Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 596: Halfway out Cheng Yaojin (1/5)

Luo Ya did not chirp like the heroine in a romance novel, but as soon as she saw something impossible, she turned around and got into the grave according to Brian's instructions. r?anwen??????????`???

As Brian said, the legacy of the gods of Arak cannot fall into the hands of the trolls.

These trolls have obviously coveted the power of the gods of Arak for a long time. It is hard for Roja to imagine how the Alliance should respond if the trolls have mastered this magical power!

Outside the tomb, the cast of the Prophet Zul is complete.

Lengthy spells and tedious casting steps bring terrible power.

As a gray line connected between Zul and Bryan, Bryan felt his body hollowed out instantly.

At this moment, in Brian's perception, his strength, spirit and even anger were gone.

Contrary to Brian's weakness, Zul didn't seem to be old anymore, and he straightened up rare, with a spirited look.

Excited Zul waved his hand to signal the trolls to stop the siege. There is no doubt that Brian Bronzebeard is an excellent warrior in Zul's view. He should not die in the hands of a group of trash fish. Zul thinks he should give it by himself. Brian died.

Brian looked at Zul weakly, showing a tired smile.

"At the last moment of life, you no longer need to keep your awkward smile." Zul's voice was extremely calm, "You are about to return to the arms of death."

"No, no." Brian shook his head reluctantly. "I don't believe in any **** of death. I believed in Titans, but now I have begun to doubt my creator. I am different from your trolls, and that is, I laugh because You won’t get everything here, Roja’s bomb will destroy this place."

"I know." Zul, who was holding the winning ticket, didn't care at all. "But she can't run away. Even if it collapses, we will try our best to dig. I believe we can find what we want before the league reacts. "

Although Brian's face is still light and windy, it is undeniable that at this moment, the dwarf is truly desperate.

"Before we came, we didn't tell the orcs everything. I don't think you would tell the humans everything? Maybe when they realize that you are missing, the trolls will be unstoppable."

Zul is worthy of being the prophet of the Zandalari trolls. He is insightful about the choice of dwarves and dwarves. In fact, as he said, humans do not fully understand what dwarves and dwarves are doing this time, even Dark Iron dwarves and Wildhammer dwarves. I don't know how important this archeology is.

Magni Bronze whiskers are a personal spirit!

But now, Brian really hopes that everyone knows everything here, and it is much better to share a piece of the pie with allies than to be picked by the enemy.

Finally, Brian closed his eyes in pain.

"Okay, no time wasting, goodbye, brave dwarf!" The Prophet Zul pulled out the golden short spear from his waist, walked in front of Brian, and then raised his hand, "ibeseein\\\'yamon. Troll whisper, goodbye buddy)

Then, the short spear pierced down.

It's a pity that the blow to Brian was interrupted by a violent shock.

The tomb began to collapse.

Zul, who had just fallen down because of an unstable footing, got up again and looked at the grave.

"Well, I have to say, that dwarf moves very fast."

Then the next moment, Zul felt something was wrong, and danger was imminent!

"Be careful with defense!" Zul's hunch was quite accurate. In this case, he ignored Brian and started to organize the defense of the trolls. "Everyone, save your life first!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge creature broke out of the collapsed tomb.

"Invaders, you disturbed God's sleep!"

What appeared in front of the trolls was a giant construct.

This is a human-shaped metal structure with closed eyes, standing more than five meters high, with a shining circle mark on the chest, and it seems that it has no weapons.

But Zul did not dare to take it lightly, because this construct brought him endless fear!

That's right, fear!

Obviously the energy fluctuations are not too strong, but Zul felt fear instinctively.

Then Zul knew the source of his fear.

Holy light, extremely bright light!

The construct opened its eyes, and two rays of holy light were emitted and directed at the troll.

Light magic is the most difficult to defend. There is no ballistic speed. As long as you lock the target, you can almost confirm the hit.

And this construct obviously has a lot of puppet wisdom. It didn’t sillyly swept across a line, but after locking the position of the trolls, it started with the injured trolls with the weakest vital signs. , Shoot one by one.

A continuous holy light flashed, and the troll berserker had fallen.

Although the trolls are very resilient, they have not been able to get up again under the burning of the strong holy guards of Rukhmar's tomb are as terrifying as they are!

In fact, don't look at the miserable arakkoa now, but with the blessing of their terrifying Apexis crystals with high technological level, they will use the Holy Light inherited from Rukhmar to their magic!

Unfortunately, the arakkoa did not understand the holy light. They simply used the holy light as a kind of energy, not a spirit, which resulted in frequent internal disturbances.

Even after the orcs drank the blood of the devil, the siege of Tongtian Peak was once ashamed. If it weren't for the internal division of the arakkoa, the arakkoa exiles had acted as the leader party, unless the devil himself took the initiative, the Tongtian Peak would never be broken.

You know, there were hundreds of Holy Light Cannons on the Tongtian Peak before the destruction!

"Zul'jin, find a way to attract the firepower of this thing, and create opportunities for me!" The Prophet Zul now has no time to talk to Brian. The problem now is that this big guy must be killed, otherwise this team of trolls will confess. At this!

Taunts are ineffective on constructs, so Zul'jin wanted to attract the firepower of the guards of the tomb, so he could only choose to rush forward.

Charge and then whirlwind, all in one go.

Then a shallow mark was left on the construct.

Our army failed to break the enemy's armor!

One blow was invalid, Zulkin was not frustrated, he directly turned to attack the shutdown of the construct.

The translucent shield protected the construct's knee joints, and Zulkin returned without success.

Fortunately, the attention of the guards of the tomb was finally attracted. It stopped the slaughter of the troll berserkers and locked the target on Zul'jin.

"A high-energy threat is found, and a priority elimination program is initiated!"

When Zul'jin succeeded in taunting and Zul chanted and cast spells, no one noticed that the half-dead Brian Bronzebeard disappeared. (To be continued...)

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