Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 568: Behind the dark trading

Chapter 568 Behind the Dark Transaction

The transaction between Zuifeng and C'Thun was not as simple as a few sentences.

It can be said that from the first moment Drunk Wind brought people into the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the two parties had already begun the trial before the transaction.

The ancient gods are the seeds of the corrupting star soul sown by the Void Lord, and the Void Lord is the will of the endless shadow-so the ancient **** is actually a member of the shadow force.

If we use the traditional dnd thinking to make an analogy, the shadow is equivalent to evil, and the evil energy tends to be chaotic. Although the ancient gods look incredibly distorted and terrifying, they are still different from demons who only know destruction.

This is also the basis for cooperation between the two parties.

Speaking of the ancient gods, many people's first impressions are babbling whispers and endless twisted flesh and blood, and this is only part of the ancient gods.

Thanks to Saratas, Zuifeng has learned more about the ancient gods.

Although the ancient gods can make people lose their minds, the ancient gods themselves are very rational-lunatics can't drive normal people crazy, only normal people can drive normal people crazy.

There is a competitive relationship between the ancient gods. In the end, only one ancient **** can successfully corrupt his planet. Saratas is the first hapless to be devoured. If the Titans do not come to Azeroth, victory Maybe Y'Shaarj.

If the ancient **** infects the star soul, he will have the opportunity to become the Void Lord, or a part of the void lord-about this, Saratas is not very clear, because the ancient **** has not successfully infected so far Over the Star Soul.

C'Thun is the most persuasive one among the ancient gods of Azeroth. It is not outstanding in terms of power or ingenuity. According to Saratas, if the Titan does not come, C'Thun is the next one to be devoured. .

This is also why C'Thun had developed his worms wholeheartedly from the beginning, this was just for self-protection.

Perhaps when the ancient gods just came to Azeroth in the form of seeds, theirs indeed represented the will of the Void Lord, but after tens of thousands of years of development, the ancient gods themselves also developed careful thoughts. .

Although once a part of the Void Lord, Drunk Wind discovered from the performance of Saratas that the ancient **** seemed to be eager to get rid of the Void Lord's control and become an independent individual.

In fact, the core idea of ​​Zuifeng is not complicated.

If C'Thun is not absolutely loyal to the Void Lord, if C'Thun does not want to be destroyed and swallowed one day, he must seek change.

With the death of Y'Shaarj and the death of Saratas, among the remaining three ancient gods, N'Zoth has become the weakest one.

No matter which step Yogg-Saron has done in Northrend, this will always be bad news for C'Thun.

If Yogg-Saron fails, C'Thun still cannot escape; if Yogg-Saron succeeds, C'Thun will be swallowed.

For C'Thun, this is a dead end.

So Drunk Wind provided C'Thun with a third way.


Although Ahn'Qiraj is dangerous and mysterious, the details contain a lot of interesting information.

In the gradual deepening all the way, Zuifeng discovered a very interesting phenomenon-unlike Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth, C'Thun is not just brainwashing his followers, but as a person C'Thun is actually quite competent in the "god" the insect people believe in.

The area of ​​Ahn'Qiraj is not too big, and the area sealed by the Wall of Beetles is not as good as the Elwynn Forest, but in this small area, the number of worms actually exceeds the number of humans in the Eastern Kingdom. Quantity.

What is the Chongren test alive?

Ancient resonance crystal.

Where did the crystal come from?

Provided by C'Thun.

How did C'Thun provide it?

Do you remember the Well of Eternity?

Y'Shaarj had corroded Azeroth the deepest in the first place, so after his death, the earth was torn apart, and a huge wound appeared in Azeroth, and the Titan made this wound into a well of eternity.

Although C'Thun is not as good as Y'Shaarj, he is also absorbing the power of Azeroth silently.

Seeing C'Thun, Drunk Wind understood why the Titans chose to seal the ancient gods.

Think about it, the ancient gods were sealed in a sealed cage, they couldn't get the shadow energy, and they were dying.

However, one day, the ancient gods will discover that they can actually use Azeroth’s star soul energy-arcane power to "living for a living", and they will choose to absorb the energy of Azeroth without hesitation. For your own use.

But don’t forget, whose energy you use will be affected by whom!

When the orcs drink the blood of the devil, they are bound to become violent.

The last one who dared to use arcane energy in this way was the dark troll, and then they became night elves!

In the absence of energy from the void, once the ancient **** chose to accept the energy of Azeroth, then sorry, the one being assimilated was not the star soul, but the ancient god!

According to the idea of ​​the Pantheon, as long as the connection with the Void Lord is severed, the ancient gods are not Azeroth's opponents at all!

If it weren’t for the Sargeras regiment to destroy the Pantheon, the Titan’s plan might actually succeed...

It's not clear what Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth were actually drunk, but C'Thun... Seen along the way, he did show signs of "returning from evil to righteousness".

So Zuifeng chose to face C'Thun at the last moment.

The exchange with C'Thun proved all the conjectures of Zuifeng.

The murals along the way proved C'Thun's care for the Ahn'Qiraj, and the arcane magic released by Vik Nilas proved Drunk Wind's hypothesis about "mutual infection", Ksu En also found out that he really couldn't deceive Drunk Wind's help by fraudulent means, so he simply stopped letting the bug person die in vain.

Under the tacit understanding of both parties, a transaction was finally completed.

As the most miserable one among the ancient gods, C'Thun had no advantage in front of the drunken wind who had figured out everything.

For his own survival, C'Thun agreed to Drunk Wind and was willing to go to another world.

Although there is no star soul there, C'Thun believes that with his army of worms, one day he will really become a god.

In the eyes of outsiders, Drunk Wind successfully turned the tide, defeated C'Thun and began to organize the migration plan of the ancient gods, but in reality.

C'Thun got a new respite, and the drunken wind wiped out the last piece of land that was not under the control of Oath.

From now on, even though Silithus is still full of yellow sand, there are no more bugs raging. (83 Chinese website)

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