Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 586: Medivh

   Medivh is very confused.

To be honest, after experiencing life and death, and his old friends are almost withered, Medivh really wants to give up everything, return to Karazhan, return to the place where everything started, and be a quiet librarian.

After years of observation, Medivh believes that Drunken Wind can do better than himself, and Khadgar will one day become a great mage, sheltering Stormwind City just like himself.

With this in mind, Medivh chose to use fel energy when facing the twin emperors, and simply abolished the strength of his legendary mage.

But now, Medivh suddenly felt confused about his choice.

Just left?

I am no longer a mage, but my current body full of evil energy is directly abolished?

Own carelessness has attracted orcs. Although he has been running around these years, has he really made up for his fault?

Different from the original history, due to the intervention of Drunk Wind, Medivh failed to complete his plan to unite alliances and tribes to resist the demons together, so in his subconscious, Medivh always believed that what he did was not enough to make up for it. Own mistakes of the past.

This is why in Ahn'Qiraj, Medivh didn't care about his body and chose to use full firepower.

In his heart, Medivh always thought he needed to make up.

It is easy for Medivh to give up everything-not only because he can stay away from the whirlpool of Azeroth, but also because he can tell himself that I have done everything I can do, and I am now a Ordinary people, even if I want to continue to make up, I have nothing to dedicate.

It is precisely with this kind of thought that Medivh has been thinking about it, after opening the dark door, he will find a way to purify all his evil energy, and then completely retreat.

But now, following Illidan's words, Medivh was shaken.

Did you really try to make up for it?

Looking at Illidan, Medivh suddenly felt that he was not doing enough.

With the action in the past few days, Medivh has also gradually learned about Illidan's experience in the War of the Ancients.

I have to say that with the help of Drunk Wind, what Illidan did was a real heroic act.

Think about it, in order to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank, as an arcane genius, he chose to forcefully fall, and then went deep behind the enemy, and at the very moment, prevented the invasion of the devil.

More importantly, although 10,000 years have passed, Illidan did not hesitate to join the battle again when he learned that the Burning Legion was about to move again.

Seeing that where Illidan walked left behind a string of footprints burning with fel flames, Medivh felt particularly deep.

After Ahn'Qiraj returned, Medivh deeply felt the terrible fel energy.

Chaos, destruction, rage.

Medivh, like Illidan, did not dare to walk around easily, because no matter how careful they were, their existence was like a humanoid fel pollution generator.

Illidan's ten thousand years in Black Rook Fortress was not because of his residence (nor Maiev!), but because he didn't dare to leave. Once Illidan left, where he went, his vitality would be destroyed!

Now that he had such a "example" in front of him, Medivh began to rethink his future.

Illidan and Garona didn't speak either, and the two leaned at the feet of the Dark Portal, raised their heads, and quietly looked at the fragmented sky of Draenor.

The vast universe, the vast expanse-the blue sky of Azeroth, compared with this magnificent scene of Elune and Blue Child, undoubtedly a lot of boring.

However, no one wants Azeroth to become what Draenor is now.

Medivh was confused and chewed unconsciously, and the front leg of a roasted magic boar was eaten...

Still undecided.

Medivh really felt tired.

Illidan is in a virtuous circle of hard work-becoming a hero-continuing to work hard, while Medivh started everything because he made up for his own faults. The gap between the two sides is not a little bit.

Illidan stopped persuading him, now Medivh had already wanted to understand everything, and now he just had to wait for the guardian to make his own choice.

"I thought it over." After a long time, Medivh finally lost the bone in his hand and stood up. "Since he said he was leaving, why bother..."

Hearing Medivh's words, not only Illidan was disappointed, but even Garona felt uncomfortable.

"That's the only way." Illidan sighed slightly, "I confess, this is all the drunk wind asked me to persuade you-it seems that conventional means cannot convince you."

"Conventional means?" Medivh was taken aback, "So there are unconventional means?"

"Yes!" Illidan nodded earnestly, "Drunk Wind gave me an unconventional radical technique."


At this moment, Medivh had nothing to say about Illidan's honesty-is it really good for you to be so frank? !

"Zuifeng told me that you shouldn't leave a stage where someone you know hasn't retired from history."

"Anyone familiar with me?" Medivh was taken aback for a moment, "Ryan and Anduin are gone..."

"It's not them, I'm talking about Alonthos Faor-is it the name?"

"Archbishop Fao?!" Medivh's eyes widened instantly, "Is he still alive?!"

"No, he is dead." Illidan shook his head decisively, "Actually, he is very similar to you. You have lost the power of arcane power and become a warlock; he is no longer under the blessing of the holy light and became a shadow priest~www."

Medivh is a genius mage, but it is undeniable that his strength is more from inheritance-although he himself also likes to study, but the true magic talent is not the kind of existence that has never been seen before.

But Alonthos Faor is different. The Archbishop Faor is a true light genius (higher than a priest who only wows puppets). There are more than tens of millions of people in Stormwind who have received Faor's favor!

Isn't the first paladin great?

Those are all disciples of Fao!

But such a respected sacred priest actually became a shadow priest after his death? !

That's the shadow!

This incident had a great impact on Medivh. At this moment, he finally started to rethink his choice.

Maybe, I really haven't retired yet!

Seeing Medivh's gradually firm eyes, Illidan smiled.

"I was really hit by Drunk Wind-it seems that your future can't escape his calculations."

"Let's talk about it." Medivh, who had figured everything out, didn't care. "What is he going to do with me?"

"Fighting back against the demon requires not only a wizard, but also a warlock."


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