Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 566: Past events in memory

As a normal person, how does it feel to see a person die in front of you with your own eyes?

pain? Helpless? fear? helpless?

This is the first thing that Drunk Wind saw when he first became Drunk Wind.

This is not a pleasant crossing.

At that time, Drunken Wind, who was still a little Pandaren, only saw the sharp front claws of the mantid from a distance in Yan's arms.

Like a sickle, it was extremely dazzling in the night full of fire.

Why does Drunk Wind have to clean up the ancient gods?

It wasn't that Zuifeng had such serious moral and cleanliness, or how evil the ancient gods were, it was really difficult for him to accept the first act after crossing.

In order to evolve and to welcome the resurrection of Y'Shaar very possible, the reincarnation of the mantid has brought countless sufferings to the creatures of Pandaria. From childhood to adulthood, Drunk Wind saw the remains of many Shado-Pan guards who used to drink in the middle of the mountain. The pandamen who return to their roots will be sent back to a farm in the Valley of the Four Winds.

It may be glorious, but it is also cruel.

Although Yan had been taking care of Drunk Wind carefully, as a traveler, Drunk Wind was actually in silence and saw a lot.

Later, Zuifeng got rid of the fear of the past and devoted himself to the training of cooking. Under the influence of Yan Iron Palm, Zuifeng spent a long time, and finally accepted the life philosophy of the Pandaren cherishing the happiness in front of them.

But the various memories in his memory made Drunk Wind really unable to relax.

There is no system, no gold fingers, it took a long time for Drunken Wind to decide the courage to leave Mid-Levels.

Like a panda, is it good to eat and drink every day?

Unfortunately, this is Azeroth.

Participated in the Yanhua Trial, and after meeting Zhu Taran and Tao Shi, Drunk Wind did not dare to slacken off—he couldn't tolerate the destruction of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, or the Valley of the Four Winds without the vitality of the spring water!

On Qingri Peak, Drunk Wind is the most diligent monk.

From the tiger palm to the Japanese style, from the rising sun to the disillusionment kick, the drunk wind is always in the process of training.

It is Qingrifeng at 4 o'clock in the morning to welcome the drunk wind to get up every day (well, there is also the traditional breakfast of the Iron Palm family, thanks to Qingrifeng’s kitchen, the door is never locked here).

Even Zhu Taran, who has always been diligent, doesn’t understand why Zuifeng is so desperate--and those Shado-Pan elders who know Zufeng’s life experience frequently talk to Zuifeng, for fear that this star of tomorrow will be right in their hearts. The hatred of the mantid caused the sha demon.

But there are many things drunk and windy can't say.

Just in the fifth year that Zuifeng became a monk, Zuifeng, a novice at the time, followed Master Xueliu down the mountain for trials, and then had an accident.

The original thing was very simple, it was Master Xueliu and the Buffalo who routinely negotiated and warned them not to make any discordant actions.

But the Buffalo had just changed the leader, and the new guy was completely stunned. When Master Xueliu wanted to start the negotiation, he started directly.

The unprepared Master Xueliu was wounded, and the Buffalo attacked Breath of the West Wind.

During the crisis, Zuifeng remembered the conversation with the land spirit when he climbed the Qingri Peak.

"Did you know, don't look at the snowmen in Daxue Mountain as being fierce, in fact, you can settle it with a handful of Kogukaphine!"

So when it was good to report the matter, Drunk Wind decided to be a lonely hero-never let the Buffalo ruin the West Wind!

In April, when the Kun-Lai Mountain was still in heavy snow, Drunk Wind rode a yak and picked a lot of Koguka.

Under the lure of the drunk wind, a large number of snow monsters directly rushed down Kun-Lai Mountain, and rushed straight into the camp of the yuffalo.

Drunk Wind rode on the back of the biggest snow monster, set fires around the Yacht camp, and set fire to the entire camp!

After returning to the Shado-Pan, Drunken Wind became a hero.

This adventure gave Zuifeng great confidence, and he began to plan for more changes.

In a trance, Drunk Wind seemed to be in Thunder Mountain for a while, and it seemed to be in the Timeless Isle...

In the end, Zuifeng seemed to have come to that magical showroom again.

Zuifeng saw everything on the Timeless Isle again, without himself.

As if it had been done before, Drunk Wind awakened a statue and then returned to reality.


In the eyes of other people, the drunk wind was just a slight stagnation, and then it returned to normal.

"No! No! No!" C'Thun suddenly became hysterical, "You are not ours! Why is this!"

"Of course I am not yours anymore." Zuifeng smiled, "Otherwise, why would I stand here!"

"...I won't play with you anymore!" Only for a moment, C'Thun's tone became low again, "Then you go to die!"

At this moment, C'Thun no longer (or would he not dare?) deliberately show his own tricks to play with people's hearts, and instead began to fight directly.

Except for Yogg-Saron, the ancient gods did not eat by mouth!

The breath of shadows began to permeate this Titan’s prison, and all of C'Thun’s eyes began to emit rays of various colors ~ Some of these suspected to be corrosive, and some were extremely hot, Some contain the power of shadow, and some hitting people will make people slow...

After drunk wind relied on San Mo attack and reluctantly resisted three times, he finally got out of the room-it was really done! Flip!

"I can clean up C'Thun, he can't confuse me-but I can't handle the ray of his eyes. Everyone wants to create opportunities for me!"

No need to say more about Zuifeng, everyone on the outside sees the incident between Zuifeng and C'Thun clearly!

"It's not a big problem!" Khadgar said after thinking about it, "The light from his eyes is not very destructive-except for the biggest eye, we can use various methods to protect you in turn, and then let you Only one burst his eyes!"

"Yes, I think so too!" Zuifeng nodded, "Who is the first to come?"

"Me!" Samuro appeared from the shadows, "Mirror!"

Four Samuros appeared on the spot.

"Don't worry about us!" the four Samuros said in unison, "we will protect you!"

Then, under the shelter of four small blade storms, Drunk Wind entered the room where C'Thun was detained again.

C'Thun's eyes were still sharp and deadly. Unfortunately, under the protection of the four Samuros, except for the biggest one, the eyes of the other eyes could not hurt the drunk wind at all.

The drunk wind slammed C'Thun's eye again, and then left the room with Samuro.


Fifth more... During the heavy cultivation, I really don't know how to adjust my biological clock back...

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