Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 595: For Arak's legacy

The trolls launched a charge. ranw?en??????????`

Facing the aggressive troll, Roja was still very nervous.

Don’t look at this dwarf who has gone through countless big scenes, but most of the time her side has a quantitative advantage. But now, Roja estimates that there are 500 trolls, but the dwarves and dwarves together are only a few hundred !

This is a pppppvp!

But Loya will not back down!

During this period of time, the dwarf archaeological team Xiaoxing stayed at night and kept searching along the veins. When encountering the excavation site, Loya had been conducting inspections and research on the Apexis Crystal.

At this moment, she knows better than anyone what kind of power is contained in these beautiful crystals!

This is the original power of Draenor, the power and wisdom of a world!

Now the troll is clearly prepared. Although she doesn't know how the troll found here, or whether the orcs actually intervened in it, what she can be sure of is that if the troll gets the cave behind her Thing, not only is the alliance in trouble, but he is also likely to die directly here.

Luo Ya believes that the troll will never leave alive!

"Everyone, rely on the camp to start defense!"

"The anti-arrow matrix is ​​activated!"

"The Musketeer prepares, 3, 2, 1, volley!"

Under Roja's methodical command, along the edge of the camp of the dwarven expedition, a translucent barrier appeared. The short spears thrown by the trolls were nailed to the barrier, which did not cause any damage to the dwarven archaeological team.

At the same time, the dwarves and dwarves left behind have already loaded their guns.




After a burst of gunpowder, the troll berserkers who rushed to the front staggered and fell.

The Prophet Zul didn't even blink the musket. For the troll, it was a trash weapon. Even if it was the most powerful shotgun, the troll warrior received a shot from the front, and it would gradually recover on its own.

However, contrary to Zul's expectation, the trolls did not fight again after they fell, and their bodies were filled with magical radiance.

"Enchant bullet!" The Prophet Zul snorted coldly, "It's a pity that such a big handwriting is useless after all!"

"It's useless?" Luo Ya raised her face, "It's up to you to decide whether it's useful! Continue the salvo!"

The troll had already rushed to the edge of the camp, but the musketeers continued to shoot without fear.

Another group of trolls fell. Because the distance was too close this time, almost no shot was shot in the empty space. Under the enchanted bullet, the proud regeneration ability of the trolls did not work at all.

But so what!

The troll is already riding his face!

The next moment, the battle once again exceeded Prophet Zul's expectations.

A huge brown bear suddenly appeared, barely resisting the troll's attack.

Hunters have pets, especially if the dwarf hunter did not bring a bear. You are ashamed to be called a hunter?

It was fun now, and the battle suddenly froze.

But the old **** with Zul's face was there, but Luoya, who led the Dwarf Archaeological Team to stop the enemy with inferior forces, looked desperate.

The reason is simple, Loya's hole cards are almost exhausted.

But on the troll's side, except for the two hundred berserkers who charged for a wave, the other priests watched quietly.

"Okay, get up"

Seeing that the dwarves and dwarves seem to have nothing to do, Zul finally smiled and shot.

After a magical wave, they fell to the ground, and the troll berserkers who were restricted by the enchanted bullet got up one after another, shook their heads, and began to charge.

Seeing that the dwarven archaeological team was about to collapse, the next moment, the part of the dwarves that were exploring in the cave finally came out.

The headed Brian Bronzebeard opened the heavens to descend, and a big jump came to the forefront of the battle line.

Luo Ya refreshed, and then despaired.

The trolls were far more prepared than they were. Seeing the warriors of the dwarven archaeological team came back, the troll priests took action.

After a burst of voodoo brilliance, the dwarf warriors disappeared, replaced by a frog called piper.


Unlike the Mage’s Sheep Transformation, the Troll’s magic is not hypnosis, but a real "temporary voodoo transformation."

Except for a few dwarf warriors who have the blood of the hill king and can open the heavens to descend to the earth, other warriors have been recruited and become frogs on the ground.

Blood collapse!

After only three rounds of meeting, the dwarven archaeological team can almost be judged as abolished. If this is a military exercise, they can already be sentenced to defeat.

These trolls are all elite. The dwarf warriors are killed one by one to disarm the magic and be beaten to death, and the next one dispel the magic and be beaten to death...

Brian's eyes were already red.

These archeologists are not only elite fighters, but also outstanding scholars!

But at this moment, anger does not solve the problem.

In fact, Brian himself is also a mud bodhisattva. It is difficult for him to cross the river. As the number of fallen dwarf warriors There are more and more people besieging Brian, and the hunters’ beast buddies also fall. more and more.

"Damn it!" Luoya threw out the last electromagnetic grenade on her waist, and then faced the empty engineering backpack, anxiously, "Ahhhhh, if I knew this, I brought the mobile arsenal!"

"Don't worry about the mobile arsenal!" Brian who was surrounded by the crowd yelled, "Go and blow up the cave, and then leave with the concealed potion. Tell my brother about this first!"

"What do you do?" Luo Ya took out the medicine provided by Spore Man, but did not drink it immediately, "I have a lot of hidden medicine here, come back soon!"

"No need!" Brian didn't turn his head back. "The men of the Bronzebeard family never retreat, and they won't regret it!"

"Let go of your warhammer." Zul finally said, "You have no chance. I guarantee your treatment and the dignity of the captive."

"Sorry for the blood of the King of the Hill, and we will never back down!" As he said, Brian slammed his warhammer to the ground. "Thunder blow!"

While the surrounding trolls were staggering, Brian dual wielded the warhammers and began to spin rapidly.

Fight of the sleepy beast!

Seeing Brian who insisted on not putting down his weapon, Zul narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Brian owes his hand to his mouth, he is the dwarf prince after all, and the third brother of Magni's Bronzebeard.

As a last resort, Zul didn't want Brian's life.

But now it seems that the dwarf refuses to put down his weapon.

"Then sorry."

Feeling sorry for Brian in the bottom of my heart, Zul chanted the spell himself.

The voodoo was rolling, and the shadows burst.

Third, where is the friend of Xiuxian? (To be continued...)

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