Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 569: Plunder on the high seas

The battle of Ahn'Qiraj ended abruptly.

Fainted inexplicably, C'Thun had been sealed when he woke up!

Drunk Wind’s final save of the world is inexplicably blunt, and people familiar with Drunk Wind may very likely see the clues-what is the harvest of Drunk Wind?

Without a mount and equipment, it doesn't seem like a drunk wind.

In the endless sea, Illidan, Maiev, and Vasqi were in the same boat with Drunken Wind, guarding the sealed C'Thun.

In order to complete the **** mission, the Kul Tiras Navy sent the No. 1 battleship, Admiral Dai Lin's flagship "Tide Blade".

This is the largest ship in Kul Tiras, or Azeroth, with a length of more than 100 meters. No matter how big the wind and waves, this ship is not bumpy.

Thirty-six huge muzzles, each of which can be used to launch the magic cannon imported from Dalaran.

Of course, these cannons have now been dismantled to save space.

The sealed C'Thun was still terribly large in size. Apart from a few escorts and necessary sailors, there was nothing on this ship, and even the mast was unloaded. Even so, the ship almost reached its maximum draft. Line up.

After returning from Ahn'Qiraj, all Zuifeng were silent.

Illidan had never seen such a drunk wind before. At the time of the War of the Ancients, when the drunk wind was in the handguard, it was terrible!

In fact, Zuifeng didn't know if he was affected by C'Thun. Although the agreement was reached very quickly at the beginning, he was particularly afraid of thinking about it afterwards.

Although this transaction was not based on trust, Drunk Wind was still very worried. He was afraid that he might guess something wrong, and then lost all the games.

In this case, Zuifeng Chafan didn't think about it-seeing the grilled squid, you can think of whether Enzos will intervene, and you can imagine how much pressure Zuifeng is now!

Regarding this situation, Illidan can only express sympathy and understanding-but only sympathy and understanding. With regard to the "battle" between Zuifeng and C'Thun, Zuifeng has always been tight-lipped, although Illidan is not political. Home, but he still noticed something wrong.

Although Zuifeng has always regarded himself as a "prophet," Zuifeng's predictions are never vague and mysterious, and even Zuifeng rarely conceals it.

Now Drunken Wind didn't say a word, and Illidan couldn't help it.

"Now I can only hope that N'Zoth will not come here." Standing quietly on the deck, drunk looking at the calm sea, "If N'Zoth really does something, some things may have to be exposed. Up."

Just when Drunk Wind was worried, something happened.

On the calm sea, a huge tentacle suddenly appeared and rolled straight toward the "Tide Blade".


Zuifeng was taken aback, and then he directly pulled out the Fengjian behind him.

"Alert! All—"

In the next moment, all of Zuifeng's guards were stuck in his throat.

The tentacles did not attack the ship, but as if trying to stroke the ship, gently swept across the deck of the "Tide Blade".

"Ozumat..." Vaschi twisted his waist and walked to the edge of the ship. "What's the matter? Did N'Zoth act?"

The next moment, a huge octopus jumped out of the sea, and then several murlocs swam towards the "Tide Blade".

"Let them come up!" Vaschi directed the sailor to lower the gangway. "They should have brought news of Ozumat!"

Ozumat is an ancient demigod in the endless sea. It looks like a huge octopus. It was once contaminated by N'Zoth, and the person responsible for the mission was Vasiqi.

That's right, in the Tidal Throne of the Cataclysm Dungeon, it was Ozumat who captured Neptulon-to be precise, Ozumat under the control of N'Zoth.

N'Zoth’s leap command is only to prevent Azshara’s power from growing, but the result is that when Vaschi finally chose (yi) oath (li) about (dan), Ozumat also broke away from En. Zoth's control.

This time the appearance of Ozumat must herald something!

Sure enough, when the murloc came to the deck and saw Vashj, the murloc in the lead looked like a murloc priest, and the murloc with a coral staff in his hand began to dance towards Vashj. La la la la".

Vashj frowned and nodded while listening.

"What are they talking about?" After the murloc finished speaking, Drunk Wind looked at Vaschi, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Yes, Azshara is here!"

"Azshara?!" Drunk Wind was a little puzzled. At the beginning, Azshara was killed by a single blow in Mount Hyjal. Although there were indeed many coincidence factors, Drunk Wind did use Azeroth. The power of this world, but that would not make Azshara arrogant enough to dare to provoke herself again in just a few years!

"It shouldn't be..." Illidan nodded frequently, "Although Azshara may be better on the sea than when it was on Mount but obviously shouldn't be here."

"Could it be that N'Zoth did it?" Drunk Feng was also a little confused, "No, N'Zoth shouldn't be able to do it himself now..."

Vashj wanted to get some news from the murloc, but unfortunately, the vocabulary of the murloc language was too scarce. Vashj only knew that Azshara had come with Naga, and no one knew the specifics.

"Ignore those, stop the ship and watch!"

After several inquiries to no avail, Zuifeng issued an order to stop and wait.

No way, not to mention how fast the naga is in the water, just say that this "Tide Blade", in order to save space, even the mast was removed, and the enemy could not leave without solving it!

Then, just after all the ships were ready for battle, a familiar figure appeared from the sea.

Moon white robe, violet skin, enchanting figure, delicate face, noble temperament and confident smile.


This time Azshara didn't know why she didn't let her real body appear in the first place, but instead appeared in front of everyone by means of projection.

"My Vaschi has grown up-now he has his own ideas."

After ten thousand years, Zuifeng and Illidan saw Azshara again. I don't know if it was an illusion between them. At this time, Azshara seemed more mature and stable.

"My majesty is worried, Vasiqi everything is fine." To Azshara who was smiling, Vasiqi couldn't speak harshly, not to mention that Vasiqi was actually betraying Azshara.

"My purpose is not complicated, I just want to keep Kesu, nothing more."

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