed, goodbye-if you are really my brother." At the last moment, Ossirian looked at Hussim, "Just leave me here, I need to have a rest……"

Hussim's eyes were red.

Ten thousand years ago, Ossirian rushed into the vast mogu army alone, when Hussim could only watch his brother disappear into the rolling yellow sand for his mission.

This time, it was Ossirian in the critical moment. He raised the gravel and saved everyone, but completely lost his life.

Looking at the two blue bodies on the ground, Drunk Wind also rarely became angry.

Rajax, C'Thun!

Drunk Wind was determined to deal with Rajax because Fandral lost his son, but now he has one more reason.

For Ossirian!

"Since C'Thun is looking for death, then we don't have to hide it - several Dragon Kings, let's attack with all our strength!"

The next moment, a five-headed dragon appeared above this small square, and the flying insect man who had not yet reacted was directly confused by the breath of various dragons.

The breath of the red dragon queen, the life oathbinder Alexstrasza, is full of the heat of life, the breath of the blue dragon king Malygos the weaver contains the harshness of frost, and the dragon of the bronze dragon king Nozdormu, the master of time The breath is mixed with the sand of rolling time, the dragon's breath of the green dragon queen Ysera the Sleeper envelops the spirit impact, and the dragon's breath of the black dragon queen Onyxia is pure high temperature.

After discovering that C'Thun was prepared, the surprise attack turned into a storm!

The Fearless Dragon King took off for the first time, and then the five-color dragon breathed, the insects became like moths on the campfire, quickly becoming scorched, and then losing their lives.

After killing Ossirian, Rajax was horrified!

"Damn, invaders, you can't get out of Ahn'Qiraj, the great master will throw your souls into endless torture, forever, forever!"

But no matter how Ossirian clamored, the bug man had reached the brink of collapse in the battle.

Although these worms are absolutely loyal to C'Thun and will not be shaken in any way, in the face of absolute strength, loyalty and bravery cannot change the situation of the battle.

The current commando is not under the gaze of C'Thun, and has no ability to defend itself.

The five dragon kings hovered at low altitude, Kael'thas, Khadgar, and Medivh cleared the fish that slipped through the net, and a large number of elite orc warriors were preparing. The formation of the commando slowly moved forward, leaving everything behind. The corpse of the dead insect man Just before Rajax wanted to do it himself, a voice suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

"Don't make fearless sacrifices, let them in-let me see, ten thousand years have passed, and if the Titan's lackey has made any progress."


Hearing C'Thun's words, the worms retreated quickly, leaving only the corpses all over the floor telling the battle just now.

The door of the temple rumblingly opened by itself, revealing a sloping downward passage. The dark entrance looked like a big mouth, trying to swallow everything.

"Let's go!" Zuifeng took the lead on the steps, "Let's meet the God of Thousand Eyes."

Hussim looked back at Ossirian, who had lost all his breath, and stepped onto the step second.

Then there are Illidan, Maiev and Vaschi who are not afraid.

In the shadows, Liam and Samuro entered the temple.

Medivh, Khadgar and Kael'thas are quite cautious.

Roja, Sylvanas, and Rexxar set up a few traps, and Rexxar also summoned Misha specially-the dangerous breath made Misha sneezes.

Then Old Fording, Muradin, Bryan, Gromash, the Saurfang brothers, and Magatha-the weak Jindu and the weaker Nazgrim returned to the stronghold, waiting for news.

The five dragon kings were on guard at the end and also turned into human forms and entered the temple.

After all twenty-five people entered the temple, the door closed tightly.

The next moment, a gust of wind blew, and the body of the insect man was buried in yellow sand on the square outside the temple, as if no one had been here.

"Hope, it's just a meaningless illusion-the time of death is approaching..."

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