Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 572: Azshara's Outrage

The battle is weird.

Azshara seemed angry, but kept suppressing something.

At least, she never left the water!

Zuifeng discovered this, and it has always felt strange.

No matter how the Illidan trio attacked, Azshara had always stood firmly on the water, seeing each other's moves.

This situation is obviously wrong!

Drunk Wind was not the only one who discovered this, Khadgar also frowned silently.

On the other hand, on the battlefield, Illidan also found another problem.

Azshara's mana shield is abnormal.

Mana shield is an advanced defensive spell that can only be used by wizards who have a deep research on protection spells. The dense arcane will form a transparent shield around the body of the wizard. Although this shield is not very effective against physical attacks— —At least it’s a long way from ice armor — but for magical defense, the mana shield is extremely effective.

Azshara is a master of protection magic, her mana shield has always been very powerful, but Illidan still found something wrong.

There is no frequency fluctuation of refresh.

Due to the arrangability and energy inertia of arcane magic, most arcane magic has a short duration, including plastic energy magic (fireball).

Mana shield is also arcane magic, and it cannot always exist. This magic needs to be "refreshed" from time to time by the caster, or maybe the arcane magic in an area will lose control.

But the battle has been going on for a long time, and Azshara's mana shield hasn't been refreshed at all, and one can absorb all attacks so firmly.

Although the Mana Shield Master can reduce the frequency of refreshing, it is absolutely impossible not to refresh once for so long!

This made Illidan, who had originally wanted to attack while the mana shield refreshed, frowned.

This is very wrong, it seems that this is not a mana shield!

Looking at Azshara, who was motionless, Illidan decided to try again.

The war blade of Azzinoth was thrown once again, but Illidan made a joke this time. Although the green flame was burning on the war blade of Azzinoth, the fel attached to it was nothing but a manifestation.

Then, the warblade of Azzinoth cut easily into Azshara's mana shield again, and was again blocked by the short sword.

Illidan opened his wings, and recalled the warblade of Azzinoth while waving his hands.

"Azshara, my former queen, you have completely lost your arcane power!"

Azshara didn't say a word, but her expression became uncertain.

"I thought you could still use the mana shield, so I have always maintained restraint and dared not attack with all my strength. Now it seems that it is not a mana shield at all, but a shadow shield, right? It's really hard for you. The arcane effect!"

"How did you find out?" Azshara's voice was hoarse and harsh, "I have no problem with my simulation, and it is considered appropriate for your attack."

"The first time I threw the sword, I easily broke through your defense. I thought it was because of the fel's restraint on arcane magic. But the second time, when I threw it again, there was no additional fel. I easily broke through your shield. At this time, I finally realized that your mana shield is nothing but a fake."

"As far as I know, the effect of the Shadow Shield is similar, but when the Shadow Shield is facing a physical attack, the shadow fluctuates more. Maybe this is the reason why you picked up the short sword, right?"

"Wonderful reasoning." Azshara began to clap his hands, "but it is meaningless. Even if you know that I can't use arcane magic, how can it be?"

"It's just a little curiosity." Illidan showed a very bad smile, "If you completely abandon the transformation of arcane, then I am afraid that your current appearance is also fake? You should be a faceless person now, right? ?"


"The Faceless?!"

"Is this fake?"

It was okay for Drunk Wind and the three parties, and the other spectators were already stunned.


That is the existence that countless players jokingly called the "indescribable face".

And now Azshara on the water seems to be tempting to people with heavier tastes-As for the previous Azshara, the light in the light in the night elf portraits, that is the goddess.

Could it be that the goddess of the past is already the faceless?

Azshara was silent.

As the unknown premonition in everyone's hearts grew, Azshara took a deep breath, and then raised her head.

"Yes, I have completely lost my body."

"His--" There was a sound of cold air breathing around.

"The body is just a restraint. What I need now is strength."

"True power!"

"No, how could this happen!" Hearing Azshara said this, Vasqi weakened and collapsed beside Illidan, "Why are you like this..."

"I'm not the same as!"

Looking at Vaschi, Azshara's expression was extremely complicated, with love, disgust, anger and... envy intertwined on her face!

"The person I like will never be with me — once for him, I abandoned my people, and in the end, I found that the one who can stand with me is not the high above him, but In the deepest part of this endless sea, those naga who will never leave."

"My wish is not to be as naive and ridiculous as you are. What I need now is no longer a beautiful face, but a powerful force."

"I want the whole world to crawl under my feet!"

"But you shouldn't be with the ancient gods!" Vashj also became hysterical, "You were once Elune's favorite person, you were once the light in the light!"

"That was once!" Azshara's tentacles began to tangled up, "not now! Now I don't feel the power of the past!"


Suddenly Vashj didn't know what to say.

"I know, and N'Zoth also knows that we are just using each other-put away your careful thoughts, Vaschi-you are the child of my only friend, I know what you want to do now, But it's a pity, I won't look back anymore!"

In the next moment, in the turbulent ocean tide, a dozen tentacles suddenly broke out, and Azshara finally tore off all his disguise.

The "Azshara" on the water was like a bubble in the sun, quickly dissipating, and replaced by a guy who looked like an ancient god.

The violent tentacles, the gloomy compound eyes, just like a small N'Zoth!

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