Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 605: The much-anticipated war (five/five)

It has been four months since the Alliance and the Horde fought side by side and resisted the corruption of the ancient gods. Despite the successful exile of C'Thun, the fragile agreement between the Alliance and the Horde has long since disappeared. Now, the sky-shaking drum is once again. Sounded. Fire Ran? Text?????????????`??

This war is very interesting, and it can be said that everyone is looking forward to it!

For the Alliance, this is a battle of revenge.

The dwarves and dwarfs are now out of the ground and angry.

For the dwarves, the undeclared battle of the trolls and the heavy losses of the archaeological team are undoubtedly unacceptable. Now that the Three Hammers have just been unified, the dwarves are trying to make their own voice, and the trolls are actually silent and direct. Killed an archaeological team, the dwarves are completely blown up!

Moreover, under Magni's guidance, the Three Hammers all expressed that the brothers smashed the wall and defended against their humiliation. In this case, the dwarf must make the murderer pay!

And the dwarf situation is almost the same. They always wear a pair of pants with the dwarves. This time the dwarf archaeological team was completely wiped out. The dwarf researcher was also dead. Fourteen individuals thought that 14 was a small number. Every dwarf researcher had great craftsman potential. of!

For this reason, the Alliance’s first reaction was to give the tribe some color.

Although Kul Tiras and the Kingdom of Stormwind decisively chose war in this situation.

Kul Tiras hopes to take this opportunity to regain the Arathi Highlands. Remember the tripartite promise when Stromgarde moved? At this time, Arathi Highlands is the enclave of Kul Tiras! But for various reasons, Kul Tiras did not have a chance to take over this land.

Now with the development of trade, the population of Kul Tiras has undergone explosive growth. The land of Kul Tiras has become insufficient, and the city of Kul Tiras is now even more expensive. In this case, Kul Tiras urgently needs expansion!

I'm worried that I can't find a chance, now the troll dare to do things? Just to declare war on the tribe, even the trolls and the orcs are a!

However, Stormwind City has become depressed a lot due to Varian's anti-corruption work. Every noble is in danger, and the entire city has become a lot dull.

Although with the help of MI7, Varian did clean up a lot of frenzied nobles, but he also realized that the current Stormwind City could not do without these guys, and they still controlled the ascending channel.

Then when Varian was worried, the troll was in trouble, and Varian suddenly became clear.

The selection of talents does not necessarily depend on the nobles. Isn’t it justified to promote the meritorious in the war?

Therefore, on the one hand, in order to maintain the alliance, on the other hand, also in order to end the purge of Stormwind, Varian decided to act.


The Alliance fought back, and the Horde was naturally prepared.

Although the troll's action was led by a small group of people led by the Prophet Zul, when the news reached the ears of King Rastakhan, the leader of the Zandalari troll, although he had always been at odds with Zul, Rath King Taha is very excited. I like war!

The long-lasting peace has given Zul more and more power to speak in Zandalar. The trolls have almost forgotten the bravery of King Rastakhan in battle. Therefore, King Rastakhan has put on his own Golden battle armor, personally set off.

King Rastakhan believes that he will lead the troll to victory and restore the dignity and honor that belongs to the king.

Maybe this is Zul’s calculation, but Rastakhan never bothered to take care of those boring tricks!

Compared with the troll, the orc's reaction seemed to be half a beat slower.

Thrall only started the mobilization of the orcs the day after he got the news.

And to be honest, Thrall may be the most hesitant among all camp leaders.

Although nominally the warchief of the tribe, Thrall knew that if it weren’t for the trolls’ infighting, the position of the warchief when the tribe was established would really need to be fought for. So, Thrall can actually manage Only the orcs of the tribe.

But now Thrall realized that he was actually different from other orcs.

Different thinking, different ideas, different choices.

Even many times, Thrall would feel more like a human being.

Had it not been for Drektal's reminder, Thrall was really afraid that one day he would be lost.

In the face of this emergency, Thrall was obviously not decisive enough.

Deep down, Thrall didn't want war.

But at this time the tribe can no longer withdraw.

Sleepless all night, Thrall thought a lot on the altar of elements.

How will each race react to the vow? How will the various races of the Alliance react?

Thrall thought about it a lot, such as the Alliance will resolutely participate in the war, such as the oath that most races will remain neutral.

The only thing I can't figure out is how Drunk Wind reacted.

Thrall didn't know the role of the most beautiful actor in this matter. Although he was a genius among the orcs, it was undeniable that he was still a little immature.

In the end, Thrall did not completely sort out everything, but he finally made his own decision.

Orcs join the war!

Regardless of the obligation to allies or for the future development of the orcs, Thrall cannot retreat at this moment.

Kul Tiras is thinking about Arathi Highlands, isn't Thrall the same? Right now that piece of land still belongs to Kul Tiras legally, and the orcs looked at it eagerly, daring to use it but not to build it!

If this battle is overcome, the Orcs' tomorrow will be bright!

What's more, even if Thrall says that he is neutral, the orcs cannot remain neutral!

After Thrall announced the general mobilization, Drektal approached him.

"Guyle, I saw your confusion."

Regarding Drektal's words, Salle nodded silently.

"You should go to Draenor, to Nagrand, to the place where the shaman started. I heard that your grandmother Gaia'an is still there. She is the most wise orc. I think she can solve you. All the doubts in my mind."


After the Alliance and the Horde expressed their opinions, the declaration of the oath came late.

Large sections of official language can be summed up in one sentence.

"It's okay to fight, go to Draenor and toss anyone who dares to make trouble in Azeroth, we promise to slap him!"

The vow's statement was like a starting gun, and it was just announced that there was a lot of traffic in front of the Dark Portal.

The orcs brandished their weapons, grinned at the humans, dwarves, and dwarves, and in exchange for crazy abuse.

On the other side of the Dark Portal, there are two north and south on the Hellfire Peninsula, and the huge war fortress as the command center and large camp has also begun to break ground.

The war has finally begun.

Fifth, the author asks for various tickets before the ascent! (To be continued...)

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