Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 584: Goblin from the Void

The goblins of Azeroth are familiar to everyone, right?

The group of guys who yell that time is money every day, seeing everyone talking to their friends while thinking about how to sell you for a good price, on the one hand has made a huge contribution to the commercial circulation of Azeroth, on the other On the one hand, it also provides the most extensive breeding ground for the destruction of the environment and the deterioration of social morals.

Void Spirit is actually the goblin in the star realm...

Of course, as the "high-end creatures" in the star realm, the Ethereals have a bit more face than the goblins, at least what they say is much better-even if it is a poor and white peddler, they will not put money on their lips. For the goblins, at least it is the cultivation that the big boss can have.

The node prince is the "high-end business talent" of the Ethereal, and can basically be compared to the goblin trade prince. Think about how many trade princes are there in Azeroth?

Therefore, Medivh's first reaction to summoning the node prince was something wrong.

Although the Void Spirit's system is special, it can use the power of the twisting void to transmit unlimitedly, and Draenor is indeed full of holes under the erosion of void energy, but how can a dignified node prince appear so quickly, it should not be!

The most important thing is that Medivh has a sense of deja vu in this man named Nerus, which is similar to the trash in the treasury of Magtheridon...

Thinking about it now, I was able to deceive an Abyssal Demon with a heavy weapon in his hand, and ran away after being cheated. That Ethereal Merchant was definitely not easy. In addition to the rapid appearance of this guy in front of him, Medivh had reason to believe that he was fooling Ma. Suriton bought a bunch of trash guys.

So, here comes the question, why did the Prince of Node go to personally fool that inadequate eye?

Don't look at Magtheridon being easily beaten by Illidan and Medivh. In fact, his strength among the Abyss Demon King is at least mid-to-high. Why would the Tang prince personally end up cheating fools?

It must be a good thing in the hands of a fool!

What good things does Magtheridon have in his hands?

Medivh had visited his treasure house, and now it seems that the only good thing is the skull of Gul'dan.

Therefore, while Nerus was still trying to talk about it, Medivh had already determined the purpose of this guy-the Skull of Gul'dan!

After all, you can't expect a node prince to be interested in gold coins, can you?

After discovering that Medivh had figured out his details, Nerus shrugged quite humanely.

"Savvy mage-now I have thoroughly confirmed that you are a mage, not a sorcerer."

Medivh suddenly didn't know how to follow Nerus's words.

"Well, let's talk about business now-what price should I pay to get that head out of your hands?"

"My asking price is not expensive. It depends on whom you plan to resell this thing to." Medivh did not answer directly, "Looking at you, it seems that you have found a next home?"

"As a real businessman, it's impossible for me to disclose information about one customer to another." Nerus obviously didn't want to respond to Medivh's inquiries. "It is the basic rule of the businessman."

"Okay, I understand." Regarding Nerus' insistence, Medivh expressed his understanding, "but I am not watching your customers' privacy. I must be responsible for my world. I cannot allow the things I sell to be used for Deal with my world."

"About this, you can rest assured." Nerus was rather open-minded, "Voidling never sells real good things to demons. We and the Burning Legion have never been in a cooperative relationship—well, except And some smart Nathrezim, and destroyers..."

Medivh nodded and motioned to himself to understand-as in the record, the virtual spirit did not have a good relationship with the devil.

War money is certainly a good thing, but is the war money of the Burning Legion so profitable? Moreover, even though Medivh didn't know how the Ethereal Merchant was born, there is no doubt that these guys still admire order, and they don't look right with the devil.

"Now that the prerequisites for cooperation are there, the next step is simple. I want to open this door now and need a lot of soul energy-what can you do?"

"This door?" Nerus raised his head and looked at the dark door carefully. "The magician's handwriting, such a huge space portal, the soul energy required is terrible..."

"I don't bargain." Medivh frowned, "Don't try to make me pay more, I only have this stuff."

Seeing Medivh throwing the Skull of Gul'dan in his hand up and down, Nerus seemed to start thinking.

After a long time, Nerus raised his head.

"No, no, it’s not bargaining—I can provide you with soul crystals, pure natural ones—Void spirits never intentionally kill creatures. We respect life, especially me, Nerus, I’m even Narudu. Good businessman praised."


"But please teach me a little trick."

"Tips?" Medivh was puzzled. "What little skills? The skills to open the dark door?"

"That portal? What a joke, when does the Ethereal need a portal."

"Then what technique did you say?"

"The technique to conjure Nerus pointed to the teleportation staff of the Atiesh Guardian in Medivh's hand, "If I read it correctly, you conjured this, right? To tell you the truth, my first pot of gold came from helping a group of adventurers to illusion, but I have never seen you such a clever illusion method. "

"For you, this is just a small trick to use a handy casting tool." Nerus's tone was full of desire, "For me, this is a further step!"

Seeing Nerus like this, Medivh suddenly felt dumbfounded.

"Then, the deal—the natural soul crystal enough to open the Dark Portal in exchange for the skills of Gul'dan and I to transform Atiesh—is it fair enough?"

"Of course, of course!" Nerus nodded again and again, "Etiyesh, really a good name, if you are willing to sell its genuine, I am willing to pay a higher price-even I am willing to send a part of my caravan guard As your mercenary, that's a real elite..."

"Stop it!" Medivh waved impatiently and interrupted Nerus's chattering, "That thing doesn't belong to me now, don't think about it."

"Then if you are willing to provide me with its information, I also have..."

"Don't even think about it, let's sign the contract now!"

Seeing that Medivh's attitude was very determined, Nerus could only come up with a magic contract somewhat unwillingly.

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