Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 573: Vaschi in despair

Why did Illidan, Vaschi and Maiev take the initiative to ask Ying to fight Azshara?

This was proposed by Vaschi, and she hoped that there would be a chance to save Azshara.

Although Azshara has done countless wrong things-almost sacrificed Azeroth for Sargeras; allowed demons to slaughter night elf civilians; flooded Liviskin before the Battle of Mount Hyjal, etc., but for For Vaskey, Azshara's first identity was the one who raised him, his former master.

For Azshara, Vaschi had always felt guilty.

According to Vaschi’s idea, the three people should suppress Azshara, and then the drunk wind will purify Azshara, and then consider punishment-guilt and merit, or imprisonment forever-but no matter which one is better than watching Azshara and Eun Zos walked all the way to black.

It's a pity that Azshara is different from the queen in Vaschi's impression.

On Mount Hyjal, being killed by the drunk wind in a flash left Azshara a really painful memory, the former queen finally fell into extreme extremes.

The more proud people are, the harder it is to accept setbacks.

In the War of the Ancients ten thousand years ago, Azshara had already experienced a heavy blow, but she did not expect to greet her with another even heavier blow after dormant for ten thousand years.

If there is an excuse for the War of the Ancients, then the battle of Mount Hyjal was really defeated once.

Failure makes people easy to be extreme, and proud people tend to be more extreme when they fail.

Under N'Zoth's bewitching, Azshara blamed everything on her own weakness.

If you are strong enough to crush all the rebels, will the Ancient War still fail?

If you are strong enough to defeat the oath alone, how can you lose your fame in one move?

Under N'Zoth's persistent "persuasion", Azshara accepted the transformation-anyway, she had completely lost Elune's power, so let's change with Shadow!

After experiencing Deathwing's appearance and divorce, N'Zoth was very attentive to Azshara's transformation, and even directly transformed Azshara into a small self!

We don’t know whether Azshara regrets it later, but she is not willing to meet people as she is. In fact, Azshara has not completely become N'Zoth’s puppet—though not. Not far.

Seeing Azshara's appearance, the others were okay, Vashj broke down directly.

The queen who was furious because her bedroom lost its beauty, and Azshara who had to spend a lot of time every day to dress and dress, but now she became a faceless person with a faceless face because of her strength!

Why is this happening?


At the moment Azshara revealed his true face, Illidan realized that the battle was no longer under his control.

I just wanted to mock Azshara, hoping that she would show some flaws, but I didn't expect that this mocking would directly transform Azshara.

This level of fighting can no longer be solved by the three workers-Azshara now looks like a big octopus with tentacles longer than twenty meters!

Dealing with such large targets is no longer something Illidan is good at.

Without drunk wind commanding, Khadgar came directly to the surface.

People who are good at arcane magic can more or less use some force field spells, but the difference lies in whether they are good at it-for example, Kael'thas is good at this, and Khadgar only knows a thing or two.

But a little knowledge of one or two is enough for him to float on the surface of the sea, without affecting his spell casting.

For giant creatures, Khadgar has really done a lot of research in recent years-no way, in Draenor, the impression that Deathwing left on him was too deep.

Huge size often means huge strength, and it also means strong recovery ability. Therefore, for giant creatures, unless it is to find and beat his weakness, the most important principle in other battles is "It is better to break the fingers. The first means "must kill effectively."

It looks cool, but the effect is not very good.

What kind of spells are easy to use?

Yan Gun!


Under Khadgar's singing, a huge flame spear gradually took shape.

The entire flame gun was more than five meters in length, and it was formed by the condensed red flames, which seemed like a substance under Khadgar's continuous compression.

The sailor on the Tideblade could feel the heat of Khadgar's fire spear from a long distance away.

Azshara also felt the threat, and the compound eyes on her head suddenly turned red, and dozens of thick and powerful tentacles began to wave, like a whip, drawn towards Khadgar.

Just when the tentacles were about to draw Khadgar, Khadgar threw the flame gun in his hand, and then flashed and disappeared.

Azshara's size is really too big, although she is fast due to being in the water, but no matter how fast she is, it can't be faster than the Pyrolance.

The huge flame spear was like a sharp spear, piercing Azshara's two tentacles, and then snorted, igniting a cloud of water vapor on the sea.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

After the disillusionment, Azshara seemed to be unable to speak normally. She began to wailing in pain but but Khadgar's face was cold, and she didn't mean to stop because of sympathy. .

The second flame spear once again penetrated the two tentacles that Azshara had already injured.

Originally, under the influence of the violent fire element, the wound was difficult to heal, but after the injury was added this time, the two tentacles can no longer move.

Of course, Azshara's injury was not shallow, and Khadgar was also uncomfortable.

This exaggerated fire spear technique is not easy to release! After the second inflammation spear technique was released, Khadgar even felt that his body was hollowed out...

But the good news is that Khadgar was not fighting alone.

Although Kael'thas went to Errethalas in Feralas for a "state visit", there were still a lot of wizards who escorted - at least those who built ivory towers in Ahn'Qiraj returned to the east with the ship kingdom.

Khadgar’s two inflammatory spear skills bought them enough time. At this time, on the deck of the main frigate "Song of Kul Tiras", a huge gathering magic array had been drawn, and several of them often cooperated. The wizard is ready to cast spells.

After Khadgar was exhausted, the twelve wizards continued their firepower against Azshara by relying on the circle.

In Vashj's despair, Azshara quickly became scarred.

After losing the advantage of a surprise attack, Azshara couldn't even get close to within 100 meters of Tideblade.

Realizing that this would not work, Azshara resisted the pain and sank underwater.

On the sea, everything seemed to calm down, and the reflections of Elune and the blue boy became clear.

But Azshara did not leave, and the battle did not end.

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