For unmarried orc men and women, inviting hunting represents a request to become a partner. In this way, World Sa found his significant other in a seemingly obtrusive, but in fact, completely consistent with the tradition of orcs. Fastest update

Let's not talk about the warchief who was in name asking his grandmother about the way out of the tribe, but was actually marrying his wife. Now let us focus on Captain Mojin in Terokkarsen.

In the Fall of Anzu, Zul led the trolls to stage a thrilling "The Mystery of Aranka".

After destroying the dwarf archaeological team, facing the tomb that was bombed by Roja, Zul led the troll to confidently pull out various excavation tools and began archaeological exploration.

But it is a pity that this group of trolls is very professional in killing people, but they are not professional in digging their graves!

Although the trolls got a lot of tools left by the dwarven archeological team, and got a lot of tools from Nerus that the Ethereals used to excavate, but in the Fall of Anzu, the group of trolls touched a lot. Head bag.

Anzu doesn't understand feng shui, but he firmly believes that his death is only temporary. As the embodiment of Draenor's will, he will be resurrected someday. In this case, how can his tomb be safe?

Originally, Zul and the troll spent three days clearing out the tunnel that was bombed by Loya, and were satisfied with their work efficiency, but starting from the fourth day, when they needed to clean Anzu and Rukhmar by themselves Suddenly, the situation took a big turn of 180 degrees.

Trap, a lot of shadow traps!

Although there are still some people in the troll clan who are good at removing traps, after three consecutive trolls disappeared inexplicably, Zul finally frowned.

Ansu’s tomb is really weird...

The shadow-filled tomb is full of dangers. For Anzu, if he can be resurrected, the shadows and arcanes in the tomb will be his energy supplement, but for the trolls who covet Anzu's energy, these shadows and arcanes It's crazy.

The excessive concentration of shadow energy and arcane energy has caused the entire tomb to be filled with all kinds of strange energy creatures. Shadow demon and arcane spirits are running around. Trolls should not only be careful to prevent themselves from being involved in the shadows, but also Always be alert to attacks that may appear behind you at any time.

What's even more exaggerated is that most of the monsters in the tomb have a fairly powerful skill that blew themselves up.

That's right, even if the trolls tried their best to clean up this group of arcane/shadow creatures, they would explode in minutes, and then call you arcane/shadow residue.

It can be said that the task of touching gold for the temporarily formed troll archaeological team is simply miserable.

As the number of staff was reduced, Zul sadly discovered that more than a hundred elite trolls had already died in the Terokkar Forest.

In desperation, Zul could only choose to give up his speed. One troll went to dig, and the others remained silently behind. If this continues, maybe after seeing Anzu’s remains, even if Zul resurrects Anzu , They couldn't control this demigod either, and they couldn't extract Anzu's power by then, and everything was in vain!

According to Zul's prediction, when the Alliance and the Horde went to war, the trolls should have resurrected Anzu and began to try to gain Anzu's power.

But in fact, seeing the Alliance and the Horde staring at the Hellfire Citadel, King Rastakhan is already riding a thousand, and Zul is still repeating digging graves-cleaning up the spirits of arcane magic. -The job of wiping off the scum from the face. If it's just that, it's fine, anyway, Zul is very happy to watch the orcs and Rastakhan fight to the death with the Alliance, and it is not a big problem to waste a little more time here.

But Zul was still worried.

Even as the excavation work progressed, the shadows and arcane arts in the tomb became more concentrated, and energy creatures became less and less. There were signs that the trolls seemed to reach where they wanted to go soon.

Because it's so peaceful.

Come to think about it, Roja just released a decorative structure at the time, which caused a lot of trouble to the troll. What if there are some more terrifying guardians in the depths?

But no matter how worried, the current trolls are already on the string and have to send them out. In order to gain the power of the Alanka gods, Zul has torn his face with the Alliance!

If the war is over and the Horde loses in the end, then everyone can say that Zul will definitely be judged!

Neither the Alliance nor the Oath will let Zul go!

Shaking his head, Zul decided not to think about the future and present prophets already regretting selling their golden masks. After passing away the golden masks, Zul felt that his future was getting blurred.

Just as Zul tried to open his eyes to look at the troll who was trying to dig, there was a bang, and the sudden change occurred.

It seemed that a wall was smashed through A huge hall appeared in front of all the trolls.

The trolls lit the torch and entered the hall.

Then in the middle of the hall, Zul saw a black bead and a black bead lingering around the visible arcane and shadows!

Without a doubt, this is what Zul was looking for, and this is the essence of Anzu's death!

As long as it is activated, Zul has the confidence to forcibly resurrect Anzu. As long as he controls the raven **** and uses the ice troll’s Loa sacrifice contract, Zul will be able to master the entire Draenor arcane and shadow power!

At that time, no one can stop the rise of the troll!

However, just as Zul walked toward the bead with excitement, all of the torches suddenly went out behind him.

In the depths of the earth, the fall of Anzu, darkness fell.

In the dimness, a deep voice appeared in the ears of all the trolls.

"Napola Tower..."

When the trolls rushed to light the torch again, they were surprised to find that there was a strange creature in this hall.

Black, thin body, triangular head, triangular body, triangular arms.

This guy who looked like a piece of paper was suspended on Anzu's essence.

Zul didn't know what it was, he had never seen such a strange creature.

In fact, this was a shadow creature that collapsed after the entropy demon Naaru's energy was exhausted, and it was also Anzu's last means of preparing for his resurrection.

But for the trolls, this is not important, what is important now is that the battle begins!

Didn't expect it? There is a Naaru in Anzu’s tomb. No, it’s an entropy! rw

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