Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 567: Special skills of ancient gods

With the help of Samuro, Drunk Wind successfully poked C'Thun's eye again. ,:. Zero ↑ ​​nine △

Then, under the protection of Khadgar's ice shield, Drunken Wind poked C'Thun's eye again.

Then, under Old Fording's Holy Blessing, Drunken Wind poked another C'Thun's eye.

C'Thun was extremely passive.

Don't look at Brian's usual carelessness, but it is related to Azeroth that he can still be reliable. Although the crack just now is violent, it is just right. C'Thun can defend and attack, but can't move.

Now, poor C'Thun was like a target.

This feeling of being beaten all the time, but it doesn’t hurt after the fight back, is really uncomfortable

"Do you think this is all right?"

After Drunken Wind entered the room for the fourth time, C'Thun finally spoke again.

"Isn't that okay?" Zuifeng curled his lips, "As long as I can clean up you, everything is easy to say!"

"Do you really think this is enough?" C'Thun's biggest eye finally fixed on Drunk Wind, "I don't want to pay a certain price, but it seems that you want to'force' me..."

"!!!" Hearing C'Thun's words like this, Drunk Wind instinctively felt something was wrong, and then the next moment, one of C'Thun's smaller eyes suddenly shot out a green'color' light——I don't know. Why, Zuifeng felt his heart palpitations.

It is Muradin who is responsible for protecting Drunk Wind. He has long since entered the state of the gods descending to the earth, directly blocking Drunk Wind.

A terrible thing happened.

The bleak green ‘color’ light directly penetrated Muradin’s battle axe, leaving a small ‘hole’ in the thick axe, and hit Muradin’s body unabated.

As a result, Muradin’s upper right arm and wrist were hit by the ‘shoot’ line!

In this case, Drunken Wind and Muradin could only exit C'Thun's room in embarrassment.

How could this be? !

Drunk Wind discovered the price that C'Thun paid-one eye disappeared forever, not closed, but disappeared, but the problem is that C'Thun is known as the devil of a thousand eyes, so many eyes!

This time it was just a ‘shot’ line, and Drunk Wind couldn’t bet that next time he went in, C'Thun would simply sacrifice hundreds of eyes and leave himself there forever.

After helping Muradin deal with the wound, Drunk Wind began to quietly look into the room's eyes.

Then the next moment, a burst of unpredictable ‘Essence’ and Spiritual Concussion broke out, and no one except the drunk wind fell into a coma.


"Mortal, what do you want to tell me?"

"It's nothing, I have no intention to end you, I just hope you can leave this world. Zero↑9△"

"Leave this world? This joke is not ridiculous..."

"This is not a joke. In this world, you will accomplish nothing after all."

"That's just maybe. Since you know a lot, then you should understand which step Yogg-Saron has achieved now-he is not so good at talking to me, I am just patiently training my subordinates, but especially Ge Saron has corrupted the Guardian."

"so what?"

"Don't deny it, your birth is certainly related to Titans and Star Souls, but you are the way you are now. The curse of flesh and blood in the Creation Matrix also played a role in determining sex."

"Yes, I know this clearly, the creation of absolute order is cold and lack of emotion."

"So, you are actually the creations of the ancient gods!"

"But we are not worms, we will not follow your ridiculous will-even worms, not all of them are loyal to you, I have also seen the worms of Ajranerub."

"You don't know the terrible master! You don't even know what the will of the void is! Those ridiculous demons are reborn in the Twisted Void, and they complacently think they have mastered the Twisted Void. In fact, they are just ants in the eyes of the master. That's it!"

"But your master can't put his claws into the main plane, everything depends on you."

"Not bad."

"But even if you succeed, what can you do? Will you become a part of your master? Or dissipate your consciousness and return to the twisting void?"


"Didn't the death of Saratas teach you a lesson? You keep saying that the Titans have been following a boring order. Isn't your mission also a kind of order?"


"I know far more than you think, and my plot is far bigger than you think. I hope you leave Azeroth not because of my kindness, but because I don’t want you. I'm getting in the way here, and my enemy now is the devil-I think our attitude is the same on this point."

"But in my opinion, this world is far more terrifying than the Burning Legion led by that guy with a brain problem."

"So you should be fortunate that I am a panda, a panda who doesn't like to stick to the hatred of the past."

"You just don't dare, as long as you dare to remember the hatred, now you are my puppet-oh, I remember that you seemed to talk about Saratas? If you are immersed in hatred, I think no matter what The legacy of Y'Shaarj or the meeting with Saratas is enough to destroy you now."

"But I don't. You can't treat me like that."

"Of course, otherwise I won't cooperate with you in this scene-who would have thought that the dignified savior would talk about'transaction' with the evil ancient gods in this temple?"

"'Transaction' is always the term'sex', just like energy."

"The ridiculous neutrality, the end of the universe is not the neutrality and balance you expect, but the endless chaos!"

"Who knows? But for you, isn't it always good to be prepared? It's like N'Zoth who hooked up with Deathwing."



"You win, I promise you to leave Ahn'Qiraj-if you can take my subordinates and leave."

"Very interesting, it seems that the so-called corruption is all mutual."

"Isn't this what you were expecting?"


Amidst everyone’s coma, an unexplainable “transaction” was achieved. The drunk wind who pretended to wake up with everyone now needs to act out a play, and then seal C'Thun, Throw it to Zangar Marsh in Draenor.

Things seemed to go smoothly, but it wasn't until the ancient gods seal was completed that Zuifeng finally took off his hat.

Absolute reason is terrible. Looking back, Drunk Wind is all in cold sweat.


I have thought about the dialogue in this chapter for a long time, and the amount of information is very large. The next chapter will give a specific interpretation.

Interested students can guess what Zuifeng and C'Thun are talking about~ (83 Chinese Net)

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