Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 607: Fateful encounter

In fact, the tribe did not realize that there are still many good things in the Hellfire Fortress. According to the report of the Burning Blade Scout, the construction speed of the Alliance Fortress is obviously not as good as its own. The orcs feel that the fortress is at ease. That's it. Burning novel??????????`???

Then at this moment, Thrall passed through the Dark Portal.

The warchief wanted to go to Nagrand to accept the teachings of Gaiaan's grandmother, and by the way also persuade the Mag'har orcs to come to Azeroth.

When Thrall passed the Hellfire Fortress, the warchief was surprised by the mighty military fortress, and asked King Saurfang who was accompanying him some questions about the fortress.

Then Thrall realized that this fortress was actually a very important resource point.

Although Thrall is not in charge of the command, the suggestions of the warchief must be considered, so the orcs also sent an elite team to explore the Hellfire Citadel.

This is why the orcs will arrive here one step later than the humans.

What's interesting is that the leader of the orcs this time is not someone else, it is Nazgrim who made great achievements in Ahn'Qiraj, and the number of orcs is also five.


Lurking in the shadow of the city wall, Taylor squeezed his weapon and listened carefully to the footsteps.

"One, two, three, four, five, five guys."

The unconcealed footsteps of the orcs quickly made Taylor figure out the situation. He waved his hand and took his men back and hid in the place where he had just discovered the ordnance.

As a Long Beach man who was born in Long Beach, grew up in Long Beach, and fights with Long Beach murlocs all the year round, Taylor is not only good water, but also bold and careful.

Although he failed to enlist in the Royal Knights of Stormwind due to his lack of riding skills, his agility and flexibility left a deep impression on recruiters.

It just so happened that the 7th Legion of Stormwind had just begun recruiting, and Taylor became a member of the 7th Legion under the recommendation of recruiters.

It is a pity that so far, the Seventh Army is still a "unbranded army." Although they have trained hard and participated in natural disaster wars, they are not good enough and are inherently inadequate.

The powerful guys have gone to the Royal Knights...

And because most of the entire legion was born of civilians, there were no nobles, and lack of mages, the 7th legion was often called the "cannon fodder legion".

More importantly, the commander of the 7th Legion, the rank and even the general is not Colonel Drunus, a completely unknown guy is the commander of this legion!

It is also chaotic. Even though the Alliance has been recuperating for so long, Stormwind City has been rebuilt for more than ten years, but so far, Varian still has a headache for his country's army.

Stormwind’s army is composed of the central army and the local garrison troops. After all, the territory is large, which is also normal.

However, due to various coincidences during the Orc War, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh legions of the Central Army were all ruined, and none of them were complete.

In order to counterattack the orcs, Lothar drew absolute elites from the various armies, connected to the family of the Brotherhood of Iron Horses, and formed the Royal Knights of Stormwind.

Then, even though the Orcs were defeated, the Central Army of Stormwind was completely abolished. It was already short of personnel, and now even the elite are gone...

What's more troublesome is that many Stormwind people who took refuge north did not choose to return to their hometowns, but stayed in Lordaeron.

During the reconstruction of Stormwind, apart from the Royal Knights, the only available troops in Varian's hands were the Elvin Guards, you dare to believe.

In the past ten years, Varian has been very loud, but that's because every time he works hard...

In this battle, Varian rarely did not pull out his Royal Knights in the first time.

Taylor, as an elite of the 7th Army, although only a sergeant, has the dream of becoming an admiral.

This is why when everyone was repairing, Taylor chose to volunteer to explore the Hellfire Citadel. He was eager to make contributions!

Now, he saw the opportunity.


Nazgrim led his private soldiers and advanced cautiously.

This is his promotion assessment. As long as he completes this search mission, he will not only be promoted, but will also be transferred to the Kor'kron troops and become a glorious warchief's guard.

Due to his excellent performance in Ahn'Qiraj, Nazgorin has been appreciated by many senior personnel, and this exploratory mission is more like "an excuse for promotion."

But Nazgrim didn't show any slack or relaxation.

The exploration task is a task that he will never let go. During the last exploration, Jurone died in front of him, and Nazgrim will never forget it.

In the morning light, Nazgrim and his orcs carefully looked around.

Dilapidated and old.

Although it was known in advance that this exploration was a task assigned by the warchief himself, apart from Nazgrim, the other four guys were somewhat slack, but it took three consecutive days for them to come here~www.wuxiaspot. com~head, what's available here? "A recruit from the Warsong clan obviously didn't understand the meaning of this mission. "Don't you need stones to build a fortress? If we run over so far, do we have to tear down the walls and move them back?" "

"That's right." The other one-eyed dragon also didn't understand, "Look at this **** city wall, it's all weathered, the smell of fel is really disgusting."

"Get up!" Looking at the other guys under him, Nazgrim punched each of them in the chest. "There are a lot of usable supplies here to throw spears, arrows, and siege supplies. From here It’s so easy to transport from the Dark Portal!"

Hearing what Nazgrim said, the other orcs grinned and began to spread out, looking for anything else to use.

Along the tortuous city wall carefully searching for possible useful things, after a long time, Nazgrim finally gained something.

"Well, it seems that there should be an equipment library in front?"

Coming to the door of the equipment storehouse, just before Nazgrim tried to push the door in, he suddenly found something wrong.

"What is this? These runes look like new!"

After careful confirmation, Nazgrim also realized that the remaining four guys should have arrived here according to the planned route!

According to their character, it is impossible to be so quiet here!

Under this circumstance, Nazgrim took off the battle axe behind his back, then resisted the discomfort and sniffed hard.

In addition to the smell of fel, there is also the smell of blood!

No, those soldiers are in danger!

Ignoring too much, Nazgrim stepped forward and kicked open the door of the equipment library.

He was greeted by a wide-bladed two-handed sword.

"Go to **** and say hello to your friends, Green Skin!" (To be continued...)

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