Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 621: Rastakha's script

Now that he has decided to "die again", Rastakhan must of course prepare a complete script to celebrate his great death.

During the ten thousand years, King Rastakhan knew what he had done with the trolls—stepping in nowhere made all trolls seem ignorant and terrifying to many intelligent creatures. This was not originally The problem, as long as the number of trolls remains stable, Rastakhan's rule will remain stable.

But with the formation of the Alliance and Horde, a shadow has appeared in Rastakhan's heart.

After too long of private control, Rastakhan has regarded all Zandalari trolls as his own "private items." In a sense, Rastakhan really put himself in the emperor Location.

All trolls are my subjects, and I rule for generations!

Therefore, when the trolls can still survive, Rastakhan is very willful, but when the trolls are now facing a huge crisis, Rastakha has changed.

For example, use one of his own deaths to give the troll a little motivation.

Reform is impossible to reform, let alone make the trolls smarter, all the trolls of the key are like darkspear trolls, Rastakhan is still ruling a fart!

(Like a certain ruling class in the past, their reforms were not for progress, but to maintain their own rule.)


After the appearance of the army of trolls, Lord Furtagan has realized that the decisive battle is about to begin.

Although he still didn't know where the orcs were hiding, the Duke of Stormwind frowned as he watched the trolls take out the siege equipment.

Victory or defeat in one fell swoop!

If the Hellfire Citadel is quickly breached, not only will Duke Furtagan’s 2nd Legion be eaten directly, but the alliance’s reinforcements are unlikely to get anything good. It can be said that it is a fight against the spot. On the contrary, if this The battle tribe has been unable to attack for a long time. Once the alliance's support arrives, the surrounding area may become a central blossom.

Now that the tribe chose to fight, Duke Fortagen seemed to have made perfect preparations.

"The lads of Stormwind, take up arms and prepare for battle-let's show this group of trolls a good look!"

"No problem, Lord Duke!"

Since the walls of Hellfire Citadel extend from the fortress, a wall that stretches like the Great Wall, the trolls can only attack in one direction. For the Second Legion of Stormwind, this may be the best news.

The old equipment was removed. The soldiers of the Second Legion of Stormwind were a little uncomfortable with these weapons that were originally used by the orcs-but fortunately, they were not unusable.

The single-player stone-throwing machine became a two-person stone-throwing machine, and the javelin became a spear. Due to the difference in physical fitness, the use of these orc weapons is a bit troublesome for humans, but they are still available.

Especially the equipment used to defend the city, the things Ner'zhul used to prepare for the Alliance will be ironically used on the head of the tribe today.

The alliance’s revenge fortress has received news, and Turalyon walked on the road with the rest of the alliance elite and the full man of blue.

The battle has finally begun.


Except for King Rastakhan himself, no one could think that the goal of this troll king and invincible God of War was actually to find death.

When King Rastakhan took the lead by himself, the soldiers of the Second Legion of Stormwind were stunned.

It’s normal to take the lead in the charge-Lothar, Turalyon, and Magni are all guys who like to take the lead in the charge, but if you want a person like King Rastakhan to leave the army for hundreds of meters and still charge forward, no one Have seen.

Looking at the posture, it is almost like King Rastakhan wants to be a thousand on one ride!

Just as everyone was stunned, King Rastakhan had come under the walls of Hellfire Citadel...

The wall of more than 20 meters is not easy to deal with even for Lord Fa, but King Rastakhan is flat on the ground.

Jumping off the velociraptor, King Rastakhan used his hands and feet together to start climbing the city wall.

"Don't froze, get ready to fall!"

Under the command of Duke Fortagen, the soldiers of the Second Legion of Stormwind began to retreat along the edge of the city wall and began to retreat from the boulders. Every time he wore a cold sweat for King Rastakhan.

Of course King Rastakhan would not fall here.

A sharp golden spear slashed across the boulder, and the boulder that fell quickly, with a diameter of more than three meters, broke into two pieces, and the cut was as smooth as a mirror!

The trolls began to cheer.

As long as King Rastakhan is here, the troll is invincible-whether it is the former worm man empire or the evil **** Hakkar, these enemies have all fallen under Rastakhan's golden spear!

In the Zandalari troll's view, King Rastakhan is a banner representing victory and glory!

In a blink of an eye, a large number of troll warriors came under the walls of Hellfire Citadel. They held up the ladder they had obtained from the orcs and began to climb.

Whether it’s a troll or an orc, these are Stormwind’s old opponents. Both the Gurubashi troll and the old tribe’s orcs have attacked Stormwind. city.

In the two attacks on the storm, whether trolls or orcs, the best weapon they used was a ladder.

As long as they climbed up the city wall and entered the melee link where the individual combat power gap was huge, mankind would never have the advantage.

For this, Duke Furtagan is also very clear, he can't let the trolls go to the city, otherwise once the melee starts, the Second Stormwind Legion will have to lose a layer of skin if it is not dead!

The weapons that the orcs once left behind have played a vital role. Suo Ran still has a lot of iron knots. Humans have yet to understand the purpose, but they have already figured out that the things that are useful are not the trolls can bear.

A large amount of fuel was dumped along the slightly inclined city wall. Before the troll retreated, a torch was dropped and the black fuel was directly lit.

The flammability of the fuel, which has been put on hold for nearly two decades, is not as good as before, but the Second Legion of Stormwind has not hesitated to use the method and the dosage to make up for the quality.

It didn't take long anyway, and Duke Furtagan felt that luxury was nothing at all.

The sticky fuel adhered to the wall of the Hellfire Fortress and began to burn violently. For a while, the entire wall was plunged into the raging flames.

The troll's attack was contained.

Unfortunately, the human soldiers still have no time to celebrate.

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