Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 579: Martheridon


Although Garona was incomparably miserable in Shahrush's description, in fact, this half-orc was not too difficult.

Among the demons, the succubus was in charge of the interrogation, but all the succubuses stationed in the dark temple were Shahras's men.

In other words... the people who are in charge of interrogating Garona are all my own...

Garona is the one who has been named in the Burning Legion!

what? You don't know why?

Well, it’s just that Comrade Medivh once had legs with Garona, and Sargeras was still possessed when he had legs...

It is for this reason that the demons actually didn't intend to do anything to Garona. Although the half-orc broke into the devil's "military restricted zone", the punishment given by the devil was only imprisonment.

But Shaheras, for the sake of the upper ranks, definitely can't tell Medivh like that. How can he show his importance if he doesn't make the problem serious? How can you win Medivh’s support without showing your own importance?

But although Shahras was cunning, she obviously underestimated the wisdom of the Astral Master.

While Shahras was still describing Garona's horror vividly, she saw a green skull head that looked like a terrible arrow, floating towards herself.

Chaos Arrow!

Shaheras is familiar with this thing. This is the most powerful attack method for warlocks who specialize in destruction. Once hit, it is not only the body-but also the soul!

The Destroyer Demon didn't expect that Medivh would suddenly come to herself like this, and after barely avoiding, she almost ran away.

"What are you doing? Damn, if I get here and down, I won't be able to resurrect the Twisted Void!"

"What am I doing?" Medivh raised his head slightly. Although his face was withered, his aura was extremely terrifying, "Among the demons, you are the leaders in charge of the interrogation, right?"


The self-defeating Shahlash gaped her mouth. She didn't expect Medivh to know so much about demons, and she didn't know what to say.

"Actually, Garona is safe in the Dark Temple." After a while, Shaheras, who reacted, said in embarrassment, "We did nothing except restrict her freedom..."

"Of course, you won't do anything to Garona." Unexpectedly, when she just spoke here, Medivh showed a bright smile over there, "Otherwise, you would never be able to stand here and play your little one. means."


Shaheras shuddered suddenly-this mortal seemed to be completely different from the straw bags he often saw, keen, profound and decisive, and he started his hands without warning and extremely terrible.

Thinking of this, Shaheras subconsciously hid behind Illidan.

Seeing that the lawless Shahras was so frightened by Medivh, Illidan was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Why bother? I thought you were already dead."

"Nothing." Medivh shook his head, "This is the last madness-for the sake of the dull future, I plan to come to a big show and bid farewell to my past!"

"You didn't have enough votes for Ahn'Qiraj?"

"Of course it's not enough-my old friend is stubbornly attacking Kil'jaeden. What a big deal for me to clean up the Twin Emperors!"

"Then you plan?"

"I think this temple is good, so let's play it down as an outpost for the vow!"


To be honest, Magtheridon was unlucky.

Originally helped the Burning Legion to garrison the Dark Temple, who would have thought that a natural disaster would strike the sky—when they were training soldiers on the Dark Temple’s major campus, two demons descended from the sky, urging Magtheridon to punch and kick while beating. At the same time, he said that he was walking for the sky!

Ahem, okay, it's a bit too much to say that, after all, it was not easy for Illidan and Medivh to touch the dark temple.

But to be honest, Illidan is a demon, and Medivh is a warlock (a warlock with a serious demonization, and there is no difference between a demon), and the two want to get into the dark temple without going through the sewers.

First of all, low-IQ demons such as Voidwalkers don't know their identities, so this kind of guard is a display for them.

Secondly, there is Shaheras as the internal response. Both people's travel routes have been optimized, and there are not many demons encountered.

In the end, these two are not only particularly good at fighting, but they are also extremely targeted at demons. Let’s not talk about demon hunters. The more abnormal one is Medivh. After he took out his spellbook, he was directly forced to face the weaker demons. Sexual enslavement of demons, and then demons sacrifice!

Except for the ignorant Voidwalker, all the other demons were swept away where the two people went!

Then Magtheridon was unlucky.

When he saw Illidan and Medivh, the first reaction was dazed.

"Who owns these two experimental products? Don't worry, they both ran out of the laboratory!"

Demons often catch orcs to do some experiments, so for the two guys who suddenly appeared with a devilish breath, and he had never seen them before, Magtheridon's first reaction was that some people's experiment came out.

To be reasonable, Illidan and McGrady originally wanted to send Magtheridon back to the Twisting Void. But when these words were spoken, Shaheras, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help but silently mourn for Magtheridon.

Sure enough, Illidan and Medivh looked at each other, and tacitly decided to teach the devil with a very mean mouth a profound lesson.

Illidan opened his wings directly, wielding the genuine Azzinoth war blade, and attacked Magtheridon.

At the same time Medivh wielded the pirated version of the legendary rod of the Atiesh Guardian, launching a fel version of the flame storm.

The demon guards who were training had not reacted, they were directly burned to ashes by the raging **** flames!

After holding Illidan's attack with a double-headed spear, Magtheridon watched the elite of his own hands disappear, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"Damn, I don't know who you are, but you angered the great Magtheridon, you are dead!"

But unfortunately, he hasn't finished his cruel words. The cold and sharp Azzinoth war blade has been put on his neck, and the fel in Medivh's hands has bound him tightly. In situ.

In the next moment, Illidan put away the double egg knives, and Medivh also dissipated the phantom chicken legs. The two came to the bound Matheridon with a grinning smile, and waved their fists.

"what--". () "Pandaman's Self-cultivation" only represents the author's point of view, Ye Yinxiao. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Its position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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