Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 606: Therefore, every side fights for 8

Delano, Hellfire Peninsula. ranwen??????`?

This was once the thriving Tanaan Jungle, home to the blood ring orcs.

More than twenty years ago, under the leadership of Gul'dan, the orcs abandoned the elements, drank the blood of the devil, and threw themselves into the embrace of the fel energy. Since then, Draenor's vitality has been gradually lost.

The once lush jungle shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and eventually disappeared.

The corrupted fel accomplished what Aggramar wanted to do but couldn't do to destroy the everlasting plant of Draenor.

Unfortunately, this is not a good thing.

The elements collapsed, the land was barren, the orcs captured Shattrath, climbed the Sky Peak, destroyed the Hanghammer, and enslaved Magron, they conquered all the existence they saw, and then produced a tendency of self-destruction.

When the endless desire for conquest and destruction was nowhere to be vented, the orcs finally built the dark gate, using the souls of the draenei captives as energy, came to Azeroth, and set off the first orc war.

But that's the past tense.

Now, even for the most combative orcs, no one thinks that all the previous actions are glory.

Therefore, the former fortress of the Hellfire Peninsula and Gul'dan’s Lair Hellfire fortress just stood there quietly, no one cared.

In this quiet evening, this fragment of the wall finally welcomed new visitors.

"Hey, what a disgusting place, disgusting fel smell!"

Tyler, the sergeant sergeant of the 7th Legion in Stormwind, brought four of his soldiers into the Hellfire Citadel.

Due to the situation in Draenor, the Alliance and the Horde did not choose to fight directly in the first place. After all, all supplies came from Azeroth. It would be fun if they started fighting as soon as they passed through the Dark Portal.

In that case, the front of the Dark Portal will become a **** on earth. Not only will it be difficult for the Alliance and the Horde to distinguish victory or defeat, but there will also be serious casualties. This behavior is not to say that the Alliance and the Horde themselves will not do it, even if they make a stupid oath, they will stop it. of.

On the Hellfire Peninsula, both the Alliance and the Horde chose to build a stronghold first, and then said that if there is a stronghold, there will be a place to stay, and the one established first will be invincible!

According to the tripartite agreement of the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath, the war will begin immediately after the establishment of the first fortress.

Not far to the west of the Dark Portal, the Alliance chose to build a fortress called Revenge, and the Horde chose to build a glory against it.


When the two fortresses broke ground and were quickly built, some problems appeared on the Alliance side.

The progress is too slow!

Although the Alliance has an advantage in transporting materials from the Dark Portal (after all, the Dark Portal is still in the alliance's territory), the Alliance is at a disadvantage in terms of construction speed!

Just like the tribe is built by the orcs, for Lai Alliance, this kind of rapid construction must be the dwarf artificial thing humans are responsible for. Although strong, the construction cycle is horribly long.

Although the Brotherhood of Masons, which was mainly responsible for the construction, almost lived and lived on the construction site under the leadership of Van Cleef, the speed of the construction was far behind the hard work of the tribe.

Drudges are relatively weak among the orcs who cannot become warriors. They are responsible for the construction of orc fortresses and fortresses, and when necessary, they are also responsible for drilling into the cave to temporarily defend against the enemy.

However, due to the disparity in racial talent, although hard work is weak among orcs, it is also a strong man to humans!

And this is fortress construction, no need to decorate the kind, this aspect is simply the strength of the orcs!

Human beings need three or five people to move a rock, just two hard work!

So although VanCleef and the Brotherhood of Masons worked hard for the project, the objective gap was not so easy to smooth out.

If the Horde builds their fortress of glory first, I am afraid that the alliance's fortress of revenge may not be built at all.

In this case, Turalyon, the commander in chief, almost lost his hair.

Just when he had nothing to do, Luo Ya came up with a way.

"Hey, Turalyon, I saw a huge fortress to the west. There is no one there. If we can, we send some soldiers to dismantle the useful parts there. How about?"

Hearing Loya's suggestion, Turalyon's eyes lit up!

The construction of fortresses is not just about laying walls, but also designing crenels, building watch towers, and arranging external defenses.

Turalyon knows the Hellfire Fortress, and there may be many defensive facilities left behind by the orcs.

If you can get those things back, the construction speed of the Vengeance Fortress will be greatly accelerated!

Taylor and his team are the outposts to explore the Hellfire Citadel. They need to screen whether there are available supplies here, mark them, and serve as a guide for transporting troops.

In order to prevent the tribe from being aware of their actions, Taylor and his team, the five people were all operating at night, so they took five full days to complete the two-day journey.

Different from the original timeline, this time due to the Battle of Mount Hyjal, there were a lot of demons running around, so the demons in Draenor are basically concentrated in Shadowmoon Hellfire Citadel is basically barren After hacking to death a few flame imps hiding in the shadows, Taylor and his men cleared this area.

Although the remaining evil here can make Taylor very uncomfortable, but after exploring, he found a lot of useful good things.

For example, a large number of siege equipment, defensive equipment, and consumable weapons.

The last time Lothar came here, Ner'zhul abandoned the Hellfire Citadel and chose to fight in the Dark Temple. However, because Lothar's forces were limited at the time, these orc supplies here were not taken away.

Although sixteen years have passed, many things are still well preserved.

Tyler took out the rune stones provided by the Master of Dalaran and marked them in the useful inventory. As long as the Alliance took these things in their hands, even if the tribe first established a stronghold, it would not be so easy to attack the vengeance fortress!

After handling everything, the sky is about to light up.

When Tyler activated the runestone, the mage on standby in the Vengeance Citadel had already sensed the news, and the transport troops immediately set off, preparing to get back all the things in the Hellfire Citadel.

Then, just when Tyler's team was about to rest in place, there was a movement under the city wall.

"Hey, disgusting fel smell!"

The words that seem to be familiar are nothing but orcs.

The Taylor team immediately got up, and the five of them looked at each other, nodded, and hid in the shadows tacitly.

It seems that the orcs are also fighting the idea of ​​supplies here?

But sorry, we are the elite team of the 7th Legion, you are dead!

After five consecutive years, I was a little tired. I took a break today and slept for a day...

Then, there will be a double monthly pass tomorrow, I will continue to watch five, readers, don’t you want to express it? (To be continued...)

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