Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 633: Stuffed with long smoke and frightened feathers

After the Great Shattered Draenor, over the Hellfire Peninsula, day and night have gradually become confused.

At any time, as long as you stand on the Hellfire Peninsula and look up at the sky, you can always see the stars in the sky-it's only bright and dark.

But Taylor will not lose time because of this.

In Delano for so long, Taylor has become accustomed to the weirdness here.

The only thing I am not used to is my current self.

The former teammates went to the second of the four. The Duke of Bolvar Fortagan, who said to himself, "Child, take your teammates back to recuperate", was directly on the meteorite wall.

Reason tells Tyler that this is not his fault. The death of Duke Futagan was done by that **** troll, and Grand Marshal Turalyon had already avenged Duke Futagan.

But besides reason, people also have feelings.

Taylor still couldn't help but blame himself.

If he can keep that orc that day.

If the orcs react and support a few days later.

Maybe Duke Furtagan will not die...

The pain in his heart suffered from Taylor for a long time. Taylor left his teammates for the first time and took a separate action. Due to Nazgrim’s attack, poor Seven and Jeno are still wounded. Taylor was originally the team leader. Should be with them.

But Taylor voluntarily applied to participate in the attack on Hellfire Citadel.

Tyler didn't know if he was guilty, but he knew he was eager to fight—not for anything else, at least that would make him more comfortable.

Although repeatedly rejected, Taylor's application was finally approved before the decisive battle. He was temporarily transferred to Windsor as a vanguard and commando, responsible for the first wave of charges against Hellfire Citadel.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally dawn.

With a short sword, Taylor was in the commando, looking at Windsor, who was also shirtless and holding a sword in front.

"Boys of the alliance, I don't have too much nonsense-a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, just fighting!"

After speaking, Wen De Sole took the lead to jump on a steam locomotive.

The shirtless commandos all followed the order, either holding short swords or carrying ivory towers, to the steam locomotive responsible for siege protection.

No one speaks.

In other words, there is no need to speak.

For the soldiers of the Alliance, do they need a reason to kill the green skins of the tribe?

What's more, in Draenor, the blood of the Dwarven Archaeological Team and the Second Legion has not dissipated yet!


On the wall, the tribe also made the final preparations.

The Blackrock Orc in heavy armor stood on the edge of the city wall, holding a warhammer in his hand and a shield.

Thrall stood behind with strong fighting spirit, squinting his eyes slightly, watching the situation on the battlefield.

With the help of the vision technique, Thrall got a panoramic view of the alliance's movements, saw a large number of ivory towers and the shirtless commando, Thrall frowned.

The forced cast yesterday seemed to anger the Earth Spirit-or the Earth Spirit of Draenor had become crazy day by day, Thrall felt more and more powerless.

Today, when facing the Alliance’s ivory tower, the tribe can rely on these heavy black stone infantry.

The tribe almost sold iron, and obtained enough Blackstone ore from Nerus' hands. Then, under the continuous work of the blacksmiths day and night, they finally equipped a real Blackstone heavy infantry!

Blackrock ore was originally transformed into Magron's body, and it was incomparable with the orcs. This was the strongest defense the Horde could offer.

There was no way, there was not much fuel left, and the city's defense equipment was overwhelmed for a long time in disrepair, and now the tribe in Draenor was on the verge of collapse.

The only thing that reassure Thrall is that after restoring the shamanism, the orcs' fighting will is quite good.

The result of the battle is unknowable. All Thrall can do is to maximize the advantages of the orcs, compress the space of the alliance's impact, and don't let the ivory tower stand on the wall.

As for those trolls...

Thrall shook his head.

Today, Thrall has probably guessed Zul’s idea, the ancient trolls need to change, must change!

The death of King Rastakhan directly caused the troll to collapse, and it still looks messed up.

Forest trolls, jungle trolls, frost trolls, desert trolls, and Zandalari trolls look down on no one, and no one accepts anyone—seeing that the alliance is closed, there is no unified troll here. sound.

Rastakhan is here, the troll is his word, anyone who refuses to accept it will come to fight; but now Rastakha is dead, the trolls refuse to accept each other, and can't start fighting at this time, and the result is that the troll is abandoned.

In this expedition to Draenor, the number of trolls sent by the orcs was much more than that of the orcs, but these things are simply useless!

In these trolls, Thrall almost saw the shadow of the old tribe.

Brutal and terrifying.

Although the orcs are also divided into clans, they accept the guidance of the elements under normal conditions and agree with shamanism.

But the troll...all the spirits are with you, countless Loa beliefs make the bottom trolls have no, and the top troll tribes are fighting in the name of Loa belief.

Thrall understood why the troll has such a long history, but now it is so miserable...

So the more you understand these stupid trolls, the more Thrall supports Zul's choice.

Thrall has never been an orc racist. He truly believes that only the orcs and trolls can unite to fight against an increasingly powerful alliance.

Just as he was thinking about it, Vision Shu Rysar saw the smoke from the steam locomotive.

The alliance's offense has finally begun.

Don't let too many steam locomotives close!

Taking a deep breath, Thrall called for the help of the Earth Spirit again.

No response-Thrall only felt dizzy after praying.

Shaking his head, Thrall turned to pray for help from the Spirit of the Storm.

A gust of wind occurred out of thin air, blowing from the wall of Hellfire Citadel towards the Alliance position.

Needless to say from Saldo, King Saurfang started to command immediately.

The last few cans of fuel were thrown out by the last few catapults, and along with the howling gusts of wind, poured over the heads of the Alliance Commandos.

The heavy steam locomotive cannot be avoided and can only support the guard plate.

Arrow was blocked by the guard plate, but several hapless steam locomotives were also flooded with fuel.

The next moment, the Flame Spirit showed its power.

The steam locomotives that had been poured with fuel were caught in a fire.

However, more steam locomotives are still moving forward.

Without trenches, these steel creations reached the city and set up the climbing frame.

Half-length shirtless, alliance commandos with short blades swarmed.

The most tragic battle began.

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