Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 570: War of the Ancient Gods

In fact, regarding C'Thun's choice, the other two ancient gods reacted completely differently.

Yogg-Saron didn’t know it-although this ancient **** imprisoned in Ulduar basically controlled most of the guardians left by the Titans, he really didn’t know much about the outside world—Nosen Germany is rarely populated after all.

Some time ago, Yogg-Saron even wanted to take control of Alexandros Mograine, on the one hand to complete his escape plan, on the other hand, he also wanted to get some information about Azeroth.

Unfortunately, the control failed.

As for everything about Silithus, N'Zoth is very clear-although the Maelstrom is more remote than Ulduar, you can't hold back N'Zoth's many eyes and ears. This guy knew that he was not strong enough, so he chose Take chestnuts from the fire and play with intelligence.

Speaking of cruelty, the battle between the ancient gods never stopped.

Under the command of the Void Lord, the ancient gods have been engaged in cruel internal struggles from the day they were born. On any planet, there are more than one or two parasitic ancient gods, and if the Void Lord’s plan Complete, there is only one remaining ancient god.

The remaining protections will be completely swallowed up-if you are lucky, you can leave a scale and a half (such as a guy named Saratas), and if you are lucky, you will have nothing.

And the situation of Azeroth obviously did not follow the script of the Void Lord.

The Titan intervened.

Y'Shaarj, who had always won, was squeezed directly by Amansur, and the remaining few were also stamped one by one.

But even if they were sealed, the ancient gods did not give up their responsibilities, and were still trying to develop and strengthen themselves, and by the way, they tried to devour their own kind.

But with the passage of time, the ancient gods are gradually changing.

For example, not so loyal to the Void Lord.

Ten thousand years ago, when it was discovered that the drunk wind might make Azeroth unpredictable, N'Zoth made a decisive move, trying to attract the Burning Legion, and also wanted to kill the drunk wind in the bud.

So at the end of the War of the Ancients, N'Zoth will intervene.

If the Burning Legion comes, let alone Drunk Wind, N'Zoth is dead. After all, Sargeras's first mission to form the Burning Legion is to fight against the Void Lord and eliminate corruption.

At that time, N'Zoth was extremely loyal to the Void Lord, so the Void Lord's mission was more important than his own life.

But today, ten thousand years later, N'Zoth doesn't think so.

Do you count on the conglomerate of shadows to remain loyal? What a joke!

After discovering that C'Thun might have formed some kind of agreement and understanding with Drunk Wind, N'Zoth didn't know what he should do for a while.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that N'Zoth has discovered the so-called "Seeds of Flesh" plan of Deathwing!

The Flesh Seed Project is more than just a distrust of Deathwing. In fact, since the battle of Grim Batol, when N'Zoth rushed to take the opportunity to occupy the body of Deathwing, the two sides had been doomed to be impossible. There is trust.

But N'Zoth has always been confident, he believes that Deathwing has no choice but to cooperate with himself.

But this time, once the Flesh Seed Project is realized, Deathwing will start anew!

Others don’t know, N’Zoth would not find that Deathwing had somehow swallowed an ancient god?

N'Zoth would not know that this was the body of the blood **** Hakkar. He believed that part of the hidden body of Saratas was discovered by Deathwing.

It happened that Saratas got involved in Orgrimmar some time ago. Since Drunk Wind is very confidential, N'Zoth has no idea what happened to Saratas. He guessed it was the fight between Oath and Deathwing. The body of Saratas.

And according to N'Zoth's guess, it was this incident that caused the oath to take action against C'Thun.

As a result, En Suo Si, who had planned to stand still, eventually sent Azshara, the number one under him, to fight for C'Thun.

N'Zoth doesn’t care whether it succeeds. He is just to interfere with the oath and make things bigger. It’s best to get Deathwing as well. When the time comes, watch the oath and the Deathwing Snipe fight, and take advantage of the opportunity to benefit the fisherman. Beautiful?

N'Zoth's lack of knowledge of Drunk Wind caused excessive brainstorming. He guessed the starting point of Drunk Wind wrong from the beginning. Coupled with the misunderstanding of Hakkar, the whole thing began to go wrong inexplicably, and to another In one direction.


"Leave C'Thun, this joke is not funny."

Drunk Wind has already reacted from the "Thinker" state. He stepped forward and looked directly at Azshara, "The master who gave C'Thun to you, let him swallow it, and then create an oss? Don't be kidding. Up!"

Although Azshara didn't know the meaning of "oss" in Zuifeng's mouth, it did not prevent her from understanding the meaning of Zuifeng's mouth.

Obviously, Zuifeng would not agree.

"Then I'm sorry, you can't pass the endless sea!"

"Where are you confident?" Zuifeng curled his lips, "It's okay for others to say, you should understand the gap between you and me, as long as I am willing, you can't stop it!"

"It's different, now my power no longer comes from Elune, but from the great N'Zoth!"

Wait a minute, from N'Zoth?

"That means you are covered with tentacles now?" Drunk Feng understood for a moment, and then finally couldn't help showing a mocking smile, "No wonder you chose to talk to me in this state. It turns out that you are already connected. I can't stand it anymore, right?"

"Or, you finally gave up the sad vision of Sargeras? Tsk tusk..."

"..." Azshara choked half to death by a word from Drunk but it was so.

Last time Azshara was killed by Drunk Wind in Mount Hyjal, and finally realized that she had completely lost the blessing of Azeroth's will. In this case, Drunk Wind saw herself once and every second, so she simply Followed N'Zoth to the dark, and simply accepted N'Zoth's complete transformation.

The transformation effect is not bad, at least Azshara's power source at this time is already N'Zoth, and Drunk Wind will not kill her in seconds-but the side effect is that the full body of tentacles-no way, N'Zoth produced.

For this, at least Azshara can't accept it now.

As for Sargeras, that is the eternal pain in Azshara's heart. If it weren't for being infatuated with Sargeras, Azshara would not accept the devil back then!

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

Azshara suddenly stopped talking.

Then, the next moment the tide was raging.

"Pandaman, I want you to die!!!" (83 Chinese website)

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