Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 578: Medivh with a story


The undercurrents within the tribe are raging, the trolls are planning reforms, and Thrall is mobilizing the orcs.

The Alliance has begun its crackdown on corruption, and MI7 is dispatched, and Stormwind City is quite turbulent.

At this time, Illidan used the Sargerite keystone to bring Medivh to Draenor.

"Well, I'm still not used to it." Walking out of the portal, Medivh shook his head, "This kind of fel transmission is really simple and rude..."

"As long as the goal is achieved." Illidan didn't care. "To be honest, after so many years, after getting used to fel energy, I can't bear the cumbersome arcane arts."

"Regular things are always cumbersome." Medivh smiled slightly. "It is this cumbersomeness that makes it so attractive, isn't it."

"Okay, okay..." Illidan shook his head impatiently, "Are you really not planning to join the demon hunter team? Believe me, as long as you join the demon hunter, your achievements are limitless."

"Hahaha!" Medivh couldn't help but smiled, "You, you are really not good at persuading others, so you told me that evil is very convenient, and you want me to join the demon hunter's queue? "

"To be honest, I'm used to speaking with my fist." Illidan untied Azzinoth's sword from behind, "Language is not my strength."

As he spoke, a Hellhound sprang out from nowhere, and rushed directly to Illidan - and was then neatly divided into four by the sharp Azzinoth war blade.

Facing the green blood on the ground, Medivh didn't blink.

"It's impossible for me to be tempted by this level of power. After all, Sargeras once lived in my body."

"Sargeras?" Illidan turned his head instantly, "Have you met Sargeras?"

"It's kind of interesting..." Medivh gave a rare expression of surprise, "Could it be that you have seen Sargeras?"

"That's right." Illidan nodded, "I'm thanks to him for the way I look now. He personally transformed me and turned me into a demon."

Although Illidan and Medivh have met, and even worked together in Ahn'Qiraj, the two of them are not very clear about each other's past-after all, whether it was transformed by Sargeras or possessed by Sargeras, It doesn't sound so glorious...

"Sounds great!" Medivh sent a soul torch to kill the demon guard who was following the Hellhound, and then carefully looked at Illidan, "It seems that Sargeras's aesthetic is not as bad as I thought."


This subconscious emotion of Medivh made Illidan a little confused, so why did he get to the aesthetic?

Well, this is because Medivh thought of memories that are not very good-the past about Garona.

Even though Illidan is ten times older than Medivh, Medivh is more vicissitudes of life than Illidan.

This is because the time concept of long-term species is different from that of short-term species, and the other is because Medivh has experienced death once after all.

Then after the resurrection, Medivh lost his two best friends and his lover(?).

Most people in the oath liked to tease Illidan's love triangle, but Medivh never did-not because the former guardian was very serious, but because Medivh was also a storyteller.

This time, Medivh came to Draenor to open the door of darkness. In addition, he did not have the purpose of looking for Garona. After so many years after the resurrection, he had never found it in Azeroth. There is no such person in the trace of Garona, the magic of the prophecy system.

Although to this day, Medivh still does not know what identity and attitude he should face Garona with, but he still hopes to find this hybrid orc.

Because Garona may be the only memory of her own generation...

Illidan looked at Medivh who had fallen into memories with interest. There seemed to be many interesting stories in the body of the former Guardian of Tirisfal. Of course, Illidan was not curious. After ten thousand years, he There has been no curiosity for a long time-he is more concerned about whether he can use this to pull Medivh into the team of demon hunters.

After a long while, Medivh finally recovered.

"Well, I don't want that much anymore-where is this place?"

"The Dark Temple."

"Where did Lothar leave?"

"Yes, where Lothar defeated Kil'jaeden with his life."

"Huh—" Medivh let out a long sigh, "I always feel that I can see through everything once I die, but now it seems that I still feel sad because of the past."

"It's okay, it's just because you lived too short." Illidan didn't take it seriously. "If you live for ten thousand years, you will find that those who can cause trouble are only living people."

"By the way, let's go quickly, I don't think you want to lie, do you?" Illidan suddenly thought of a question and hurriedly pulled Medivh, "I have been quiet for a few days, let's get to business first!"

"Then come back and have fun?" Illidan didn't say anything. In the shadows, a demon finally showed his figure, "Master Illidan, I waited so hard for you~"

"Don't think about it." Illidan stopped Medivh, who had almost let go of the soul fire, "Shaheras, put away your thoughts."

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's ruthless~" Shahrath was not afraid of Illidan, who was serious-faced. "It seems that the two tigresses look at you very seriously-why didn't they come here this time?"

"This is not something you should pay attention to..." Illidan rubbed his temples helplessly, "Can you stop pestering me?"

"Why, Lord Illidan, don't you need me anymore?" Shaheras changed her face in an instant, from a charming face to a pitiful instant, "After using it, do you leave it alone?"


When Illidan was silent at, Medivh finally couldn't help his smile and laughed loudly.

He was still wondering why Illidan said he wanted to lie, but now he understood it all.

"So, Medivh, I think you will be busy with me concealing Shaheras, right?" Illidan looked at Medivh with some helplessness, "It's troublesome, isn't it."

Just when Medivh was about to nod, Shahlash spoke slowly.

"The respected guardian, if I were you, I would definitely go back and announce that Lord Illidan has been with me."


"A few days ago, Magtheridon-now the leader of the Dark Temple-caught a female half-orc, I think you know her name?"

"Garona?!". () "Pandaman's Self-cultivation" only represents the author's point of view, Ye Yinxiao. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Its position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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