Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 620: Enlightenment of the Troll King

If Rastakha has an idol, then that idol is Thor.

Immortal and proud, violent and tough.

Rastaha is obsessed with Thor’s power and his pride. In Rastahar’s view, Thor’s appearance is what a king should have, and Thor’s rule is the most correct way. Absolute strength overwhelms all opponents, and then I dominate!

But in the period after the deaths of the high-ranking troll priests of Zura Sera and Zandalar, Rastakhan was unable to do this.

Rastakhan knew that those descendants of Zula Sera were always worried about themselves, and worried about those who returned lucky after the war. They always rejected themselves and were unwilling to let themselves into the center of their full power.

Because of this, when Zula Sera's descendants were in power, Rastakhan had always hidden himself. He often pretended to be a lone troll, fascinating, and watching with cold eyes.

As time passed, Rastakha turned white while waiting and became an old man.

Until Mengazi (Zula Sela's grandson-or great-grandson? Rastakha can't remember it) led the troll to forcefully attack the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Rastaha saw an opportunity.

According to the previous covenant, a piece of land in the center of Thor's empire belonged to the troll.

Due to the insufficient stability of his rule, Mengaz decided to acquire this land to consolidate his rule with military exploits.

Rastakhan chose to go with the army.

Mengaz's attack on the Vale of Eternal Blossoms went smoothly at the beginning. Although the Pandaren were able to clean up the troll berserkers and troll headhunters, they were helpless against the trolls riding bats in the sky.

But later, a Pandaren named Jiang accidentally established a connection with the Cloud Serpent. He spread this experience and established a Knights of the Cloud Serpent among the Pandaren.

With the help of the Cloud Serpent, the troll lost its air superiority.

After Batrider was hanged by the Knights of the Cloud Serpent, Mengaz made a desperate move. He hoped to resurrect Thor and fulfill the ancient covenant.

Then in Thunder Mountain, Mengaz received the raid from Jiang of the Cloud Serpent Knights at the time after the resurrection of Thor. The Cloud Serpent Knights and the Shado-Pan together led the most elite Pandaren to attack Thunder Mountain. .

At the end of the battle, Jiang and Mengaz were one-on-one.

Mengjiaz riding a Velociraptor and Jiang riding a Cloud Serpent fought desperately on the top of Thunder Mountain.

Rastakhan was in the dead, waiting quietly for his chance.

This is Rastakha's last chance.

Although with the help of Thor, Rastakhan's lifespan has been greatly extended, but in the era of Mengaz's power, Rastakha is already in a dying year.

Rastakhan knows how to be resurrected and how to live forever, but he needs the key to life and death left by Thor—without the key, Rastakhan can’t use the power of the Naraksha engine to break the boundary between life and death. eternal life!

The battle between Mengaz and Jiang ended in both defeats, and the coalition forces of the trolls and the Mogu tribe who lost Mengaz fell directly under the attack of the Pandaren.

Rastakhan, who had been prepared for a long time, took advantage of the chaos on the corpse of Mengaz and obtained what he wanted: the egg of the Mengaz raptor and the key to Thor's resurrection.

The cunning Rastakhan disguised the key to Thor's resurrection.

A mask, a throne and a spear.

In order to hide the traces belonging to Thor, Rastakhan wrapped all these things with thick gold.

That's right, it's the golden throne in the hands of King Rastakhan, the golden spear and the golden mask in the hands of the prophet Zul.

After the death of Mengaz, the blood of the prophet Zulasera was severed, and Zandalar fell into a brief chaos.

Taking advantage of this chaos, Rastakhan deceived a young troll. He handed Thor's key to the poor little guy, and then completed his new life with his hands and his vitality.

After the freshman, Rastakhan was surprised to find that he became stronger!

After the test, Rastakhan found that his soul had become weak, but he had completely absorbed the power of the young troll.

After becoming stronger, Rastakhan staged a return of the king on the island of Zandalar. In the chaotic Zandalar, Rastakhan defeated all ambitious trolls and became the new leader of the trolls.

No longer calling himself a prophet, Rastakhan chose to be king.

In the next ten thousand years, Rastakhan changed a lot of identities. He created the illusion of his death through various means, and then staged the scene of the return of the king again and again, and then became stronger and stronger.

In the Return of the King again and again, Rastakhan became more extreme and manic, but his strength became extremely terrifying.

Speaking of trolls, they are also unlucky. They clearly have such a long history and long development opportunities, but under the leadership of a king who is committed to consolidating his rule and treating all trolls as objects to be Stay in place for ten thousand years...

In the eyes of other trolls, these troll kings have always inherited the name of King Rastakhan, but in fact, only King Rastakhan knew in his heart that there was always only one King Rastakhan.

And this time, Zul was just a tool of King Rastakhan.

A very special tool.

There is no doubt that Zul is a genius-originally just a golden mask of a key, Zul possesses the power of fate in his hands.

After discovering Zul’s talent, Rastakhan was not eager to resurrect again, because with the resurrection and strengthening again and again, Rastakhan’s soul became weaker and weaker, and he needed to supplement the power of his soul. Zul can help him!

So Rastakhan consciously indulged Zul, he was waiting for Zul to become a true prophet, and then swallow his power, everything about him.

At that time, Rastakhan will be the unmatched king!

So this time, in Draenor, King Rastakhan is ready to die, and he is ready to direct a grand death ceremony for himself.

As a guy who has died nearly a hundred times, King Rastakhan enjoys this "tragic death" very much-falling down with the corpses of countless enemies among thousands of troops, it is a second only Interesting drama about the return of the king.

But unfortunately, King Rastakhan didn’t know that Zul had sold the golden mask...

Therefore, fate is often unpredictable. Who would have thought that a guy who was silently observing the battlefield situation in the Astral Warehouse had accidentally destroyed a 10,000-year conspiracy.

I always feel that this is a sad story-at least for King Rastakhan.

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