Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 625: Battle 1 under the wall

With this hammer, the victor did not expect that he would win, and the loser did not expect that he would fall here.

After being held down by the hammer of sanctions, Rastakhan was hit in the face with a hammer, and fell to the ground with a golden shot.

In all fairness, Rastakha is not without weakness.

As a former priest, Rastakhan's fighting skills can be said to be horrible compared to his physical fitness.

Although Rastakhan had also trained after using the Three Artifacts to reincarnate, he quickly gave up.

training? Why bother!

Rebirth gave him terrible energy, combined with the extremely sharp golden spear and the infinitely powerful body, among the trolls, Rastakhan is unmatched-since he is so powerful, then enjoy it. what!

Have you seen Goron who practice boxing every day?

Of course not!

Even though Rastakhan and Turalyon seem to be evenly matched, they both look simple and unpretentious. In fact, Turalyon is unpretentious and Rastakhan is so capable.

Goron is very powerful, but there is no doubt that Goron who knows warrior skills will be even better.

In the past, the battle between Rastakhan and Muradin was equivalent to Goron bullying the one-eyed monster, but when Rastakhan met Turalyon, the battle turned into a stronger Goron fighting a can Goron fighting skill.

So when Turalyon easily stunned Rastakha with the hammer of sanctions and smashed Rastakha's head directly with the spare warhammer, he didn't react for an instant.

I... won?

And this kind of guy who uses his head to pick up the hammer of sanctions?

Poor Rastakha, although he intends to die at Turalyon’s hands, he intends to change one for another, not to be hanged...

But these are not important anymore.

After the death of Rastakhan, all trolls seemed to have lost their souls.

Although in the eyes of the troll, all things have spirits and all spirits are present, but death is death after all.

After a moment of daze, Turalyon finally reacted.

After all, war is war.

Now there is a chance, we must seize it!

"Sergeants of Stormwind! The troll king is dead, now is the time to avenge the brothers of the Second Legion!"

Following Turalyon’s order, the Royal Stormwind Knights shouted all together, rushed under the walls of Hellfire Citadel, and then stopped awkwardly...

No siege equipment.

Turalyon took the Royal Knights of Stormwind all the way hurriedly, the main purpose is to rescue the Second Legion of Stormwind, but now that the Second Legion has been wiped out, this mission has been a failure in the strict sense.

Rastakhan's arrogance made him choose to run to death by himself. Although he was really successful, Turalyon had no choice but to face the towering walls of Hellfire Fortress.

The troll is panic, but the orcs are not panic!

After a tentative charge, seeing that the Horde had no intention of retreating, Turalyon could only lead the cavalry to retreat angrily, and then camp on the spot.


The sudden death of Rastakhan directly changed the situation of the war.

The trolls have no head, and now they can no longer make a unified voice—except for Rastakhan, most of the other trolls who are willing to use their brains are now in Terokkar Forest!

In desperation, the orcs can only choose to go up first.

Fortunately, the Hellfire Fortress is high and deep. Although there is no help from the trolls, if it is just for defense, the orcs can.

Then the next day, the main force of the alliance finally arrived.

After learning that Rastakhan was dead, after a short discussion, the Alliance decided to take the opportunity to attack the city!

Zul and the others don't know when they will come back. Whether it is Turalyon or Khadgar, they all know that the current trolls have almost lost their combat effectiveness.

As long as the orcs are taken down, this war can be over!

A large number of steam locomotives drove to the front line, and ladders and protective panels were erected under the transformation of the dwarf engineer.

Under the leadership of Commander Windsor, the Stormwind Third Army, relying on the cover of the steam locomotive, began an attack on the Hellfire Citadel.

Without the help of goblins, the engineering level of the orcs is not very good, and the level of anti-engineering is also not good. In the face of a large number of steam locomotives, the orcs can only use fuel to delay time.

The slimy fuel ignited a fiery flame, just like when the Second Stormwind Army fought the trolls, now the orcs can only rely on fuel to fight.

But unlike that time, the hope of the orcs' reinforcements is even slimmer...

Without the help of the troll, the long-range firepower of the orcs is simply miserable.

Throwing a spear for a while, the strength is not small, but the problem of accuracy is a bit big-now it is not that the two sides have set up a posture to charge face to face, it is the alliance relying on cover to climb the city! The orc's effort to stab the spear on the baffle is simply meaningless!

Well, in fact, the orcs still have troops for steam locomotives-wolf cavalry with a knife like a door can handle these steam locomotives very easily remove them to the state of parts.

But Turalyon and the Royal Knights of Stormwind were watching quietly. Now Grommash dared to charge with the wolf cavalry, Turalyon dared to take the heavy cavalry and destroy them!

Originally defending the city was the dominant side, but with the help of dwarf engineering, the dominant was the offensive Stormwind Second Army.

Windsor, wielding a warhammer, rushed forward, and even boarded the city wall as the orc line of defense was loose.

Although the brave Windsor smashed several orcs and almost planted the blue Stormwind banner on the head of the city, he still had to remove the wall after Grommash took the shot...

After a whole day of tug-of-war, the Alliance failed to reach the top of the city.

But even so, the life of the tribe—or the orcs is not easy.

A lot of attrition.

On the first day of the battle, neither the mage nor the shaman took action. It was just a battle between fighters, and the tribe did not have the upper hand!

In the command post, both Grommash and Saurfang looked very bad.

If this goes on, the tribe—or the orcs, will definitely suffer.

From tomorrow on, if the alliance’s wizards are also involved in the battle, I am afraid that if the orcs want to resist, they can only send Kor'kron?

However, Kor'kron's secret is the orc's last card!

That was a secret weapon that took a lot of effort and spent countless warriors' lives!


Unknowingly, I owe more than 20 chapters. This makes me want to cry...

But the author will not give up!

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