Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 585: Intrigue deal

Seeing Nerus' contract, Medivh finally became serious.

The highlight is coming.

The Void Spirit’s alignment tends to be more like a neutral lawful order-well, sometimes it tends to favor an evil lawful order.

And goblins, those little green-skinned dwarfs are undoubtedly neutral chaos...

So although goblins claim to talk about credibility, in fact they only talk about credibility occasionally when facing an existence with a bigger fist than themselves.

The virtual spirits are different, they really talk about credibility.

However, please don't imagine how noble the Ethereal is because of this. The bandagers will speak credibility and abide by the contract, but when signing the contract, their small means are horrendous.

Using magic tricks, Medivh carefully observed the contract that Nerus handed over.

It looks like some decorative patterns, but in fact it is the language of a small race in the star realm.

The seemingly unbiased description of the contract is actually full of logical traps and puns.

If Medivh easily signs the contract...

He paid more than just the Skull of Gul'dan—he also needed to pay the legendary staff of Atiesh Guardian, hand over his spellbook, and only got the "natural" soul crystal.

"Natural" has another meaning in the imaginary language, which is "barely usable".

Although Medivh has never been in contact with such profiteers, he is a man who was once possessed by Sargeras-don't you know that the Ethereal Spirit still doesn't know about Nathrezim?

Medivh knows the dreadlord's methods!

Nerus sighed helplessly when he saw Medivh as an old driver.

"Well, Master, you won—I can’t believe that this is the first time you have done business with the Ethereal."

"How will it be to do business with Xu Ling for the first time?" Medivh raised his eyebrows sarcastically, "I will count the money for you if you sell it?"

"Of course not. The Ethereal never engages in the slave trade-at least it does not sell intelligent creatures." Nerus shook his head frequently. "And didn't you notice the bottom of the contract? It is marked there. If you don't You can sign again if you are satisfied!"

"I saw it." Medivh curled his lips. "Re-sign, it sounds good, but what's the price? Let me see... double pay?!"

"This is just a small measure-to make customers feel our sincerity."

"First, deceive the customer like a fool, and then show mercy, sign a double contract and sell it well. Is this Xu Ling's sincerity?"

"In a transaction, the negligent party always has to pay for his negligence." Nerus paid no attention to Medivh's sarcasm. "Re-signing is already the best opportunity!"

"So I should write the contract for our transaction."

"No, no, it's absolutely not possible!" Nerus shook his head like a rattle, "Voidling never writes a contract when doing business."

"But I am full of distrust of you now."



Illidan and Garona looked at them with dumbfounded faces as they bargained prices like vendors.

What about Faye?

What about high-end businessmen?

Fortunately, Eddie and Nerus didn't let the two of them wait too long. After the second negotiation was completed, Nerus took out a completely blank contract, and after Medivh's inspection, he began to fill it out.

The naturally formed soul crystal that can fully open the Dark Portal, exchanges the method of transforming the Skull of Gul'dan and the Legendary Staff of Atiesh Guardian.

It seems fair and reasonable.

After Medivh and Nerus signed their names one after another, both began to laugh.

Nerus laughed at Medivh as a rookie. There are many planets in the universe. Some planet elements are rampant (such as Delano before the transformation of Aggramar), and some planets are full of soul energy. Just picking a stone can become "natural". The soul crystal formed".

In other words, the price Nerus paid was far less than he thought.

Medivh laughed at Nerus for being unprofessional. Don't look at the protoss being able to travel through space at will, but that is a racial talent. When it comes to the actual level of space magic, they are far worse-if you want to fully open the darkness The door, the soul crystal needed is an astronomical number!

More importantly, although Medivh would give Nerus the magic method of the legendary rod of Atiesh Guardian, he hadn't been in contact with the real chicken leg rod, and Nerus could not turn it out when he was exhausted.

In the two people's satisfied smile, the transaction was completed.

After the contract was signed, Nerus quickly left and went to raise the soul crystal, while Medivh, along with Illidan and Garona, waited silently in front of the Dark Portal.

"Well, I'm a little hungry..."

After bargaining for a long time, Medivh finally got hungry.

Moreover, the dry food prepared before is gone.

Although he didn't like the taste of magic bread, Medivh still had to use cooking skills to get himself something to eat.

"Hey, wait a minute~"

Seeing that Medivh wanted to knead bread, Illidan reacted immediately.

But it was too late to stop.

Medivh’s cooking technique is complete.

There is no cool magic spring water and fragrant magic bread-Medivh’s meal-making skills have changed, resulting in a tuft of disgusting things like green flying and it is also pungent taste.

"It's over!" Illidan covered his face, "My identity as a person who came by reminds you that you are no longer a mage, and this will be reflected in all aspects-not only when fighting."

Medivh was stunned, he really couldn't believe that he couldn't even release his meal making skills now!

"Perhaps for some reasons, you can still feel the traces of fate, the prophecy spells can still be used, the plastic energy spells have become destructive spells, and the protection spells have become demon defensive spells, but you must recognize it clearly. It’s just that you are no longer a mage."

Illidan's words made Medivh frown, and after a long time, he raised his head to look at the seemingly brainless night elf.

"Let's talk about it, what kind of change did you experience?"

"Many. Before the world was about to be destroyed, I gave up everything and chose to make a desperate move. I was lucky to win, but I changed myself forever. I didn't even dare to leave Black Crow Fortress for ten thousand years. The evil energy is far more than you think. The heaviness in—I hope you become a demon hunter not for yourself, but for you to truly use this power."

Medivh nodded.

Just here, Garona came over and stuffed a roasted hind leg of an unknown animal into Medivh's hand.

"Use your brain when you are full. When people are hungry, they don't understand things."

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