Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 575: Undercurrents in the tribe

The Tideblade finally docked in Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale.

Although C'Thun was "sealed by the drunk wind", in order to avoid possible accidents, the Tideblade still did not choose to dock at the port of Stormwind. After all, there are too many people in Stormwind, and even a small riot means Quite serious problem.

Stranglethorn Vale, or Booty Bay, had no worries about this. Under the offensive of the drunken wind and gold coins, Rivigaz had no objection to renting out the port.

Have you ever seen a goblin who has money but no money?

Although the most important part of the C'Thun migration plan has ended, it is not easy to get this ancient **** to Draenor-the dark gate has not been opened yet, stay in Draenor The orcs and draenei have not yet come back, now it is going to happen to get C'Thun to Draenor!

As a result, C'Thun's body was transported to Haguero Island, where the draenei once lived temporarily, and it was more than enough to house this ancient god.

C'Thun was not in a hurry. After all these years, he would not lose patience because of this last wait.

Illidan used the Sargerite keystone again. His task was to take Medivh to open the other side of the Dark Portal-this was the last thing Medivh did, and Illidan had agreed to him , After opening the Dark Portal, the fel energy on Medivh’s body will be exhausted, and then Medivh will really lose all his power.

Except for the guards on Haguero Island, the quicksand coalition forces have basically disbanded-although the environment in Silithus is still harsh, it is believed that under the purification of the druids, there may one day return to life.

In order to prevent accidents, Drunk Wind stayed on Haguero Island, and Nomi was brought over—he really didn’t dare to return to Blackstone Mountain. Contrary to Drunk Wind’s loving father, Onyxia was treating Nou Mi was surprisingly rough.

But unfortunately, Onyxia also stayed on Haguero Island. The Black Dragon Queen had no idea that “family ugliness should not be exposed”, so Lili had the honor to see Nomi being repeatedly beaten.

What a sad story...

When being hanged by her own mother, Nomi looked at Lili who was gloating and always missed that Valera who was still training in Ravenholdt—if there were no accidents, the blood elf sister should still be grinding. Practice your assassin skills, right?

After so much, Nomi has really grown a lot. Now he is very glad that he didn't make things big at the beginning. Now even if Ravenholdt is a little strange why Farad is gone, it will not affect Valera's. Spiritual practice.


After the new Quicksand War ended, the dwarf continued to transform his machinery, while the dwarf began to excavate Ahn'Qiraj under the leadership of Brian. C'Thun didn’t know what method he used. The worms in Silithus were almost invisible.

Stormwind City needs rest and reorganization. The greed of human nature has led to the growth of corruption in Stormwind City. After the War of Quicksand, Varian has turned his energies to MI7, and some restless nobles seem to start to move around again.

Unlike the alliance that is cultivated with peace of mind, the tribal undercurrents are raging at this time.

As for the trolls, after Zul'jin brought back the news of the Apexis Crystal, and learned of the existence of Orgrila, the Prophet Zul directly bypassed King Rastakhan and began to do things.

The trolls determined to reform began to discuss Draenor's strategy on Zandalar.

"Draenor we must control-at least part of it." By the voodoo campfire, Zul'jin stretched out his one arm, gazing at the flames while fiddled with the wood. "I have basically figured it out, Draenor's Those Loa gods have lost their wisdom under the erosion of the years. Although their power has also passed away, they seem to be in control of the laws of that world. As long as we find a way to resurrect them and control them after they are resurrected, the trolls will It has really risen."

"Things are not that simple." The enchanter Jindo thought more. "Since the gods of Loa want you to say so well, why are their followers scattered and withered? Could it be that they, like Hakkar, need frantic sacrifices? Sacrifice?"

"No, it's not because of this." Zul'jin shook his head. "The destruction of arakkoa civilization is related to their own civil strife-and based on the words of the Tibetan scroller, I always think there are other reasons for this matter. "

"You mean, the will of the world?"

Originally sitting on the main seat, the prophet Zul, who was motionless, suddenly opened his eyes.

"The...will of the world?" Zul'jin obviously did not understand what Zul meant. "I mean, there may be Titan's handwriting in this."

"Maybe it is." The Prophet Zul nodded, "The future is in chaos. I seem to hear the shout of the world-although vague, I believe this is not the same as the will of the so-called Titans."

To this day, trolls are still a rather ancient and primitive existence, and there are only a few erudite and profound trolls like the Prophet so none of the trolls here can understand what Zul means.

If Drunk Wind is here, he will be surprised by the prophet Zul's prediction.

Aggramar’s transformation of Draenor cannot be said to be wrong, but this is indeed the use of external forces to interfere with the process of Draenor-no way, who made Draenor’s original Spore Mountain Titan look at it Pleasing to the eye?

Titan is the incarnation of order, and hopes that the entire universe can proceed in an absolute order, but is there only order in the universe?

Regarding this, Sargeras has something to say...

Okay, let's not talk about this almost philosophical ultimate issue, and bring our perspective back to the Zandalar Islands.

"Jindu, I have discovered that the world is about to face a violent shock, and even Zandalar is dangerous. Combined with the things in Draenor, I hope to transfer our battle center to Stranglethorn Vale."

"Stranglethorn Vale? The Gurubashi?"

"Only the trolls standing together are the most powerful trolls. I hope that from now on, apart from the traitors of Darkspear, no trolls will specifically mention their origin-understand?"

After a daze, Jin Du finally nodded firmly.

"After the Dark Portal is opened, we need to go to Draenor—believe me, that pandaman will definitely use the reward to attract us to fight the demons like this time. Then we will follow the boat and find the Loa gods, and then Get their power."

"Yes, Prophet!"

On the Golden Throne, King Rastakhan of the Zandalar Troll didn't know that at this moment his men had given up on himself.

Trolls are no longer advocating simple bravery as before.

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