Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 618: Warmonger Nerus

The fall of Napolasta is an interesting thing.

As a rather curious freshman Naaru, Napoleasta is an outlier who seeks knowledge among the infinite stars.

Then by accident, Napoleasta met Anzu.

As a symbol of Draenor’s wisdom, Anzu’s knowledge can be said to be vast. Under this circumstance, Napolasta was quickly attracted by Anzu and came to Draenor.

Draenor at the time did not even have a draenei.

By Anzu's side, Napoleasta had mastered a lot of knowledge he longed for, but after the raven swallowed the sky, Anzu who had devoured Setai's flesh and blood changed.

Once Anzu was silent and self-disciplined, but after devouring Setai's flesh and blood, Anzu changed.

Under the influence of the shadow, Anzu became cold and insidious.

Napoleasta quickly discovered the problem, and he offered to purify Anzu to get him out of the influence of Setai, and Anzu agreed to him.

But I don't know if it was because of Anzu's bad thoughts or Sete's curse was too stubborn, Napoleasta's purification failed.

To this day, Napoleasta is still not clear about what Anzu thought at the beginning-maybe it was really powerless, maybe he knew that he would be resurrected, so he simply turned Napoleasta into an entropy demon. Absorb his power after waking up.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

In the process of purification anyway, Napoleasta was infected by the shadow and became an entropy demon.

In the energy confrontation, the shadow energy infected by Napoleasta was exhausted, and this guy could turn back to Naaru.

I don’t know whether Napoleasta was lucky or unlucky. Although he suffered a disaster, it was not caused by the complete exhaustion of the Holy Light, so he recovered after all.

Then, facing Zul with a bewildered look, Napolasta turned on the Naaru Mind Cannon Mode.

"Child, why are you pursuing the power of shadow?"

Naaru's combat effectiveness is not strong, but their brainwashing ability is no less than that of the ancient gods-their language will appear directly in your heart.

Zul didn't like this feeling very much.

As someone who had seen the path of fate, Zul instinctively hated Naaru.

Now, Zul, who was filled with Napolasta's endless thoughts, missed his golden mask very much.

"Damn profiteer!"


And the profiteer who made Zul gritted his teeth was laughing in the astral warehouse at this time.

As an astral goblin, the Ethereal has an endless desire for wealth, or all the wealth and equipment that can bring power.

(This is actually very similar to the footman, the Ethereal does not need gold coins, they are more eager for treasures, or powerful equipment)

On countless planets and planes, the Ethereal has exhausted various means to extract wealth from different races and then exchange for treasures.

And the best way to make money is undoubtedly to make war fortune.

Interestingly speaking, the first criticism of the Ethereal who arrived in Draenor was almost crying back-Draenor was already in ruins at the time, and the Ethereal hated this kind of place the most, because ruins meant no wealth.

Therefore, the huge Draenor, the Void Spirit’s two major forces, the Orderist and the Avengers, have only built a small residence-the location is still in the void storm.

It is precisely because of their negligence that Nerus can seize the opportunity in the war between the Alliance and the Horde.

While the Defenders and the Avengers were just staying in the observation phase, Nerus had traveled all over Draenor and drew a complete map.

At the same time, he also studied all the resources that can be used in Draenor, whether it is Apexis crystal or blackstone ore, Nerus has conducted research and reserves.

Then, after the war between the Horde and the Alliance, Nerus succeeded in becoming one of the biggest beneficiaries...

The Alliance is seeking Apexis Crystal as an energy source. Roja has completed the initial transformation of the dwarf armor. She believes that as long as these big guys are put on the battlefield, the Horde will die miserably!

In contrast, these armors consume a lot of energy and are not intelligent enough. Only when the Apexis crystal is used as an energy source can they operate normally.

And the reinforcement of the tribe is to choose the old method-Blackstone ore.

Like Saronite, the black stone ore is actually not a natural mineral—these black stones were transformed from the remains of Magron, and the reason for the straightforward name of the black stone is because there is no orc. culture……

No way, you can't expect the group of guys who want to have their heads full of muscles to take out a good name-Saron evil iron, such a faithful and elegant name, really can't be taken out by ordinary people.

Doomhammer is forged from Black Rock. This magical ore has excellent elemental plasticity and elemental versatility, making it the most suitable weapon material for orcs.

But whether Blackstone or Apexis Crystal Except for those stocks that are in the hands of the ogres, the other mineral veins are all under the control of Nerus.

This kind of effort, even if it is an alliance or a tribe, has the idea of ​​robbing it.

But after all, at a critical juncture, both sides restrained themselves-in case Nerus was really annoyed, this node prince completely fell to the opponent, it would be no fun.

As a result, the lucky Nerus ate the Alliance and the Horde, and was mixed up on both sides.

In the astral warehouse dedicated to him, Nerus started thinking while excited.

"Should you... spend money?"

The virtual spirits don't need to eat or drink, and there is nothing to enjoy without a fixed body. The only motivation for the virtual spirits to make money is revenge.

Many years ago, Dimensius, the Devourer of the Worlds, under the Lord of the Void, discovered an arid planet, Karesh, in a coincidence.

Dimensius, who coveted the energy of this planet, opened the channel between Twisting Void and Karesh, descended and swallowed the world.

The Ethereal was originally the wise aboriginal of Karesh.

After losing his home, the virtual spirit was not only displaced, but also collapsed.

In desperation, the virtual spirit can only transform itself into an energy form, and use a magic bandage to barely fix the form.

The Ethereals are doing business, and they are also investigating the race they encounter. They are looking for a suitable mercenary, and then using all their treasures as a price, they hire them to kill Dimensius and complete their revenge!

Now, Nerus is observing the battle between the Alliance and the Horde. The bandage man wearing the golden mask feels in secret that these creatures from Azeroth may be mercenaries destined to help the Ethereal!

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