Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 632: The birth of the Demon Slayer

The Alliance’s ivory tower is the first creation of the high elves, and the tribe’s magic-immune magic slayer warriors are also influenced by the high elves.

In Stratholme, the lawbreakers under Kael'thas left a deep impression on Thrall.

Ignoring magic effects, powerful long-range attack power.

When the Horde found that it was unable to cultivate a large number of spellcasters within a period of time, and the alliance between spellcasters and knights became more and more proficient, Thrall urgently needed to find a way to deal with mages.

Thrall thought of the lawbreaker.

Quel'Thalas’ magic-breaker principle is to use more powerful Mathematical affinity to forcibly resolve magical attacks, and even control the opponent’s magic.

Orcs can't do this.

But the orcs have other strengths that are rough and thick.

Of course, the thick skin and thick flesh couldn't stand the bombardment of magic, Thrall's enlightenment came from the ogre.

That's right, ogre.

Remember those interesting two-headed ogres in Arathi Highlands?

Due to the drunk wind, the members of the tribe changed many of the stonemaul ogres that Rexxar originally controlled because they should be Dustwallow Marsh, but now Rexxar controls the stonefist ogres of Arathi Highlands.

One word is missing, but the result is too bad.

The leader of the Stonefist ogre is in control of the legacy of the Goliath Empire.

The ancient Goria Empire was a civilized empire established by ogres. At that time, ogres used the runestones of Draenor to leave rune tattoos on powerful warriors. This allowed those ogres to ignore a certain Kind of magic or elemental influence.

With this magical technique, the Goliath Empire is invincible and even able to bully the elements.

The orcs at that time were just slaves to the ogres.

Later, when the orcs were determined to overthrow the rule of the ogres, the Goliath ogres even created a rash of magic disasters, which caused heavy losses to the orc coalition.

Had it not been for the elements of anger at the last moment to listen to the orcs' prayers, and unite to destroy the Highhammer, I am afraid that Draenor would not have the orcs' rise to this day.

The destruction of Goliath Castle represents the destruction of the Goliath Empire and the loss of Goliath civilization, but there are still some ogres who have mastered the fragments of that prosperous civilization.

For example, the stone fist ogres, they still retain the skills to create magic free ogres.

Of course, single-line magic immunity.

As early as the end of the natural disaster war and the establishment of the new tribe, magic immunity techniques have been under study. Countless tribal veterans have actively participated in the experiment. Those orc warriors who have opposed and fought side by side with the alliance understand magic in their hearts. It's terrible, so in order for the tribe to have a way to deal with them, these veterans are willing to sacrifice.

Oh? You say this technology belongs to ogres?

Sorry, you are now a member of the tribe, this technology belongs to the tribe!

You should know that there is a big gap between the immunity of single-line magic and the pure magic immunity of spellbreakers, and the sketching of rune tattoos is even more delicate. Any little difference may have immeasurable consequences.

But what?

For the prosperity of the tribe, many orcs have participated in the experiment.

After paying countless lives as the price, the orcs finally found a way to achieve complete magic immunity.

Although the success rate of this newly researched tattoo drawing is not high, and various accidents can happen if you are not careful, but at the sacrifice of a large number of Kor'kron soldiers, the orcs still have so many demon-slayer soldiers.

That's right, the warrior who slaughtered the demon.

Under the protection of tattoos, these fighters can ignore most of the magic.

After a lot of training, the Demon Slayer can skillfully use throwing axes. Orcs' natural strength advantage allows them to cause huge damage to the mage within the attack range.

These slayer warriors were originally formed by recruiting personnel from the Kor'kron troops, and they were only responsible for Thrall. If Draenor had not fought, neither Gromash nor Saurfang would know that the Horde actually There is still such a hand.

Strict secrecy has paid off.

The demon-slaughtering soldier who suddenly shot gave the Alliance a fierce blow.

Don't look at the birth of these orcs so difficult, but if you really consider the cost of training, they are slightly higher than a qualified battle mage.

Because the Violet Avengers Wizards had no preparation before, the Demon Slayers had outstanding achievements.

The entire three-hundred wizard group was seriously injured.

Three hundred people don't seem to be many, but to become a member of the wizard group, none of them are mediocre!

Seeing the sudden changes on the battlefield, Khadgar was almost black.


No one thought that the Horde would quietly create such a troop.

To make matters worse, the emergence of this troop has even more demonstrated the attitude of the tribe. In this War of Draenor, the tribe intends to desperately!


To be honest, even if the dwarven archaeological team was almost completely wiped out, at the beginning of the war both sides actually had some restraint.

After all, everyone knows the terrible war. There are indeed contradictions and conflicts between the Alliance and the Horde, but after all, they will not die or die.

And under the leadership of Zuifeng, Oath drew a lot of rules. This is precisely the hope that the Alliance and the tribe can control the conflict within a certain range.

If the Alliance and the Horde really start a full-scale war, it won't take long for Azeroth to be a wasteland. At that time, whether it is the Ancient God or the Burning Legion, it will be easy to do things.

It is precisely this point that both the Alliance and the Horde tacitly restricted the battle to Draenor, and the two sides did not choose to attack each other's normal supplies.

The battle of Hellfire Citadel is not only the focus of the current conflict between the two sides, but also a tacit competition.

But war is not so well controlled. Once hatred grows, it will not stop growing.

Whether it is the destruction of the Second Legion of Stormwind or the death of Rastakhan, these have made the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde more serious and hatred.

Today, the Alliance has taken out its own ivory tower, and the Horde has revealed its own Demon Slayer Warrior, which also means that in Draenor, the Alliance and the Horde will no longer have any reservations.

From now on, everything will be done for nothing!

Realizing this, Turalyon glanced at the towering walls of Hellfire Citadel and chose to retreat first.

The alliance needs to change its combat thinking.

Similarly, after discovering the retreat of the Alliance, Thrall also walked down the wall, and then summoned all the commanders above the warlord.

Neither party will know what plan the other party has made, but it is foreseeable that once the night passes, the real battle will begin. rw

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