Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 622: I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood

Facing the blazing flames, the caster of the troll shot.

Regardless of the appearance of the troll priests, they are indescribably ugly. The master of the trolls is wearing a robe, chanting spells + gestures, but the troll priests wear a mask and have feathers in them. A handful of inexplicable powder and bones of unknown creatures were chanting words.

But in any case, the troll casters also have their uniqueness.

To be precise, the troll priest is a profession between shaman and warlock.

They serve Loa, establish a contract with Loa, and then use the power of Loa. From this perspective, they seem to be closer to the pseudo-god priests in the DND system.

After coming to Draenor, it was not just the wizards who were dissatisfied with the waters and soils. The dissatisfaction of these troll priests was actually more serious, especially those who had an unstable contract with the God of Loa. They even lost contact with the God of Loa. .

But just as the Violet Avenger can always find the residual arcane energy of Draenor, the troll priests finally found a way to fulfill the Loa contract at another time-but the cost has increased a lot, even Doubled.

So in fact, the troll priests are not willing to take action.

However, facing the "Fire Wall" created by the Second Stormwind Legion using fuel oil, the troll priest had to take action.

Colorful brilliance flashed, and Duke Fortagan felt for a moment that he seemed to have entered the royal hunting ground.

The power of various animals, Loa, made these troll priests become stronger, and then began to put out the fire by their own ability.

Flame was originally the nemesis of trolls' powerful resilience, so no matter which Loa's troll priest serves, there are always ways to deal with flames.

Duke Fortagen was fortunate enough to learn "A Hundred Ways to Fight a Troll".

Whether it is a giant eagle flapping its wings or a dragon turtle spouting water, of course, as well as a giant bear whose brains are convulsed and scorched, the second legion of Stormwind is an eye-opener.

Of course, this can only be regarded as a small episode in the whole battle.

After solving the fuel problem, King Rastakhan once again led the troll to attack the walls of Hellfire Citadel.

Seeing King Rastakhan again wielding a golden spear to join the battle, Duke Ftagan raised his eyebrows, if he realized something.

It seems that this troll king is also a little afraid of flames?

That's right, after all, he can't have any weaknesses!

Thinking of this, Duke Futagan came directly to the trap of the Alliance on the city wall, and then drew his long sword, openly challenging King Rastakhan.

"Marshal of the Second Legion, Duke of Stormwind, here is Bolvar Fortagan!"

Seeing Lord Fortagan looking at him, King Rastakhan opened his mouth and showed an extremely bloodthirsty smile.

"Human commander? It's a pity not Medivh..."

"Medivine?!" Suddenly when King Rastakhan mentioned Medivh's name, Duke Furtagan didn't react, "The Guardian is no longer in Stormwind..."

"I know." Rastakhan didn't care. "I heard that he once taught Gurubashi's idiot. I also want to see if that human is in line with his great reputation-but it doesn't matter, kill you now. Okay!"

While speaking, King Rastakhan had already climbed the city wall and came to Duke Futagon.

Facing King Rastakhan, Duke Furtagan was actually a little nervous.

In all fairness, Duke Fortagan thought he was inferior to Muradin Bronzebeard, and that Prince Muradin was killed by King Rastakhan a few days ago.

But Duke Furtagan had no choice.

The scene of the battle a few days ago is still vivid. A warrior like King Rastakhan has surpassed human cognition. It is difficult for a demigod to rely on sheer numbers.

The only chance is the ambush prepared by Duke Furtagan-I hope those traps of the orcs are powerful enough and the fuel has not expired!

Sure enough, the moment when King Rastakhan and Duke Fortagan met, the marshal of the second legion of Stormwind was directly flew out.

Turning over and getting up with difficulty, Duke Furtagan had no time to care about the lack of a long sword in his hand, but ordered the soldiers to activate the trap.

Right beside King Rastakhan, the flames burst out suddenly.

Seeing the king of trolls being swallowed by the raging flames, unlike the cheering soldiers, Duke Furtagan was not at ease.

I always feel that things are not that simple.

Especially the troll warriors and priests did not change at all, neither excited nor depressed.

The next moment, a golden figure walked out of the flame.

In the blazing flames, King Rastakhan was unscathed.

"Interesting idea, human." King Rastakhan held a spear and fixed his eyes on Duke Furtagan. "Unfortunately, the troll will not fail because of a sneak"

Seeing the troll king coming step by step in front of him, Duke Futagon was filled with despair. He clenched the long sword in both hands, stepped forward with his heart, and then took the initiative to attack.

With a sharp wind, the heavy sword slashed towards King Rastakhan.

The simplest swordsmanship in the military is also the most practical.

Duke Futagon is different from many nobles. He likes to fight and longs for glory. When other nobles wander around in the reception and dance party, Duke Futagon is practicing swordsmanship.

Even in the masters of the Stormwind Royal Knights, there are only a few who can compare to this Duke in swordsmanship.

Unfortunately, in the face of King Rastakhan, no matter how skillful swordsmanship is, it is pale and meaningless.

Duke Futagon simply chopped and slashed, and King Rastakhan's simple block was ushered in.

The spear blade cleverly touched the gap of the long sword, and then the well-made long sword broke at the sound.

The golden spear was cast unabated, and it slid directly across the shoulder of Duke Furtagan.

The armor shattered.

After the dark tide, the league's worst battle appeared.

The marshal of the Second Legion of Stormwind, Duke Bolvar Fortagan died under the golden spear of King Rastakhan.

The entire Stormwind Second Army was angry.

Fuel began to burn throughout the Hellfire Fortress, and the furious Second Army even detonated the Fel Bomb.


Although the troll warrior suffered heavy casualties, King Rastakhan still seemed too difficult to go down to the earth, and no one could stop him.


When Turalyon rushed to the Hellfire Citadel with the main force, he saw the tribal flag on the wall. For a moment, Turalyon almost fainted.

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