Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 577: Thrall


Thrall is the first politician in the true sense of the orcs.

Regardless of Gaia'an, Drektal or Brocks, they all have their own wisdom, but they are destined not to be politicians.

Experience can become wisdom, but it cannot simply be transformed into political wisdom.

But Thrall is different.

Thrall was the first orc to truly receive a human education (although he was self-taught in many ways), and a large amount of reading made Thrall's perspective and depth of thinking beyond the reach of other orcs.

For example, in this "Elemental Spirit Indifference Incident," Drektal's first feeling was panic, and even a distrust of the elements.

But Thrall found the key to the problem in no time-why the element became indifferent.

Thrall didn't feel nervous after reacting to Drek'Thar's words "the oath was to curb the rise of the tribe," but instead began to think about countermeasures for the first time.

The oath is currently not something the tribe can resist, so Thrall's response is to follow the flow, and make a fortune in a muffled voice is the best.

After all, Thrall is different from a pacifist like Jaina. He is a realist, and he chooses what is beneficial to the orcs.

And now, this realist is furious in Orgrimmar.

"Enslave the elements, how dare you!"


Remember the conflict in Orgrimmar?

Warsong shaman Harom used the power of the spirit of the earth to forcibly move the border stone and provoked a conflict between the alliance and the tribe.

This kind of looking for trouble is obviously not seen by the elements of Azeroth, so he was quickly punished by the elements and lost the power of the elements.

But Harom did not repent, but started something more excessive-the enslavement element.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. After seeing the mage rubbing the fireball, Harom was very angry-why can the mage use the power of arcane magic to simulate or even mobilize the elements, but the shaman needs to pray for the elements?

Harom selectively forgot the huge difference in the difficulty of practice between the two sides-a shaman, even a novice shaman, when faced with things that make the elements angry, the energy that bursts out is quite terrible.

The energy that a mage can use is strictly limited by its own mana, and once the mana is exhausted, the mage is a salted fish.

But what about shaman?

The shaman is like the catalyst of the element. As long as the prayer is received from the element, the energy that the shaman erupts will be the same as the energy erupted by natural disasters. It is extremely terrifying!

For example, when facing a worm, how many fireballs the wizard can rub depends on how much mana he has, while how many lava bursts the shaman can make depends on the concentration of the elements around him-as long as Sa The enemy of Man is also the enemy of the element. Well, all the elements that the shaman can influence will respond to the shaman’s prayer. This is terrible!

And Harom didn't care about the shaman's superiority, he hoped that the elements would follow their own will, rather than strike at every turn.

In this case, he began to enslaves the elements.

With the help of Kadris, the deputy sent by Grommash, Harom began his research on the elements of enslavement.

But the power of the elemental spirit is so powerful. It took a hundred years of war for the ancient gods to enslave the elements. How can these two whimsical orc shamans do it?

In the sub-slavery element experiment, the angry fire element exploded, the laboratory of Harom and Kadris was completely blown up, and the two people also suffered serious injuries-fortunately the entire laboratory was built in Underground, otherwise Orgrimmar Fortress will be blown down by a quarter.

However, this failure did not make the two orcs give up, but made them even more obsessed. The power of the elements is so powerful, so as long as you find a way to completely enslave the elements, won't you become stronger!

When Thrall came to investigate, the group headed by Grommash tried to cover up, but who was Thrall?

Thrall could not hide the pain of the elements, and he soon found Harom's new laboratory under the guidance of the spirit of the elements.

Then Thrall was furious!

In order to facilitate the control of the elements, Harom took the method of polluting the elements to weaken the will of the elements to achieve the control effect.

The fire element becomes the ash element, and the water element becomes the dirty flow element.

As a great shaman who "connects with the elements", Thrall's eyes are red!

"What are you doing?"

"In order to gain strength." Facing the furious Thrall, Harom and Kadris were not afraid of being false, but thinking of their motives, the two became determined, "We are for the orcs to truly master the elements. power!"

"Asshole!" Thrall made a rare swear word. "Enslave the elements for strength? Don't think I don't know what it means for you to do this. Did you do something to make the spirit of the element angry and lose the call for the help of the element. Thing?"

With a little thought, Thrall has already understood the whole incident.


Seeing that the whole thing could not be hidden, Harom and Kadris could only explain everything.

Thrall suddenly had a headache.

When he was a slave in Dunhold Castle, Thrall admired Grommash very much. When almost all the orcs lost their morale, and it was better to die under the erosion of demon blood, Grommash still Leading the Warsong clan to conduct guerrilla warfare in the Eastern Kingdom.

The story of Gromash was once Thrall's first knowledge of honor.

But now, Grommash's belligerence and brainlessness made Thrall feel unable to handle it.

As the absolute veteran of the tribe, Grommash is a brave warrior in the minds of the orcs, but brave warrior does not mean that he can make the right choice. Grommash has done wrong things twice.

Excessive pride makes Grommash terribly paranoid a lot, even if Thrall defeated Grommash in Makgora last Grommash just converged.

In desperation, Thrall could only order Kor'kron's troops to imprison Harom and Kadris first, and purify these elements himself.

What to do with Gromash?

Thrall was thinking about this when he was purifying the elements.

Suddenly, Thrall remembered some human stories he had read while studying in Dunhold.

If the king of humanity encounters this situation, what will he do?

Either the promotion becomes a civilian; or the promotion is sent to the front line.

The orcs have no civilian jobs, but the orcs have a front line.

Thrall decided to let Gromash go to Draenor-if you like toss, go to Draenor to wrestle with the devil! . () "Pandaman's Self-cultivation" only represents the author's point of view, Ye Yinxiao. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Its position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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