Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 617: Coming in the shadows

Trolls don't know what entropy is, but this doesn't mean they don't understand how terrible things are in front of them.

The changing shadows, the endless collapse, the pure black jigsaw puzzle seems to absorb all the light.

Holding the flickering torch, Zul narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, things weren't that simple, the **** Luoa named Anzu was not a good guy to handle.

Shadow creatures-this kind of pure energy creatures are obviously hard to deal with!

The next moment, Zul's hunch came true.

A circular shadow shock exploded quickly centered on the entropy demon. Fortunately, the trolls had been very cautious before. Everyone's was basically relatively scattered, so this time, except for a few hapless ones who fell down unfortunately, There were no other consequences.

Freed from the shadow impact of the entropy demon, Zell and the troll priest immediately launched a counterattack against the entropy demon-the energy creature seemed to be of little use to the berserkers, and the caster had to do it.

Knowing the energy attributes represented by Anzu in advance, the trolls actually prepared a lot of treatment plans and methods for the shadow creatures, and also found many ways to absorb the shadow energy.

As the rays of different colors connected to the entropy demon, the trolls chose to take out their own methods to deal with energy creatures.

Energy absorption!

Unfortunately, for entropy magic, energy absorption is a stupid way.

Although in order to withstand the power of the possible Aranka gods, before setting off, Zul’s team members are carefully selected "containers". Through the secret methods of the ice trolls, they can well absorb and master far more than themselves. energy of.

This sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

But what the trolls encountered this time was entropy!

Entropy Demon is the product of the depletion of the energy of the Naaru Light. After they lost the light, they changed from the light creature to the shadow creature, and it was the purest kind.

As we all know, every kind of energy has its inherent properties.

It is a good idea to use the secret method of the ice troll to consume the ordinary God Loa, or even to consume Anzu, but they can't deal with the entropy.

After absorbing a large amount of pure shadow energy, the trolls have undergone strange changes.

The thinking is confused and the spell casting ends.

Although the entropy demon just didn't move due to the sudden loss of energy, the trolls are now messing up themselves.

Although before coming to Draenor, the trolls were trained to absorb energy, but in fact, when they were actually exposed to a lot of shadow energy, they discovered that compared with the entropy demon in Draenor, Azeroth The Loa gods of Sri Lanka, who are known for their wildness, are extremely gentle.

In the last battle of Ahn'Qiraj, due to the absence of Jindu, no one of the trolls saw C'Thun's body at the end. With only verbal descriptions, they obviously did not figure out how pure shadows are. terrible.

Well, when it comes to the purity of the shadow, C'Thun can't compare to the entropy demon-after all, the ancient gods still have flesh and blood, and negative energy, and the entropy demon is just the shadow.

The reckless absorption caused the troll to become chaotic, and it took a long time to barely restore order. During this time, several of the most greedy priests had been completely mad because of excessive absorption, and their bodies were half-shaded. Loss of consciousness, became a puppet of Entropy Demon.

Now it seems that it is better not to absorb the entropy monsters, and it seems that this can only become their puppet.

You know, the shadow of the entropy demon and the light of the naaru are basically the same, and a naaru can support the blood knight team of the blood elves, and there are hundreds of troll priests in this area, and the entropy demon can be easily manipulated.

After giving up the unrealistic reforms, the troll reopened the battle and launched an attack on the entropy demon.

At this time, if the golden mask is still on Zul, he will definitely lead the troll to forcibly purify the entropy demon. Although the troll’s voodoo purification technique is somewhat intriguing, the effect is still quite good. It shouldn't be difficult to purify this hapless Naaru.

However, without the golden mask, Zul can no longer see the instructions of fate. In this case, he can only choose to fight against the entropy demon together with many troll priests.

Just as Harry Potter and Voldemort were facing the throwing wand, this was a purely energy-level wrist.

No way, in front of energy creatures, unless you know his weaknesses, all the techniques are meaningless. From this point of view, energy creatures are more disgusting than elemental creatures, at least the elemental core of elemental creatures is not bad. Obviously, but pure energy creatures have almost no weaknesses.

For example, for the guy in front of him, Zul didn't find any weakness after watching for a long time, so he chose to fight with the power of everyone.

Hard fight.

Berserkers and headhunters reluctantly stepped forward to stop those crazy Even for the trolls, it was uncomfortable for the trolls to be companions and become enemies in a blink of an eye.

For the troll priest, this battle is even more uncomfortable.

Everyone knew how huge the energy that this energy creature could mobilize was. After many priests were exhausted, this entropy demon was still in darkness, and there was no sign of energy exhaustion.

Blood collapse.

Even Zul began to wonder if he was going to die in this dark tomb.

Then the next moment, the situation finally turned around.

On Entropy Demon, Zul felt a strange wave.

It's like before dawn, like the moment before the sun rises.

The power of the Holy Light!

Zul shuddered. He could hardly believe his feelings. This was clearly a pure shadow creature. Why did he feel like a holy light?

However, no matter how doubtful he was in his heart, Zul couldn't stop. Now the energy confrontation can't stop even if he wants to stop!

I don't know how long it has passed. When Zul and the trolls thought they were dead, a burst of brilliant light suddenly burst out of the cold and dark tomb.

In the next moment, the entire black entropy demon suddenly became dazzling and transparent.

"Descent in the shadows and eternal in the holy light. I am very happy to meet you-I am Napoleasta, a Naaru who once lost himself."


Glass **** is poisonous. Even the Orc Wars in the second volume of Chronicles have begun to wash away.

So is Delano, I have the final say!

I am desperate after eating books...

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