Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 626: The ultimate hope of the troll

When the orcs of the tribe were at a loss, the Prophet Zul was at a loss...

There is no way, a naru who talks endlessly is by your side, and you can't stand it either!

And this naru's language does not penetrate your eardrums, but directly appears in your heart, and it is useless to cover your ears.

The reason for all this is simply because when Napoleasta asked about Zul’s origins, Zul replied, "Seek Anzu’s power."

"What is good about the power of the shadow that Anzu holds, why don't you ask about the magical light?"

At the beginning, Zul ignored what Napolasta said.

Although he did not know the details of Naaru, Zul knew that this guy seemed to have a lot to do with the Holy Light, and he was dissatisfied that it was normal for him to pursue the shadows.

But a long time later, when Zul began to enter Anzu's tomb, Napolasta began to intensify.

"How can you desecrate Anzu's body?"-This is when Zul tried to open Anzu's coffin.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that Anzu has no remains..."-This is when Zul was surprised to find nothing inside.

"Your eyes are so good, I thought you couldn't find it."-This is when Zul found some black feathers.

"This is just the feathers that Anzu didn't clean up. It's normal." This is when Zul discovered that the feathers are ordinary Anzu feathers.



Zul felt that he was going crazy.

On the one hand, it was because the guy in front of him was endless, and on the other hand, because he clearly felt that Anzu's energy essence was nearby, and he couldn't find it anyway.

This feeling of being so close at hand, but nowhere to find it, was really painful.

Napolasta obviously had probably guessed Zul's abacus. There is no doubt that this creature that claims to be a troll is trying to find the essence of Anzu, and the purpose is estimated to be nothing but swallowing.

In this case, if you change to another Naru (such as Mulu), you may immediately start a bold rebuke, first carry out some ideological education, and then try to use love in the next step. It is really impossible to show that you have a holy The power of light, how about you coming to accept my power.

But Napoleasta didn't stop Zul except for the endless harp.

Fortunately, the Troll Prophet didn't know much about Naaru, otherwise he would definitely discover the peculiarities of this Naaru.

A Naaru who does not completely insist on "justice"-very interesting!


For a whole day, after clearing all the traps, the trolls spent a whole day looking for the essence of Anzu, but they found nothing.

Zul's thoughts have begun to open up infinitely. The trolls studied one by one, and then found that most of the objects were left by the arakkoa and used to decorate the funerary.

Of course, they also discovered some good things in the process, and many arakkoa items with Apexis crystal function opened the eyes of the trolls.

Constructs, crystal engines, and even laser cannons...

It is undeniable that the arakkoa used their wisdom to create an extremely glorious civilization!

Unfortunately, this is all in the past.

After experiencing civil strife and betrayal, the current arakkoa have completely stepped off the stage of history. Maybe there is the last Tibetan in Auchindoun who is lingering, but that is just lingering.

After gradually learning about the history of the arakkoa, Zul's belief in his trip became firmer. The trolls also have an ancient history, but now the trolls can no longer catch the pace of the times. In front of the legion, the troll's voodoo magic is extremely ridiculous.

The more you understand arcane magic, the more you feel the power of arcane magic. As the only caster among the trolls who can use arcane magic, Zul's desire for arcane power is beyond words.

After the search was ultimately fruitless, Zul finally chose to ask Napoleasta for help.

"Naru, do you know where the essence of Anzu is? Or where did he die in the end?"

"I don't know where his essence is." Napolasta finally calmed down, "I don't know where he will die-I only know that your plan will never succeed."

"Why?" Zul did not naively ask why Naaru knew his plan, but directly asked the key point, "Can't Anzu be resurrected?"

"Yes, Anzu will definitely be resurrected." Napoleasta is very firm, "but you now cannot make him resurrect-you do not conform to his rules."

"What do you mean?" Zul was obviously confused. "Am I not up to the requirements?"

"You can understand this." Napoleasta exudes a soft light, "You are not his descendant, not his creation, and you don't even have the same power as him. You can't resonate with him after all."


Zul was Regarding Anzu, Zul envisioned many situations, what if the guards of the tomb are too strong, what if the tomb is an underground labyrinth, what if there is self-destruction, but he never I have never thought that it can be like this. If you are not a fellow traveler, you will not see it!

Fortunately, someone around Zul has a way.

"Jardala! You know this thing best. Tell me, how do you force God Loa to appear?"

"It's a bit troublesome, but it's not difficult." The ice troll named Galdala grinned, "I need to perform a ritual, a ritual to attract spirits."

After Zul's approval, Jaldara began to draw up a voodoo circle with a lot of trolls, ready to force the spirits.

At the same time, Zul finally looked at Napola's Tower.

"Why are you helping me?"

"You ask me, I will answer you, nothing more."

"No, I don't believe it is that simple."

"Well, if you are willing to repay, can you help me find the essence of Rukhmar?"

"Rukhmar?" Zul squinted his eyes. "According to the arakkoa, Rukhmar's power belongs to the holy light-don't you want to devour it too?"

"No, of course not." Napoleasta swayed gently in the air. "I just want to know why she can manipulate the power of the Holy Light. In my cognition, this is totally unexplainable!"

"But you should have seen Rukhmar alive, why not figure it out at that time."

"Because Anzu is protecting Rukhmar, he doesn't even want me to contact Rukhmar, as if..."

"What does it seem?"

"As if afraid Rukhmar will fall in love with me..."

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