Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 574: Say goodbye to the past

For Azshara, who dived underwater, said that everything in this battle has far exceeded her expectations.

Originally, after a fight, I hoped to attract Deathwing with this, but I didn't expect Deathwing to stand still, but he hit a real fire, and even suffered serious injuries.

But things are not the same as imagined...

Below the sea level, Azshara looked at the sky quietly. Elune and the Blue Child were once the existences she worshipped, but now they have become a distant dream.

Dimly, Elune saw Ozumat who was leaning over. This ancient demigod seemed to have been completely overwhelmed by Vaskey. Now he looked like a loyal dog and stared at him.

Why isn't Deathwing coming yet?

Elune agrees with N'Zoth's judgment. She also believes that Deathwing could not hold back without interfering in transporting C'Thun. The power of the ancient gods is so magical that even Azshara Feeling fascinated, let alone the Deathwing who worships power?

Wait! You can wait until Deathwing makes a move!

In the night, the people on the ship watched on the deck, and Azshara lurked underwater.


In the Deep Rock Continent, Deathwing had actually heard the news that C'Thun was sealed and moved a long time ago-even if N'Zoth did not deliberately inform the news, this kind of event is still hidden from the Twilight Cult. It is a pity, Death Yi did not intend to intervene.

Isn't it the power of the ancient gods? I have that too!

Nomi used to play Deathwing and the blood **** Hakkar when he did things in Sinsaro, but it is a pity that Deathwing was destroyed as Nomi thought after it sensed that the dragon's call was swallowed. Sinsaro, but he vented into pieces and swallowed the flesh and blood seeds that Haka was about to resurrect.

Then, Deathwing felt a powerful force that seemed to be familiar-a twisted flesh and blood force full of negative energy!

After seeing this magical power, Deathwing decisively put aside everything and started his own Flesh Seed Project.

You know, since the creation of the dragon soul ten thousand years ago, the body of Deathwing was broken-hot magma continuously gushed out of his body, tearing his dragon scales, and then flowing wantonly.

In order to deal with this difficult situation, Deathwing asked the goblin to wrap his body thickly with a layer of armor, which barely restrained the collapse of his body.

Of course, this is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

After devouring Hakkar's flesh and blood seeds, Deathwing felt that the collapse of his body seemed to stop!

The new flesh and blood contained the destruction caused by the negative energy when the Demon Soul was created, and there is even a faint tendency to use this negative energy.

This makes Deathwing overjoyed!

Deathwing believes that as long as you get rid of this **** collapse, no one can stop yourself from doing anything!

In this case, what N'Zoth, what C'Thun, all go and cool off!

Thus, Deathwing was in his lair, and Deep Rock Continent began to transform his body. Although the power of flesh and blood is strong, the collapse of the body is really an old disease. For a while, Deathwing has no leisure time!

Therefore, the wishful thinking of N'Zoth and Azshara is destined to be nothing.

Without Deathwing's intervention, Azshara and her naga wanted to **** C'Thun from the hands of a large number of guards, which is nothing short of a dream.

At sunrise and sunset, Azshara followed the fleet for half a month, but she did not see the shadow of Deathwing.

Although not sure why, Azshara has realized that there is a problem with the plan, and Deathwing may not appear.

Azshara stopped after all.

Re-transfigured into what she was like as the queen of night elves, Azshara stood quietly on the water watching the Kul Tiran navy carrying C'Thun ride the wind and waves, and finally disappeared out of her sight.

"The plan failed." Azshara's voice was horribly hoarse, "Go back to Nazjatar-we need to discuss the next move."

Beside Azshara, several male Naga guards nodded in awe, and then sank under the water.

On the deck of Tideblade, Vashj also saw Azshara's departure. Soon, Ozumat drove the murloc to report Azshara's departure to her, and confirmed Azshara's truth. After going to Nazjatar, Vashj suddenly felt very tired.

Although Vaschi believed that she had made the right choice at every step, she knew in her heart that these correct choices of hers were a betrayal to Azshara.

"The ridiculous mortal is always troubled by meaningless emotions."

Just as Vasiqi twisted her waist and returned to her room in the cabin, a voice was low and disdainful in the largest waterproof cabin on the Tide Blade.

"This is the difference between Drunk Wind gently pushed open the door of this waterproof warehouse, and walked in slowly, "You will never understand this, so you will not experience it. To the source of our strength. "

"I can..." C'Thun hesitated unexpectedly, "Emotions were originally the weapons of our ancient gods--sometimes I even wondered if you swallowed everything that Y'Shaarj left. This level."

"Of course not." Zuifeng shook his head slightly, "Emotion is not as simple as you think-although I have to admit that this is indeed the best way to disrupt absolute order, but it is not the only effect."

"That's enough." C'Thun's tone was still low, "Y'Shaarj uses this most skillfully, so he was once the most powerful among us."

"Maybe..." Zuifeng shrugged dismissively, "You use emotions just like a wizard uses arcane magic. You only know how to use it, but you don't know what the essence of arcane magic is."

"Arcane? That's just a ridiculous and fragile order." C'Thun's tone was still disdainful, "Say, what are you doing here? I think we have no need to communicate anymore, right?"

"Of course." Zuifeng smiled slightly, "I'm just telling you, it's time to say goodbye to my past-nothing more."


Back on the deck, Drunk Wind looked at the calm sea.

In the cabin, Illidan, Maiev and Vaschi finally said goodbye to the noble queen deep in his heart.

Most of the voyage in the endless sea has passed, C'Thun is silent, and it is rare that he does not have his own broken thoughts-it seems to say goodbye to Azeroth.

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